ECT Lucifer and Adam

Cross Reference

New member
The answer is "blood" Lucifer didn't have any.

Because of the fact/reality of "Redemption", Adam's transgression which separated man from God, was canceled out. By the shed blood of Jesus Christ was it accomplished. Lucifer could not enjoy such forgiveness/restoration because he could not be redeemed that he might "ask" for it. Blood was the commonality God factored into the creation of humankind whereby man might be saved, salvation being an act of his will. Man must "ask" for it. "So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, it will be opened."
Luke 11:9-10 (NASB) cf Rom 10:10.

Redemption being a fact, never requires faith to believe it.

Cross Reference

New member
Because of the fact/reality of "Redemption", Adam's transgression which separated man from God, was canceled out. By the shed blood of Jesus Christ was it accomplished. Lucifer could not enjoy such forgiveness/restoration because he could not be redeemed that he might "ask" for it.

Blood was the commonality God factored into the creation of humankind whereby man might be saved, salvation being an act of his will. Man must "ask" for it. "So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, it will be opened."
Luke 11:9-10 (NASB) cf Rom 10:10.

Redemption being a fact, never requires faith to believe it. Facts are meant to be accepted. Accepted facts are what man builds his life upon.

Think Blood transfusion.


Well-known member
What were the similarities between Lucifer and Adam that sin would be an issue to which both would succumb but only one could redemption by possible? What did they both possess? What was the incorporated provision?

Pre-Conception Existence Christian Theology suggests that
- all spirits created in the image of GOD were ingenuously innocent and had the ability to make free will decisions and to re-create their eternal natures as perfectly holy or evil.

- Some used their free will to accept YHWH's claims to be their GOD and HIS Son as the saviour from any future sin and some others rejected YHWH as a false god and a liar because there could be no hell or need for salvation, putting themselves outside of HIS grace for eternity.

- GOD gave those who accepted HIS deity the free gift of election to the heavenly experience of marriage to HIS Son. He left the reprobate to their end.

- When some of the elect heard the call to come out from among their reprobate friends so they could be judged, they rebelled against this plan of GOD's and they too became sinful, Because of HIS promise of election to these sinners the judgement had to be postponed until these sinful but good (meaning elect since no sinner is morally good in HIS eyes) seed could be made holy...and then the judgement would commence.

To bring the sinful elect to this faith in HIS judgement, HE sends all sinners, both demonic and sinful elect, to live together on a prison planet called Earth where they live together as humans until the good seed learns to accept (have their eyes opened to) the eternal evil nature of the non-elect and become willing to enter in their judgement beside their GOD.

Therefore the similarities between Lucifer and Adam are that they are both sinners. The difference is that as an elect, Adam's sin is temporary since as under the promise of election he can be brought back to his first free will decision to follow GOD while Lucifer has eternally put himself outside of GOD's grace by his free will decision to reject HIS promise of election and salvation in HIS Son and is fit only to be banished to the outer darkness outside of created reality so his leaven (sin) cannot leaven (corrupt) the whole lump of created reality.

It is like the verse says: John 3:18 Whoever believes in him [has put their faith in HIM already] is not condemned, but whoever does not believe [having rejected HIM and HIS promises] stands condemned already because they have not believed [put their faith] in the name of God's one and only Son.