Lord have mercy! it's a revelation.

Totton Linnet

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Where does it say those imprisoned ones were saved?

It doesn't so you can believe none were and I can believe many were.

Here is another scripture you don't hear the redden hot damnation preachers expound on.

Romans. 2: 14-16.
When the heathen who hath not the law do by nature what the law requires they are a law unto themselves even though they do not have the law. They show that what the law requires is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness and their conflicting thoughts accuse or perhaps excuses them on that day when according to my gospel God judges the secrets of men by Jesus Christ.


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It doesn't so you can believe none were and I can believe many were.

You can believe anything you like when you arent basing it on scripture.

Hebrews 9:27

Care to counter that and show where after death anyone has received another chance for salvation?

Totton Linnet

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You can believe anything you like when you arent basing it on scripture.

Hebrews 9:27

Care to counter that and show where after death anyone has received another chance for salvation?

Well YOU are, I cannot suppose any purpose the Lord would have in preaching to ANYONE but that they might be saved...it seems 100 percent more probable that it was for salvation that He went and preached to them. So if YOU can believe they were not I think I have more reason to suppose many were.

It is appointed for every man once to die and after that the judgement...you are pre supposing what the judgement will be.

You can scour Acts for the sermons preached by the apostles and not find one where damnation is threatened. What they warn everyone is that there will be a day of judgement.

I am not a universalist I believe the wicked will be turned into hell, why should they not? but even as God sent not His Son to judge the world [the first time] but to save the world I do not believe He has sent me to judge.


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Well YOU are, I cannot suppose any purpose the Lord would have in preaching to ANYONE but that they might be saved...it seems 100 percent more probable that it was for salvation that He went and preached to them. So if YOU can believe they were not I think I have more reason to suppose many were.

It is appointed for every man once to die and after that the judgement...you are pre supposing what the judgement will be.

You can scour Acts for the sermons preached by the apostles and not find one where damnation is threatened. What they warn everyone is that there will be a day of judgement.

I am not a universalist I believe the wicked will be turned into hell, why should they not? but even as God sent not to judge the world [the first time] I do not believe He has sent me to judge.

Feel free to ignore the scriptures all you want, and i quoted hebrews not acts. If you wish to believe that verse is a lie, more power to you, you have freewill to do so.

But don't ask people to believe you are some kind of prophet of God while you ignore the scriptures.

You are right i search them though, like the Bereans, to see if what you say is the truth according to God.

Totton Linnet

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Feel free to ignore the scriptures all you want, and i quoted hebrews not acts. If you wish to believe that verse is a lie, more power to you, you have freewill to do so.

But don't ask people to believe you are some kind of prophet of God while you ignore the scriptures.

You are right i search them though, like the Bereans, to see if what you say is the truth according to God.

I answered Heb. 9 fully I even quoted it, I'll quote it again
"It is appointed to man once to die and after that the judgement" I believe in judgement, it does not say what the judgement will be. You are pre-empting His judgement...do you feel comfortable doing that?

I notice you pick and choose what arguments to respond to and skate over those you can't. I am satisfied with the opinions other good brethren have expressed of my posts but that is not terribly important. I take comfort when certain people don't like what I say.

Answer some of the scriptures I've given you.


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I answered Heb. 9 fully I even quoted it, I'll quote it again
"It is appointed to man once to die and after that the judgement" I believe in judgement, it does not say what the judgement will be. You are pre-empting His judgement...do you feel comfortable doing that?

I notice you pick and choose what arguments to respond to and skate over those you can't. I am satisfied with the opinions other good brethren have expressed of my posts but that is not terribly important. I take comfort when certain people don't like what I say.

Answer some of the scriptures I've given you.

Pre-empting by saying once you die, thats your chance? No, thats what scripture says, no reason to hypothesize that what it says isnt true just because you want it to be or think you have some special revelation that is other than what is already stated in the word of God.

Totton Linnet

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What are you talking about? it says judgement it does not say it is appointed for man once to die and after that damnation.

That is YOUR spin on it.


New member
What are you talking about? it says judgement it does not say it is appointed for man once to die and after that damnation.

That is YOUR spin on it.

There are two judgments. The one, you all are going through now, that’s the judgment of God when the Books are opened. They are all open now, including the Book of Life. --- “It is” “appointed unto man once to die”, and after that the second Judgment. That’s the judgment of “Guilty” which is pronounced, and then cast into the Lake of Fire, which is the second and final judgment!!

Paul – 100512


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It is obviously AFTER Jesus comes and takes over the World.

He is judging the good and bad among the Gentile Nations.

Totton Linnet

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God sent not the Son to judge the world but that through Him the world might be saved.

