Sad...some one fell and you glory in it.
As with your use of the word "lost" there - it depends on what you mean by it, in your use there - who knows what LA may or may not have meant by the word "bashing."
Nevertheless, LA was banned, that was supposed to have ended this matter.
Why is it then, that that is not the end of that?
Why the need to not only glory in some hollow victory; but to continue to?
Why is it that pointing this out will not result in what it is meant to - in repentence not to be repented of?
But I could not speak unto you as unto spiritual.
Mads - of all people.
Who should know better.
Who should walk the grace they talk.
For shame, bro...
Yeah Danoh, LA might have meant it as a compliment? Do ya think that might have been the case?
That sounds like when Bill Clinton said: "It depends what the word is, is?"