Lying is no big deal... ask Brian Williams

The Horn

Look who's talking ! Fox (faux) News is non-stop lying . It's not news , it's nothing but right-wing propaganda .
When it comes to lying, GOP politicians and right-wing political pundits such as Rush Lamebrain, Michael Savage(sewage) , Ann Colter (Anthrax Dolter ) , Sean Vanity , Michelle Malkin and their ilk
make Democrat politicians and liberal commentators look like rank amateurs !
All the lies about the non-existent sales of body parts from aborted fetuses by Planned Parenthood, and their alleged profits from this despite it being a non-profit organization , Hillary Clinton's su[posed responsibility for the Benghazi tragedy despite the fact that Republican party cuts in funding for security at US embassies were to blame,
and so much more .
And don't get me started about all the vicious lies about Obama supposedly being born in Kenya even though he was born in Hawaii, supposedly being a Muslim, socialist,Marxist and communist ,
being a "baby killer " despite the fact that Obamacare has PREVENTED an enormous number of abortions , supposedly voting to allow infants who survive botched abortions to be allowed to die, and being a "gun grabber " despite the fact that his administration has yet to confiscate a single gun from anyone . The non-existent death panels and Fema camps etc.
Remember the worst liars in US history ? G.W. Bush and Dick Cheney , who lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and invaded a country which was NOT a threat to America and nearly bombing it off the face of the earth ,killing over a million innocent Iraqis . The needless deaths of 4,500 US troops, severe wounds and disablement of thousands of others , and nearly bankrupting the country and destroying the economy . Cheney's corporation
Halliburton made nearly 40 billion n profits from one of the worst catastrophes in world history .
They destabilized the entire middle east and caused the rise of ISIS . Why aren't these two monsters in jail for life ? Yet conservatives are calling for the heads of the innocent Obama and Hillary Clinton !!!
Sheesh almighty !

The Horn

Knight , attacking Iraq was a disaster . This country was NOT a threat to America . Saddam Hussein was a brutal tyrant, but at least
he kept the warring factions in check and the country was stable . But the illegal invasion of Iraq destabilized the whole middle east and
wrecked the homes and lives of millions of innocent Iraqis , left over a million of them dead , and led to the rise of ISIS .
Saddam Hussein had NOTHING to do with 9/11 . He HATED Osama Bin Laden . 4,500 US troops died for no reason .
The Iraq war wasted trillions of dollars which were desperately needed for domestic needs in America, and wrecked our economy .
And when he took over, the right idiotically blamed Obama for the ungodly mess he inherited . Unbelievable !


Brian Williams Will Return to MSNBC Primetime for Iowa Caucuses
Prov. 13:5


New member
Knight , attacking Iraq was a disaster . This country was NOT a threat to America . Saddam Hussein was a brutal tyrant, but at least
he kept the warring factions in check and the country was stable . But the illegal invasion of Iraq destabilized the whole middle east and
wrecked the homes and lives of millions of innocent Iraqis , left over a million of them dead , and led to the rise of ISIS .
Saddam Hussein had NOTHING to do with 9/11 . He HATED Osama Bin Laden . 4,500 US troops died for no reason .
The Iraq war wasted trillions of dollars which were desperately needed for domestic needs in America, and wrecked our economy .
And when he took over, the right idiotically blamed Obama for the ungodly mess he inherited . Unbelievable !

I see Captain Hind Sight has appeared in the thread.