Just what is all this stuff that Keeps gurgling UP out of you alls mouths?? – Even to one another!!! - Can’t tell what kind of religion your trying to express except, - Just Hate!!!! – Maybe “Despitefulness”. - Is that your hearing of your god??? – If you and some of these others are a reflection of a “Christian”; ( I Don’t Think So )!! – What kind of talk is that??? > ((( Jesus give me a ( Darn ) spanking )))??? Where did that come from if not From HELL??? -- You and your brother who thinks he's a “poet” or something, - I guess -- calls himself -- “Psalmist”. - Where do you all get so much HATE, and try to dress it up with this ~phony love~ that you cannot respond to anything that is Scriptural!! – I give you all Nothing But Scriptural Doctrine and you all despise everything is say. – What did Jesus or Paul give the People; or any of the Apostles for that matter?? - AND your alls same spirit killed them all!!! – The spirit of “HATE”!!!! - From Hell!!! --- I “REBUKE” you all constantly for your False Doctrines. And you give nothing back but Despicable Hate!!!! --- The same comes UP from you alls heart is obviously from hell; it’s sure is not from God!! – If you have something to respond to me about, use the Scriptures to Agree, or ---- “Rebuke, or Correct, or Reprove” me, like a Christian is “CALLED TO DO”!!! --- 2 Timothy 3:16 KJV --- WHY??? --- The Word is God is Love is Correction is Rebuke is Reproof is Godlyness is HOLY!!!!!!! – Hate is Despicable is Despiteful is Sarcastic is Rude is Murderous is Proud is Arrogant is Cursed is Your world as it is seen from here!!!
You all call yourselves Christians, - BUT you can’t even look into the Glass, much less see who you are in the darkness, while calling yourselves HOLY!!! --- (( I Rebuke You AND your brothers who are as you are ))!!! ---- Read all my Threads, and disprove anything. -- Show us all that I’m wrong in any of by responses, (( You just can’t believe anything that is from God; that’s your alls problem ))!!! ---- “(((( Jesus give me a (( Darn )) Spanking ))))” – Boy, if that’s from God, I sure don’t want to go with you when and where I send you!!! --- Did I say I Rebuke You??? – That’s better than ~hidden~love~ you~all~say ~with Hate!!
Now, find something to Rebuke me for, (( Now that you’re a Christian "after the order" of Melchisedec ))!! Now that you are ordained that way!! – And I Rebuke you again, even for that!! – It’s you all who are wrong and don’t care, and despises the chastening of God!! – Rebuke again!! - You all gain nothing from Rebuke but more Hate; - Rebuke again!!!
Paul – 032413
I don't hate you, I just want to spank all that horseshine outta you.