ECT "Lordship 'Salvation'"-perverting the gospel of Christ


New member
Paul did not struggle with sin after Jesus saved him the way he did before Jesus saved him.

Paul in no way remained doing the sins that earned him the self-given title of Worst of Sinners. He said that about himself because BEFORE Jesus saved him, he was a violent man; he gave approval of Stephens’s death, guarded over the clothes that belonged to the men who killed Stephen. Saul put many of the saints in prison, and when they were put to death, he cast his vote against them. Saul began to destroy the church. Going from house to house, he dragged off men and women and put them in prison. Acts 22:20, Acts 26:10, Acts 8:3.

Romans 7:24-25 - And no, Paul did not continue killing members of the Way, but he continued to struggle with sin.

Paul did struggle with sin after the Lord saved him until the Lord gave to him the meaning of the Cross of Calvary. Then, and only then, did Paul stop struggling with sin.

Yeah, I understand that it will go over your head, it goes over most Christians head also.

That is why Paul said he was the worst of sinners. Not because he kept sinning after he was saved! Pastors in many if not all denominations teach that falseness, that Paul, after Jesus saved him, struggled with sin so much and was the worst of sinners.

Romans 7:15-20 - Written as a believer.


Question for you gt, How much OBEYING did Paul obey while going to Damascus to ravage the church there before the Lord knocked him off his horse and saved him?


New member
I say what Jesus says about he saves those who obey.

See John 14:23, and Acts 5:32 among MANY other scriptures.

You cannot put even one scripture aside; so says Jesus Christ.

You pick and choose what to OBEY that Jesus said and then turn around and tell others that you OBEY ALL that Jesus said.


New member
Show that from the scriptures. There is no scripture anywhere that says that.

Only because you are the one who have opened your own eyes and are blinded.

Permit the Lord Jesus Christ and His finished work on the Cross of Calvary to save you and receive His freely given rest and you will see.


New member
You have no idea what that means. Let me help you. That scripture means ALL ARE SINNERS, and to get saved, one MUST admit to being a sinner.


Yeah, I know only you understand what the Bible says.


New member
You all know that I don't like gt myself, but her opponents are even worse because you seem to oppose to obey Jesus' teachings and commands.

that's the bottom line of your animosity against gt.

Another one without any Bible understanding.

NO ONE, meshak, has animosity against gt, or AGAINST YOU EITHER, the animosity is AGAINST the FALSE doctrine that the both of you preach, that

BEFORE Jesus can save you, you HAVE TO OBEY Him --- that is false doctrine --- that unequivocally states that Jesus Christ and His finished work on the Cross of Calvary was not enough.

Please read slowly, take your time to understand what I said, before you come back and say that I have animosity against you.

God's Truth

New member
Romans 7:24-25 - And no, Paul did not continue killing members of the Way, but he continued to struggle with sin.

THAT is what made Paul the worst of sinners.

Paul did struggle with sin after the Lord saved him until the Lord gave to him the meaning of the Cross of Calvary. Then, and only then, did Paul stop struggling with sin.


You have to humble yourself, and that does not mean sneakily coming around.

Yeah, I understand that it will go over your head, it goes over most Christians head also.

Romans 7:15-20 - Written as a believer.


Question for you gt, How much OBEYING did Paul obey while going to Damascus to ravage the church there before the Lord knocked him off his horse and saved him?

Paul had to obey everything that Jesus says.

Notice Paul was NOT saved then?

Now let's talk further about this.

You are closer to the truth now.


New member
Justification and sanctification ARE the same thing.

There is an immense difference between Justification and Sanctification.

The one is Christ fighting “for” us; the other, the Holy Spirit fighting “in” us.

Sanctification makes one clean (we are being conformed to the image of Christ. It is a lifelong process).

Justification declares one clean (the Lord Jesus Christ saved us when we came to Him and His finished work on the Cross of Calvary and it is a one time for eternity for it has NOTHING to do with us or what we do).

God's Truth

New member
You pick and choose what to OBEY that Jesus said and then turn around and tell others that you OBEY ALL that Jesus said.

I obey everything that Jesus tells us to obey.

If you would attempt to try to obey Jesus, and succeed at the instruction of the Way, you would know what is NOT TO YOU, and what is.

Jesus REVEALS himself to those who obey.

God's Truth

New member
Only because you are the one who have opened your own eyes and are blinded.

Permit the Lord Jesus Christ and His finished work on the Cross of Calvary to save you and receive His freely given rest and you will see.

Jesus' finished work is NOT to put an end to obedience. That is ludicrous. Where is common sense?

God's Truth

New member
There is an immense difference between Justification and Sanctification.
You saying so proves nothing. I gave many scriptures showing they are the same.

The one is Christ fighting “for” us; the other, the Holy Spirit fighting “in” us.

You cannot just make up stuff. Show that from the scriptures.

Sanctification makes one clean (we are being conformed to the image of Christ. It is a lifelong process).

Notice that you agree with me and that is that sanctification happens when ONE IS SAVED.

Justification declares one clean (the Lord Jesus Christ saved us when we came to Him and His finished work on the Cross of Calvary and it is a one time for eternity for it has NOTHING to do with us or what we do).

Humble yourself and admit you were taught TRUTH.