Lord have mercy! it's a revelation.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Just what is all this stuff that Keeps gurgling UP out of you alls mouths?? – Even to one another!!! - Can’t tell what kind of religion your trying to express except, - Just Hate!!!! – Maybe “Despitefulness”. - Is that your hearing of your god??? – If you and some of these others are a reflection of a “Christian”; ( I Don’t Think So )!! – What kind of talk is that??? > ((( Jesus give me a ( Darn ) spanking )))??? Where did that come from if not From HELL??? -- You and your brother who thinks he's a “poet” or something, - I guess -- calls himself -- “Psalmist”. - Where do you all get so much HATE, and try to dress it up with this ~phony love~ that you cannot respond to anything that is Scriptural!! – I give you all Nothing But Scriptural Doctrine and you all despise everything is say. – What did Jesus or Paul give the People; or any of the Apostles for that matter?? - AND your alls same spirit killed them all!!! – The spirit of “HATE”!!!! - From Hell!!! --- I “REBUKE” you all constantly for your False Doctrines. And you give nothing back but Despicable Hate!!!! --- The same comes UP from you alls heart is obviously from hell; it’s sure is not from God!! – If you have something to respond to me about, use the Scriptures to Agree, or ---- “Rebuke, or Correct, or Reprove” me, like a Christian is “CALLED TO DO”!!! --- 2 Timothy 3:16 KJV --- WHY??? --- The Word is God is Love is Correction is Rebuke is Reproof is Godlyness is HOLY!!!!!!! – Hate is Despicable is Despiteful is Sarcastic is Rude is Murderous is Proud is Arrogant is Cursed is Your world as it is seen from here!!!

You all call yourselves Christians, - BUT you can’t even look into the Glass, much less see who you are in the darkness, while calling yourselves HOLY!!! --- (( I Rebuke You AND your brothers who are as you are ))!!! ---- Read all my Threads, and disprove anything. -- Show us all that I’m wrong in any of by responses, (( You just can’t believe anything that is from God; that’s your alls problem ))!!! ---- “(((( Jesus give me a (( Darn )) Spanking ))))” – Boy, if that’s from God, I sure don’t want to go with you when and where I send you!!! --- Did I say I Rebuke You??? – That’s better than ~hidden~love~ you~all~say ~with Hate!!

Now, find something to Rebuke me for, (( Now that you’re a Christian "after the order" of Melchisedec ))!! Now that you are ordained that way!! – And I Rebuke you again, even for that!! – It’s you all who are wrong and don’t care, and despises the chastening of God!! – Rebuke again!! - You all gain nothing from Rebuke but more Hate; - Rebuke again!!!

Paul – 032413

I don't hate you, I just want to spank all that horseshine outta you.


New member
No one else is seeing this among evangelicals.

They think the last judgement is between saint and sinners, christians and non christians, the church and the world, SHEEP AND GOATS.

Well it is sheep and goats but the sheep can not be the saints...it is IMpossible. There is only one last judgement, it is told about in Revs 21 the Great White Throne judgement and Matt.25. the sheep and goats.

This judgement takes place AFTER the gathering of the saints "so shall we always be with the Lord" and AFTER the saints have reigned with Christ for a 1,000 years...there is NO WAY this judgement involves the saints except we are told when the Lord comes to judge we will come with Him, not to be judged but the sheep and goats are judged by their deeds in regard to us.

We are saved by grace through faith, in this judgement we see the people are judged [both in Revs and Matt] by their deeds.

The sheep and those who names are written in the Lamb's book of life recieve an inheritance, not the heavenly one...that is for the body of Christ....but the meek shall inherit the earth. God is going to create a new heaven and a new earth.

This means....

Billions and billions of souls are NOT going to be damned to hell,, there is NO WAY that the devil will have a majority in that day, mercy will prevail...but the wicked will be turned into hell.

Christians MUST STOP pre-empting the judgement of Christ...Paul says we have nothing to do with judging the world...our concern is with getting the church right.

