ECT MAD 6: Kingdom gospel vs Gospel of grace

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I already did explain. People without calcuators or range finders correctly told the distance from the earth to the moon, as well as the circumference. Now, idiots think it is ok and normal for a grown man to sodomize a child. I know that is evil, but it is also stupid to think it is ok. People are dumber now. Shaggy thinks muslims are not a threat. People think the "evidence" for man made global warming should be taken serious, even with the climate-gate email hack showing it to be a hoax.

Wick Stick

Well-known member
Anything they can do, we can do better... :drum:

I already did explain. People without calculators or range finders correctly told the distance from the earth to the moon, as well as the circumference.
And today, we correctly can tell the distance to the stars and the age of starlight.

Now, idiots think it is ok and normal for a grown man to sodomize a child. I know that is evil, but it is also stupid to think it is ok. People are dumber now.
In antiquity, the smart people thought so! Plato thought it was beneficial to have a "boy lover." If we're down to just the idiots thinking that, we've made progress.

Shaggy thinks muslims are not a threat.
The priests of Baal thought that self-castration was a good way to get the attention of their 'god.'

People think the "evidence" for man made global warming should be taken serious, even with the climate-gate email hack showing it to be a hoax.
The Babylonians believed that they could predict the changing of political regimes by studying the clouds.

People aren't getting dumber. Collectively, we've always been this stupid! The occasional person (singular) may be smart, but people in general... Tommy Lee Jones had it right...
