Love of Recently Married People.

patrick jane

Now, your post has not made sense to me. "They who?"
Blasphemers go to hell, you're a blasphemer. You really aren't too bright are ya? Maybe God will forgive your blind jewish wrongly placed faith and your attacks on Jesus Christ. You love your jewish heritage more than God, it's blatant and sad.

Ben Masada

New member
Blasphemers go to hell, you're a blasphemer. You really aren't too bright are ya? Maybe God will forgive your blind jewish wrongly placed faith and your attacks on Jesus Christ. You love your jewish heritage more than God, it's blatant and sad.

Blasphemers or not, we are all heading into hell; I promise you. Perhaps you do not understand what I mean by hell. That's the grave my friend and, the opposite, you cannot prove.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
No, Tambora. To stink like a fish is a reference to a midrash that goes thus: "Guests and fish stink after three days." In Hebrew sounds funnier: "Orechim vedagim masrichim aharey shelosha imaminm." Jesus was visiting John the Baptist and, when he got the news that Lazarus had died and that Jesus was desperately needed, instead of rushing himself he remained another two days with John but, before three days were over aka before he started stinking like a fish he went back to Bethany. Funny or just cute?
Oh, I get it now.
Thought you just mixed the names since it was Laz that was dead.

Bradley D

Well-known member
Read Romans 7:1-25. If you are intelligent enough, you will find out.

This deals with the battle between the flesh and the spirit. It does not reveal Paul as a gay person as you claim. It refers to all of us in our tribulations between worldly wants/sins and what God wants for us. It can also refer to the Ninth Commandment concerning false judgment against others.

Ben Masada

New member
This deals with the battle between the flesh and the spirit. It does not reveal Paul as a gay person as you claim. It refers to all of us in our tribulations between worldly wants/sins and what God wants for us. It can also refer to the Ninth Commandment concerning false judgment against others.

So, since Paul could not get rid of his repressed sinful feelings, he created for himself a solution. He would keep the Law whereas in his mind only while serving sin in his flesh. That's in Romans 7:25 but, to understand it you must give a break to your Christian preconceived notions.

Ben Masada

New member
Blasphemers go to hell, you're a blasphemer. You really aren't too bright are ya? Maybe God will forgive your blind jewish wrongly placed faith and your attacks on Jesus Christ. You love your jewish heritage more than God, it's blatant and sad.

You wish you could love God as I do.

Ben Masada

New member
They call this an assumption - false in this case. Jesus Christ loved lots of people, but that doesn't mean that He wasn't married to them. God's Word does NOT say that Jesus Christ was ever married - and He wasn't. The Bride of Christ is the Church which is the Body of Christ.

You won't be invited to the marriage supper because you have rejected Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. However, it's not too late for you. If you die in your sins without Christ, it will be too late.

Revelation 19:9 KJV And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.

So, Jesus loved lots of people didn't he? If that's true, why would he forbid his disciples to take the gospel of salvation unto the Gentiles? Every time Jesus sent his disciples into a mission to spread the gospel of salvation, he would warn them not to take the way of the Gentiles. (Matthew 10:5,6) Why! Didn't he know from Isaiah 42:6 that the Jews had been assigned as light unto the Gentiles? I don't believe this was true of Jesus but I still wonder why the author committed such a blunder.


So, Jesus loved lots of people didn't he? If that's true, why would he forbid his disciples to take the gospel of salvation unto the Gentiles? Every time Jesus sent his disciples into a mission to spread the gospel of salvation, he would warn them not to take the way of the Gentiles. (Matthew 10:5,6) Why! Didn't he know from Isaiah 42:6 that the Jews had been assigned as light unto the Gentiles? I don't believe this was true of Jesus but I still wonder why the author committed such a blunder.

Yeshua had to make a legitimate offer of the Kingdom of Heaven to the Jews. That Kingdom is not promised to the Gentiles and is part of the Jewish Covenants. The gospel of the Kingdom and the gospel of salvation are not the same things.

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Well-known member
Love of Recently Married People.

One day, Jesus was paying a visit to his most dearly-more-than-a-cousin, John the Immerser, over the other side of the Jordan. Perhaps, it had been a long time since they hadn't seen each other. (John 10:40)

Soon enough, while he was enjoying the company of his dearly host, a messenger from Bethany had arrived with the message that Lazarus was so sick that he was approaching his last hour. Jesus waved the urgency, discarded the messenger, and stayed for another two days.