My dear if Evangelicals caught on to what you are saying it would revolutionize the way the gospel is preached.


New member
No one else is seeing this among evangelicals.

They think the last judgement is between saint and sinners, christians and non christians, the church and the world, SHEEP AND GOATS.

Well it is sheep and goats but the sheep can not be the saints...it is IMpossible. There is only one last judgement, it is told about in Revs 21 the Great White Throne judgement and Matt.25. the sheep and goats.

This judgement takes place AFTER the gathering of the saints "so shall we always be with the Lord" and AFTER the saints have reigned with Christ for a 1,000 years...there is NO WAY this judgement involves the saints except we are told when the Lord comes to judge we will come with Him, not to be judged but the sheep and goats are judged by their deeds in regard to us.

We are saved by grace through faith, in this judgement we see the people are judged [both in Revs and Matt] by their deeds.

The sheep and those who names are written in the Lamb's book of life recieve an inheritance, not the heavenly one...that is for the body of Christ....but the meek shall inherit the earth. God is going to create a new heaven and a new earth.

This means....

Billions and billions of souls are NOT going to be damned to hell,, there is NO WAY that the devil will have a majority in that day, mercy will prevail...but the wicked will be turned into hell.

Christians MUST STOP pre-empting the judgement of Christ...Paul says we have nothing to do with judging the world...our concern is with getting the church right.

Our message then is not bad news to the sinner....that is God's business, though we should be faithful to warn them but primarily our whole focus is to preach the GOOD NEWS. And good news to EVERY creature, not bad news to some and good news to others.


New member
Our message then is not bad news to the sinner....that is God's business, though we should be faithful to warn them but primarily our whole focus is to preach the GOOD NEWS. And good news to EVERY creature, not bad news to some and good news to others.

Jesus Christ Himself must give you the Gospel in Person to preach; - before you can preach IT ((((( In Christ’s Name )))))!! – That’s the ( “Authority of Christ” ). – One can’t just take it upon himself to teach anything of God!!!!!!!!! – Learn what words mean, especially the “WORD” of God’s Words!!!! – But we can’t do all that~~~~!!!

Paul – 041513

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
If you are preaching bad news to ANY creature [and you are] you are a false prophet for Jesus Himself gave me the commission "Go YE [He said....ye is ME] into all the world and preach the GOOD NEWS to EVERY creature"

By this are you a false prophet or not?


New member
If you are preaching bad news to ANY creature [and you are] you are a false prophet for Jesus Himself gave me the commission "Go YE [He said....ye is ME] into all the world and preach the GOOD NEWS to EVERY creature"

By this are you a false prophet or not?

Your whole statement is (( FALSE ))!!!!

Paul -- 041913


New member
It seems to me if Jesus Christ told you to preach good news and if you spend your whole life spreading misery guts, you are the false prophet.

That's not all I do, it's just that you want to hate somone and it's Christ the Truth!!! -- I just say, and show what Jesus says to any fool when it's necessary!!

Matthew 23:31-36 KJV -- 31 Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, ( that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets ).
32 Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.
33 ( Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers ), ( how can ye escape the damnation of hell )?
34 Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: ( and some of them ye shall kill and crucify ); and some ( of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city ):
35 That ( upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth ), ( from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar ).
36 Verily I say unto you, ( All these things shall come upon this generation )”. -----///--- Jesus said to Rebuke them sharply also!!!! - And I do!!!

Curse Jesus then, He is much more hateful to you than I ever could be!!!

Paul – 051013


35 That ( upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth ), ( from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar ).

Don't forget that you, i and all are included in them. So confess "We are really responsible for all the righteous blood including yours. Please reform me savior"
Then his forgiveness will come and his grace will start regenerating u.


New member
That's not all I do, it's just that you want to hate somone and it's Christ the Truth!!! -- I just say, and show what Jesus says to any fool when it's necessary!!

