This is what I told my wife the very first show in Season 1, that they are all dead and in hell.
They're not dead, not in hell.
Consider Jacob's saying, "Think of this wine as
what you keep calling hell. There are many other names for it: Malevolence, evil, darkness..." That seems a fairly clear pointer? I also think his saying that to Richard directly addresses a lot of the religious aspects of/ theories regarding the show.
I don't think it's hell. I think it's some weird purgatory narrative in which each character is tested one last time before their judgement or something like that.
Not purgatory (which would mean they're dead) either. Being tested, yes, I agree. I don't think it's necessarily "one last time." Although I think we have seen that "last time' judgement made by Smokey (for example, with Mr. Eko).
I agree, definitely a good episode. For once, I felt like some of my predictions were proven correct (for now, ha).
What were (are) they?
I could be wrong here, but was this the first episode where the characters actually called the man in black the name "Man in Black"?
Yeah, it was the first time (but it was Richard's wife that had said it, through Hurley). There's got to be a reason we don't know MIB's name yet. Which leads me to think there's a good chance it's a name we know. Or then again, good chance it's just to keep us flailing around guessing in the dark.
Guys... did you watch the same episode I did??
They are NOT in hell, and they are NOT dead.
I watched the same episode.
Not and not. I agree completely. Seemed crystal clear to me.
The island isn't hell, Jacob clearly stated that point. The island is a "cork" or a blocked doorway that leads from hell to our reality.
But even if the island were hell.... and the producers were asked... "is the island hell?" What did you expect them to say? Did you expect them to giveaway the ending of the show just because some moron reporter asked them the question?? :think:
They've outright lied in the past... For example, um, said that there was no time travel.

But no, I definitely don't believe it's hell.
Yeah... and the show is still not making it crystal clear as to who is good and who is bad although they certainly want us to think that the MIB is bad and Jacob is good. My guess is most people are still not convinced.
It's still also possible that Jacob and the MIB are essentially the same being (one side dark and one side light). And each side works to manipulate our Losties into doing what they want them to do without removing their freewill which seems to be a somewhat important aspect of "the rules".
They definitely both manipulate. It sure looked to me that Richard got conned by Jacob into "asking" to live forever.
I think that Jacob/MIB are either brothers or were children together. I think that the "you can't kill him" kid who unLocke saw was Jacob, and that there's another similar kid that was MIB. I think maybe they were "special" (like Walt), and in addition to their "specialness," through the course of the (thousands of?) years became able to control/use the island's powers to a certain extent.
Maybe Jacob took MIB's persona. Similar to MIB taking Locke. I mean, If (real) Locke had a voice, wouldn't he say pretty much the same thing about MIB as MIB is saying about Jacob? "He took my body, my humanity."
It'd make sense applied to Locke saying to Jack at the airport, "They didn't lose your father, they just lost his body."
Similarly, MIB's still there, even though his body's gone. It must be
somewhere? He said Jacob took it. Where'd it go?
But I don't know, maybe they somehow did split from the same person.
Also, I figure this Richard episode is when Jacob's "candidate" thing started. Richard was the first time MIB used someone to try to kill Jacob, and Jacob clearly realized that he'd need a replacement for himself for when MIB eventually succeeded. So he started his
NBA draft candidate system.
I heard that the producers clarified that the storm came up (yes, very suddenly) after that scene on the beach. Storms have appeared extremely suddenly in the past, and the producers have also stated that storms are an important symbol on the island, alluding to the idea that the storm likely wasn't natural.
And the time off the island is offset from time on the island. Remember freighter doctor Ray washing up dead on the island shore well before he was actually killed on the freighter and thrown overboard?
I will say though, that the ship sure seemed pretty close to shore (as opposed to the freighter, which couldn't be seen from the island), and while in the storm the crew were obviously seeing the statue for the first time. Seemed pushing it. Pushing it at least as much as a wooden boat crashing head-on into a stone statue and the boat coming out on top seems pushing it.

But okay, okay, whatever, I'll buy it.
Looking forward to the Sun/Jin episode. As I'd said, I have a feeling they're not husband & wife in the sideways LA world.