ECT "Lordship 'Salvation'"-perverting the gospel of Christ

God's Truth

New member
Notice that God never repromanded Abraham and blessed Ishmael.

It is interesting to read in the scriptures that whenever God gave a promise, beginning with Adam, a problem always followed that would test the faithfulness/allegiance of the one to whom the promise was made.

You mean to the OBEDIENCE of the one to whom the promise was made.


New member
Lifeisgood says he/she does NOT OBEY ANYTHING.

Correct. Could you please provide the context of that truth?
No, you won't because if you do, then you will see the truth and stop your foolishness that YOU obeyed and then God saved you.

Jesus says he gives understanding to those who obey.

Which you have already declared that you have NOT obeyed EVERY thing He said and then boast that you 'I, gt, OBEY EVERY thing Jesus said. Oh, wait, no, I gt, do NOT obey that one, no, not that one, but I, gt, OBEY every thing Jesus said.'

Therefore, Jesus has not given you understanding because you are a DISobedient servant.

Want scripture numbers?

As long as YOU given them in THEIR CONTEXT.

BTW, your tantrum, gt, is showing.

God's Truth

New member
You have filled your thinking with so much fog, you cannot see the tree for the forest.

Had it NOT BEEN for God's promise being fulfilled depending on God alone plus absolutely nothing else added to it, you and I would not be talking about Abraham being the father of justification by faith alone, by faith alone, apart from any works, for when Abraham worked all he could produce was Ishmael for which WORK we are still feeling all the consequences of it and when Abraham STOPPED WORKING, then God produced the promise which was Isaac.

I believe the scriptures and NOT YOU.

Abraham is our father because he obeyed.

Genesis 26:4-5 I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and will give them all these lands, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because Abraham obeyed me and kept my requirements, my commands, my decrees and my laws."

God's Truth

New member
Correct. Could you please provide the context of that truth?
No, you won't because if you do, then you will see the truth and stop your foolishness that YOU obeyed and then God saved you.

Which you have already declared that you have NOT obeyed EVERY thing He said and then boast that you 'I, gt, OBEY EVERY thing Jesus said. Oh, wait, no, I gt, do NOT obey that one, no, not that one, but I, gt, OBEY every thing Jesus said.'

Therefore, Jesus has not given you understanding because you are a DISobedient servant.

As long as YOU given them in THEIR CONTEXT.

BTW, your tantrum, gt, is showing.

You said you obeyed nothing that Jesus says.


New member
Notice that God never repromanded Abraham and blessed Ishmael.

I am sorry if I missed this part.

Yes, God did not reprimand Abraham because it was God's promise and it did not depend on Abraham's obedience but on God's words. God had to make His words come to pass. If not Abraham, God would have chosen another Abraham, but that God's word was going to come to pass, that it would and it did because God's word is sure and certain.


New member
I believe the scriptures and NOT YOU.

Abraham is our father because he obeyed.

Genesis 26:4-5 I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and will give them all these lands, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because Abraham obeyed me and kept my requirements, my commands, my decrees and my laws."

Abraham is our father because he BELIEVED God.


New member
You said you obeyed nothing that Jesus says.

Is that your context?

See, this is what you did to AMR.
I, gt, said so, therefore, you AMR have to accept what I say and never mind the context of what you said.
The only thing that matter is what I, gt, say that the Bible say which does not go in agreement with what you, AMR, are saying; therefore what I, gt, understand is what is being said and that is gt's truth. You see AMR, I, gt, say, 'I, gt, OBEYED then God saved me.'

God's Truth

New member
Learn how to debate without giving your personal opinion of your opponent; and, stop pretending the gang mentality is legitimate.

I care very little what you think of me, and that you think bringing someone else in on your false accusations mean you are right.

God's Truth

New member
A gang of people had Jesus killed, and persecuted the apostles.

Lifeisgood must be a Calvinist that is why she/he grabbed onto AMR instead of God's Word.


New member
Abraham is our father because HE BELIEVED AND OBEYED.

No, Abraham is our father because he BELIEVED God and it (Abraham's belief) was accounted to Abraham by God Himself.

God even TESTED Abraham's faith by WHAT HE DID.

Because Abraham OBEDIENCE produced Ishmael.

All you know is what your false teachers said.

How sad for you that you miss so much meat from God's Truth.

Read what the written Word of God says.

I would suggest that instead of thinking that this here is a sprint instead of a marathon, you would slow down and do the same that you demand others do and go and 'study' NOT read; study so you can show yourself approved unto God. (2 Timothy 2:15).

'Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.'

Cross Reference

New member
I am sorry if I missed this part.

Yes, God did not reprimand Abraham because it was God's promise and it did not depend on Abraham's obedience but on God's words. God had to make His words come to pass. If not Abraham, God would have chosen another Abraham, but that God's word was going to come to pass, that it would and it did because God's word is sure and certain.
And it came through the seed of Abraham, right?

OMT: Abraham was NOT disobedient. There was no command given him. . . just a promise left for interpretation.


New member
Learn how to debate without giving your personal opinion of your opponent; and, stop pretending the gang mentality is legitimate.

I care very little what you think of me, and that you think bringing someone else in on your false accusations mean you are right.

This does not even merit an answer.


New member
And it came through the seed of Abraham, right?

Isaac. God's promise.

OMT: Abraham was NOT disobedient.

Abraham was disobedient he produced Ishmael.
Remember --- Sara is not my wife just my sister --- had not God in His mercy and grace intervened...........Satan would have been dancing until now. Praise God that His mercy and grace intervened.

There was no command given him. . . just a promise left for interpretation.

God was explicit when it came to the promise God gave to Abraham. No question about it it was explicit and, yes, Abraham was disobedient producing Ishmael.
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New member
He is the one who keeps boasting about thinking he is the winner.

Well, in your debate with AMR, he did win and you lost.

Do you really think I care...

I know you do not care for you say you are God's Truth.

that you agree with a false judge?

You have created for yourself a spirit of persecution.

You should rebuke such a spirit in Jesus' name because of His precious blood shed on the Cross of Calvary so His Holy Spirit can remove you from such a horrible spirit.

He loves you, not because you OBEY but because you BELIEVE.

Everything you need is already provided.
He provided in Christ everything you need and you can find that provision only at the feet of the Cross of Calvary daily.

God's Truth

New member
No, Abraham is our father because he BELIEVED God and it (Abraham's belief) was accounted to Abraham by God Himself.

Because Abraham OBEDIENCE produced Ishmael.

How sad for you that you miss so much meat from God's Truth.

I would suggest that instead of thinking that this here is a sprint instead of a marathon, you would slow down and do the same that you demand others do and go and 'study' NOT read; study so you can show yourself approved unto God. (2 Timothy 2:15).

'Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.'

Abraham is our father BECAUSE HE OBEYED.

Genesis 26:4-5 I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and will give them all these lands, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because Abraham obeyed me and kept my requirements, my commands, my decrees and my laws."