Matthew 23:31-36 KJV -- 31 Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, ( that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets ).
32 Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.
33 ( Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers ), ( how can ye escape the damnation of hell )?
34 Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: ( and some of them ye shall kill and crucify ); and some ( of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city ):
35 That ( upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth ), ( from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar ).
36 Verily I say unto you, ( All these things shall come upon this generation )”. -----///--- Jesus said to Rebuke them sharply also!!!! - And I do!!!

Curse Jesus then, He is much more hateful to you than I ever could be!!!

Paul – 051013
Stupid fellow, he did not say this to His followers but to those who opposed Him, you say you are teaching truth but Jesus said the truth is GOOD news to EVERYbody...since yours is all miseryguts how then is it the truth?....you are here found to be spreading lies.


New member
Stupid fellow, he did not say this to His followers but to those who opposed Him, you say you are teaching truth but Jesus said the truth is GOOD news to EVERYbody...since yours is all miseryguts how then is it the truth?....you are here found to be spreading lies.

I’m the Stupid Fellow??? – Good News is What?? – The Gospel?? NO!! - The Word of God; All of it!!! - And the Gospel IS Just the SEED Of It!!! - The Gospel is the Seed of the whole Word of God / Seed of God, the Word of God His own Seed, the Seed of the Truth, the Whole Word of Truth. - The Word of God has a Seed called the “Gospel” the Seed for Truth / The Word of God / God!!!! – One plants the Seed, and It produces the Whole Word of God by the Watering of the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Ghost shall ( Guide Me into ALL Truth )!!! - You can read all about that if you See Seed!! -- Now who is the unlearned?? – You don’t even Know what I Just said!!!

Paul – 051113


New member
Don't forget that you, i and all are included in them. So confess "We are really responsible for all the righteous blood including yours. Please reform me savior"
Then his forgiveness will come and his grace will start regenerating u.

Speak for youself, I'm not with you, for you, or of you!! - I have nothing to do with You, or any evil of your world. He took me out of it, and it seems that He left You in it by your own words of condemnation.

Paul -- 051113


New member
I’m the Stupid Fellow??? – Good News is What?? – The Gospel?? NO!! - The Word of God; All of it!!! - And the Gospel IS Just the SEED Of It!!! - The Gospel is the Seed of the whole Word of God / Seed of God, the Word of God His own Seed, the Seed of the Truth, the Whole Word of Truth. - The Word of God has a Seed called the “Gospel” the Seed for Truth / The Word of God / God!!!! – One plants the Seed, and It produces the Whole Word of God by the Watering of the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Ghost shall ( Guide Me into ALL Truth )!!! - You can read all about that if you See Seed!! -- Now who is the unlearned?? – You don’t even Know what I Just said!!!

Paul – 051113
Yes YOU, stupid.

Gospel MEANS good news Jesus IS the word of God, He IS the good news. In old testament days the message often given to the prophets was bad news and if they changed it to good news they were charged by God as false prophets.

Now Christ has sent us to preach GOOD NEWS and all you do is spread misery guts...you are the false prophet.


New member
Yes YOU, stupid.

Gospel MEANS good news Jesus IS the word of God, He IS the good news. In old testament days the message often given to the prophets was bad news and if they changed it to good news they were charged by God as false prophets.

Now Christ has sent us to preach GOOD NEWS and all you do is spread misery guts...you are the false prophet.

I believe we must spread the Good News according to our abilities.
How well received are the words of comfort speaking of a loving God who seeks our salvation and provides the means to it?


New member
Yes YOU, stupid.

Gospel MEANS good news Jesus IS the word of God, He IS the good news. In old testament days the message often given to the prophets was bad news and if they changed it to good news they were charged by God as false prophets.

Now Christ has sent us to preach GOOD NEWS and all you do is spread misery guts...you are the false prophet.

And maybe Blood????

((( There is Bad News in the Good News ))!!!!! Mr. "Know-it-all"l!!

