ECT "Lordship 'Salvation'"-perverting the gospel of Christ

john w

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Hall of Fame
Apparently the accusation hit home, eh?

"You leave out scriptures you don't agree with,"-DD

Sell all you have.

I thought so.

Another "all scripture is written to me for my obedience" fraud exposed.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Can't you retain what was explained to you many times?

Jesus did not tell everyone to sell all they had.

He said it to a rich man that loved money more than God.

"I always obey Jesus."-"god'suntruth

So, demon-ette, you agree that not all scripture, is specifically written about each individual, and is for their obedience, and you lie, when you assert, over, and over again, that you "always obey Jesus?"
I've asked this fraud this question, over, and over, and, in deceit, tis con artist always drops back, and "punts," and lies, when she deceitfully claims that she "always obeys Jesus," conveniently spinning "common sense," and "not written to her," wen she knows she cannot/does not "always obey Jesus," and, in hypocrisy, all the wile accusing others of not "obeying Jesus," when she know that she does not either.

Frau D. "god"'suntruth:not a peep.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Can't you retain what was explained to you many times?

Jesus did not tell everyone to sell all they had.

He said it to a rich man that loved money more than God.

The fraud-ette, once again, changes the subject, as I picked her "I always obey Jesus" scam apart:

No, we understand that you are a whited wall, as you, in deceit, "argue:"

"Everything Jesus says stands forever…. Jesus' words are for everyone.....We always have to obey God ...We always have to obey Jesus….........I obey all of Jesus' teachings....I follow all of Jesus teachings, exactly as he says…..Faith is obeying everything that Jesus says."”-God’sUNTruth

...and when we counter, with the argument that not all scripture is about us, written to us, for our obedience, you go into your little hypocrite tantrum act, accusing others of "not obeying Jesus," like you allegedly always do.

Let me guess your spin, dodge ball, tap dance with a cane, and top hat, do the hokey pokey, and spin all about, ...."response:"

No, no, no, my dearmisguided John W, who does not "follow Jesus" like I do, you and many others here do not understand that "always," does not really mean "always," "all of," does not really mean "all of," "everything," does not really mean "everything...." Why are you "mocking Jesus?"



Well-known member
"You leave out scriptures you don't agree with,"-DD

Sell all you have.

I thought so.

Another "all scripture is written to me for my obedience" fraud exposed.

That's what I suspected.

When someone accuses you of plagiarism, you accuse them of plagiarism. When someone accuses you of leaving out scripture, you accuse them of leaving out scripture. When you want to write something intelligent, you use someone else's work. When you can't come up with anything else, you throw out epithets and curses.

You have no original thoughts. So sorry for you, pitiful thing.

Right Divider

Body part
Can't you retain what was explained to you many times?

Jesus did not tell everyone to sell all they had.

He said it to a rich man that loved money more than God.
No, He told ALL TWELVE of the circumcision apostles this as well.
Luke 12:33 Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
@ Derf

You'll need a quick crash course to understand the kind of people you're dealing with here. People like john w, stp, musterion, heir, and nickm, are hyper dispensationalists, or to be exact - "Mid Acts Dispensationalists" - MAD (appropriate acronym).
Until you understand the angle they are coming from, you'll be scratching your head wondering why you seem to be talking past each other when discussing various theological topics. This is what cults do. They like to confuse, in order to feel as though they have the upper hand. Then if you flat out reject something they say, they throw their toys out of the pram, as you've seen already with W particularly.

Think of madists as modern day gnostics. Everything they teach is basically from an assumption that man doesn't have an eternal spirit. While on earth, man is physical, and that's it. The evangelical understanding of the need to be born again, is absent from their thinking. Evangelicals teach the need to be born of the Spirit, but madists have no idea what this means. They think that being born again simply means being resurrected with a new body. The significance of this error, means that their understanding of how justification works becomes very controversial. The transition from Romans 7 to Romans 8, from walking in the flesh to walking in the Spirit, is totally confusing from their perspective.
How can a person feel justified while walking in the flesh? You can't, because those who walk in the flesh are condemned in their conscience. So how can this condemnation be removed?
Instead of realizing the need to walk in the Spirit, they remove the moral law completely. It's a little bit like going back to Adam in the garden before he sinned, the only difference is that sin no longer matters because it has all been judged on the cross.