Before Jesus started stinking like a fish, he gathered his disciples and headed towards Bethany. There is a saying in Hebrew that, "Orechim vedagim masrihim after shelosha yamim." In English won't sound so funny but it goes thus, "Guests and fish start stinking after three days."

So, at the sight of Bethany, but still a few yards away, Martha, in tears, was running to meet Jesus, as she informed him that Lazarus had been buried already for four days. Somehow, Jesus waved her excitement away as if he had not listened to her, and asked, "Where is Mary?"

Martha got the message and ran back to the house to inform Mary that Jesus had arrived and was asking for her. This, promptly arose, and still in tears, went to meet him. As Jesus realized that Mary was crying, a strong disturbance occurred in the deepest of his emotions, and he also joined her in her predicament with likewise a tearful face.

Conclusion: a) At the news that Lazarus was at his final hour, Jesus discarded the messenger and the message for at least another two days. b) At meeting a crying Martha with the message that Lazarus was already buried, he asked for Mary. c) Mary didn't even have to speak, but the sight of a tearful face in his beloved was enough to extract from the deepest of his heart such a disturbed emotion that caused Jesus to melt all down in tears. That could not be anything else but love of the kind of recently married people. That's an extra evidence that they were married to each other. (John 11:1-38)

It's simply evidence that some people are busy blaming God no matter what. Always living in "if only you..." Jesus answers all the pertinent questions here, like 'if you believe you will see the glory of God' it the resurrection, or 'I am the resurrection.' Meaning, we don't have to wait for OURS or LAZARUS to taste and make use of his resurrection power. So he had certain things he wanted to cover and did, and no, God is not subject to our timetable. Death is seldom timely.

It is also evidence that Jesus wept as fully as any human, yet was not angry at himself, because the line is broken between God and the original creation and this mess called death. There is no direct link.

Ben Masada

New member
Easy. Yeshua had to make a legitimate offer of the Kingdom of Heaven to the Jews. That Kingdom is not promised to the Gentiles and is part of the Jewish Covenants. The gospel of the Kingdom and the gospel of salvation are not the same things.

Please, read Exodus 19:5,6 and tell me the difference between the Kingdom of God and the gospel of salvation if salvation is to be enjoyed in the Kingdom of God?

Ben Masada

New member
It's simply evidence that some people are busy blaming God no matter what. Always living in "if only you..." Jesus answers all the pertinent questions here, like 'if you believe you will see the glory of God' it the resurrection, or 'I am the resurrection.' Meaning, we don't have to wait for OURS or LAZARUS to taste and make use of his resurrection power. So he had certain things he wanted to cover and did, and no, God is not subject to our timetable. Death is seldom timely. It is also evidence that Jesus wept as fully as any human, yet was not angry at himself, because the line is broken between God and the original creation and this mess called death. There is no direct link.

The main theme of this post above is to enhance how romantic was the love of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Nothing at all to do with blaming God for any thing whatsoever. Besides, God has nothing to do with the Christian doctrine of resurrection. It was not God but Paul who fabricated the idea that Jesus had resurrected if you read II Timothy 2:8. Paul himself declared to his disciple Timothy that Jesus resurrected according to his - Paul's - gospel. It means that there was another gospel being preached at the time in whose agenda the claim that Jesus had resurrected was not part of. BTW, if you read II Samuel 12:23; Isaiah 26:14; Job 7:9; etc, there is no bodily resurrection. Once dead, no one will ever return from the grave.


Please, read Exodus 19:5,6 and tell me the difference between the Kingdom of God and the gospel of salvation if salvation is to be enjoyed in the Kingdom of God?

Sure, that passage doesn't apply to me a gentile. Now let me search it up bro.

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Sure, that passage doesn't apply to me a gentile. Now let me search it up bro.

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Ok I'm back.

That promise was "conditional" upon the Jews keeping Torah in its totality. Something you nor your brethren have been able to do. Therefore until you keep the Mosaic Covenant made
by G-d you are not saved and you have not entered into the kingdom spoken of by Moses in that passage.

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