Paul -- 051213


New member
And maybe Blood????

((( There is Bad News in the Good News ))!!!!! Mr. "Know-it-all"l!!

Paul -- 051213
No that's what YOU do, you have not a single good word to say about one other poster...not one in all the hundreds of posts, all your posts are about how smart you are.

This is EXACTLY what you do not understand...the blood is GOOD news, it's not bad news, there is no bad news. The only commission Jesus gave was to announce good news.

He died so that you and I will never die...it's the best news that was ever announced. Unselfishly He gave, nobody took His life He GAVE His life, there is no king or ruler powerful enough to take His life...no devil in hell.

The sinner can find forgiveness.....at the cross
the wounded, the bruised can find healing and comfort.....at the cross
the troubled and fearful can find peace and strength.....at the cross.

He did it all so that we do not have to.

What would be the point in God sending a hurt or wounded person to you? what would you give them? if you was the Samaritan you would BEAT the man who fell among robbers......(((( GENIUS [you would say] if you are so smart how did you fall among robbers?!!!!)))


New member
No that's what YOU do, you have not a single good word to say about one other poster...not one in all the hundreds of posts, all your posts are about how smart you are.

This is EXACTLY what you do not understand...the blood is GOOD news, it's not bad news, there is no bad news. The only commission Jesus gave was to announce good news.

He died so that you and I will never die...it's the best news that was ever announced. Unselfishly He gave, nobody took His life He GAVE His life, there is no king or ruler powerful enough to take His life...no devil in hell.

The sinner can find forgiveness.....at the cross
the wounded, the bruised can find healing and comfort.....at the cross
the troubled and fearful can find peace and strength.....at the cross.

He did it all so that we do not have to.

What would be the point in God sending a hurt or wounded person to you? what would you give them? if you was the Samaritan you would BEAT the man who fell among robbers......(((( GENIUS [you would say] if you are so smart how did you fall among robbers?!!!!)))

No He Did Not!!!!

Christ says YOU Must Die, (( Before you can be “Resurrected” unto Eternal Life )). - Just read it!!!! – However, Jesus has made a way that is light and simple and easy, - His burden is Light, Our death is made easy. – He said SO!!! - Just DO the Gospel; - the Death, Burial, and “Resurrection”!! – Romans 6:4 KJV ---///--- It’s just that simple and easy for us to DIE for our Kings Wife / Our Wife the Church!!!!!!!???

Paul – 051313

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
No He Did Not!!!!

Christ says YOU Must Die, (( Before you can be “Resurrected” unto Eternal Life )). - Just read it!!!! – However, Jesus has made a way that is light and simple and easy, - His burden is Light, Our death is made easy. – He said SO!!! - Just DO the Gospel; - the Death, Burial, and “Resurrection”!! – Romans 6:4 KJV ---///--- It’s just that simple and easy for us to DIE for our Kings Wife / Our Wife the Church!!!!!!!???

Paul – 051313

So foolish....we HAVE died, it is hundreds of folks who HAVE died and now LIVE by the life of Christ who you attack and bark at like a mad dog...it is THEY who you say are vipers.

You can't make a distinction between who are disciples and who are the enemies of Christ...all are dogs and swine and vipers to you.

The church is the wife of Christ and you a member.


New member
So foolish....we HAVE died, it is hundreds of folks who HAVE died and now LIVE by the life of Christ who you attack and bark at like a mad dog...it is THEY who you say are vipers.

You can't make a distinction between who are disciples and who are the enemies of Christ...all are dogs and swine and vipers to you.

The church is the wife of Christ and you a member.

God says much more than you have to Give with you foolishness!!!
Just Read the Book, and Learn and SEE Christ / God, - Or don't, - I don't care!!! - You all are SOO foolishly angry with God, you Hate me because I tell you the Truth, ((( And You Cannot Prove Me Wrong )))!! - You can ONLY Spit stuff from your Bowels -- Prove me Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paul -- 051313