And so, if people have no moral restrictions placed on them, the flesh has nothing to rebel against. Therefore the madists have to accept that they are totally free to do anything they want to do, live any way they want to live, and it will not affect their relationship with God in the slightest. If it is impossible to sin, then there cannot be a commandment to violate. If there are no commandments to break, there can be no sin to commit. This leaves the carnal madists to feel justified in their natural selves, with absolutely no
sense of duty to be holy. This is the reason why they only ever talk about justification, and dispensational issues.

Obviously there is much written in the new testament showing us that we are accountable to live godly lives, and so how do madists deal with it? Well they simply remove about two thirds of the new testament as applying directly to them. Only a few letters of Paul are understood to have direct application to believers today.
They have invented three separate gospels. The gospel of the kingdom, where people have to obey the law and believe in Jesus (a contradiction). This wipes out the gospels, Acts, and letters by Peter, James, John, and Hebrews and Revelation, as having application today. There was also an intermediate gospel (Gospel of Christ) where new converts accepted Jesus as the Son of God. And then there's the gospel of the grace of God, which madists believe is a unique revelation given to Paul for the gentiles. This gospel was supposedly revealed to Paul after some of his earlier letters were written, and so letters like 1st Corinthians, most of Romans, and a few others can be chalked off as well.
With this mystery gospel, it's kind of like a winner takes all gospel. There's no repentance necessary, no water baptism, no sin can be committed, no tribulation, and heaven as reward, unlike those who get the second class kingdom gospel. Most madists here feel so free of obligation, they don't even go to church.

Taking this into consideration, when you confidently present your verses to the madsters, they'll simply disregard them if they suppose the verses were not written with them in mind.

candyandycain plagiarized the above, "re-hashed" it, copy'npasted it, from: gnosticism&f=false

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
That's what I suspected.

When someone accuses you of plagiarism, you accuse them of plagiarism. When someone accuses you of leaving out scripture, you accuse them of leaving out scripture. When you want to write something intelligent, you use someone else's work. When you can't come up with anything else, you throw out epithets and curses.

You have no original thoughts. So sorry for you, pitiful thing.

You are an admitted plagiarist, and perverter of the gospel of Christ, demon, with your "give your life to Christ" satanic plagiarism.

"You have no original thoughts. So sorry for you, pitiful thing."-drone

Made up, you satanic piece of dung, as you can't touch me biblically, and my brilliance, and authority, on TOL, punk.

And I pity all children of the devil, such as yourself.

So there.

Your "page:"
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The great saint John W's:

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john w

New member
Hall of Fame
No, He told ALL TWELVE of the circumcision apostles this as well.
Luke 12:33 Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth.

"Everything Jesus says stands forever…. Jesus' words are for everyone.....We always have to obey God ...We always have to obey Jesus….........I obey all of Jesus' teachings....I follow all of Jesus teachings, exactly as he says…..Faith is obeying everything that Jesus says.”-God’sUNTruth


New member
You disgust us, you satan/TBN plagiarizer, and "charismatic" fruitcake, scammer, charlatan.

Raise the dead.

Fraud, with your "back to Pentecost" shell game/con.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
“I obey all of Jesus' teachings.You just do not have understanding.....I do everything that Jesus tells me to do.” -God's Truth

"Originally Posted by Grosnick Marowbe
Do you obey ALL His teachings?"


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I don't believe in falsifying, either. You can ask Fred Rutherford whom I work with down at "the office".

Sure you don't. I bet you tell your "main squeeze" that you will be "home early" from the office, cuz you were feeling guilty, about being in a hurry to work.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You wanna see the dead raised?
Go inside an elevator and push "up".

That's your best return serve, Ope? That's it?

Raise my uncle Joe from the dead.

What's the problem, Benny Hinn/Hill, Jr.-ette? Not enough faith?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I can't compete with that logic! You've just earned your way into heaven.

Good one! A child of the devil, talking about salvation.

Uh, oh.....You just sinned, with your jealousy!!!!!! Looks like you have not "given your life to Christ!!!!!"

Take your seat, wolf"man."