The reason I don't always answer you Paul is because I have to confess I simply do not understand you. You have a completely different way of thinking than I do.
In the scripture I gave I see two people mentioned, I have never studied the language but in pondering it would seem to me since the inheritance promised to each is so different there must be a difference between poor in spirit and meek.
Perhaps the poor in spirit are like me, who in myself have no claim or hope of an inheritance, I am a sinner of the worser sort, nothing but a very dramatic intervention on God's part could ever have saved me. I can never boast any virtues.
But meekness [it seems to me] belongs to strong people, who know they are strong and yet desire not to use their strength to hurt others. Perhaps they become firemen or some such. Others have mental strength and ability and they also put these to use not to crafty purposes but to enhance other's welfare.
Their inheritance is different, heaven is not earth. This is one of a great many scriptures never expounded in does not fit in with the picture of only two alternatives, heaven or hell.
I don’t see how it could be any simpler. --- We know that Jesus and the Apostle Paul were “Poor in Spirit”, and they were both “Meek”. --- They were both without reservation of anything but the Word of the Father. - Neither did they EVER yield to anything that was not of the Father. - They stood up for the Truth in the face of “DEATH”!!! – That is Meekness!!
Poor in Spirit is IF one sees himself honestly as nothing, but will not yield to anything greater than himself, knowing there is nothing greater than He who is in him. The Christian cannot sit by and let anyone use the devices of the devil against his Lord. -- Now you will condemn me for carrying that that far, but there is nothing greater than the Christian, if the Christian is like Christ, created in the image of God the Father!! --- Sorry!!
Christ calls this “War”, and He gave us our devices to combat the war with the opposing Principalities, and if one cannot defend his doctrine / device while upholding his lord, he can surely run and hide as they do. But if they are going to defend their false christ, they must defeat me first, and that they cannot do!! – That is also Meekness!!
Paul – 110912