He will come as Judge but the judgement comes AFTER we are gathered to meet Him in the air "...so shall we always be with the Lord" so this judgement does not involve the saints. Paul says when He comes to judge God will bring us with Him.

At the present time the sun rises upon the righteous and the evil together. We are in the grace epoch.


New member
God sent not the Son to judge the world but that through Him the world might be saved.

He will come as Judge but the judgement comes AFTER we are gathered to meet Him in the air "...so shall we always be with the Lord" so this judgement does not involve the saints. Paul says when He comes to judge God will bring us with Him.

At the present time the sun rises upon the righteous and the evil together. We are in the grace epoch.

He sent His Angels / Angel to Judge. - But that's all right, you all do it your way!!

Paul -- 100612

Totton Linnet

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Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is inherit the kingdom of God
Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.


New member
Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is inherit the kingdom of God
Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.

Who are the Poor in Spirit and the Meek?? -- Poor in Spirit today is boastingly very wealthy in their Religions!! -- The Meek today are those who can't humble themselves to even respond to anything that I condemn them of; - and that's Meekness??

You bring this up without responding to anything here on The Back Alley. - Is that showing Poor in Spirit and Meekness?? -- NO!! - And I'm no Coward!! - What about Being Brave / Stedfast?? -- 1 Corinthians 15:58 KJV ---&--- Hebrews 3:14 KJV ---&--- 1 Peter 5:9 KJV ---

Paul -- 110812

Totton Linnet

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The reason I don't always answer you Paul is because I have to confess I simply do not understand you. You have a completely different way of thinking than I do.

In the scripture I gave I see two people mentioned, I have never studied the language but in pondering it would seem to me since the inheritance promised to each is so different there must be a difference between poor in spirit and meek.

Perhaps the poor in spirit are like me, who in myself have no claim or hope of an inheritance, I am a sinner of the worser sort, nothing but a very dramatic intervention on God's part could ever have saved me. I can never boast any virtues.

But meekness [it seems to me] belongs to strong people, who know they are strong and yet desire not to use their strength to hurt others. Perhaps they become firemen or some such. Others have mental strength and ability and they also put these to use not to crafty purposes but to enhance other's welfare.

Their inheritance is different, heaven is not earth. This is one of a great many scriptures never expounded in evangelicalism...it does not fit in with the picture of only two alternatives, heaven or hell.


New member
The reason I don't always answer you Paul is because I have to confess I simply do not understand you. You have a completely different way of thinking than I do.

In the scripture I gave I see two people mentioned, I have never studied the language but in pondering it would seem to me since the inheritance promised to each is so different there must be a difference between poor in spirit and meek.

Perhaps the poor in spirit are like me, who in myself have no claim or hope of an inheritance, I am a sinner of the worser sort, nothing but a very dramatic intervention on God's part could ever have saved me. I can never boast any virtues.

But meekness [it seems to me] belongs to strong people, who know they are strong and yet desire not to use their strength to hurt others. Perhaps they become firemen or some such. Others have mental strength and ability and they also put these to use not to crafty purposes but to enhance other's welfare.

Their inheritance is different, heaven is not earth. This is one of a great many scriptures never expounded in evangelicalism...it does not fit in with the picture of only two alternatives, heaven or hell.

I don’t see how it could be any simpler. --- We know that Jesus and the Apostle Paul were “Poor in Spirit”, and they were both “Meek”. --- They were both without reservation of anything but the Word of the Father. - Neither did they EVER yield to anything that was not of the Father. - They stood up for the Truth in the face of “DEATH”!!! – That is Meekness!!

Poor in Spirit is IF one sees himself honestly as nothing, but will not yield to anything greater than himself, knowing there is nothing greater than He who is in him. The Christian cannot sit by and let anyone use the devices of the devil against his Lord. -- Now you will condemn me for carrying that that far, but there is nothing greater than the Christian, if the Christian is like Christ, created in the image of God the Father!! --- Sorry!!

Christ calls this “War”, and He gave us our devices to combat the war with the opposing Principalities, and if one cannot defend his doctrine / device while upholding his lord, he can surely run and hide as they do. But if they are going to defend their false christ, they must defeat me first, and that they cannot do!! – That is also Meekness!!

Paul – 110912


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I am poor in spirit. I think I can agree with Tots says about that.
How can The Lord or Paul the Apostle be thought poor in spirit?

Totton Linnet

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Well I don't think Jesus can be thought poor in spirit but and yet He placed Himself wholly in the Father's hands.

Paul that fierce and arrogant man, fanatic just as much as the jihadists we see today. But what did God do? He threw him off his horse with literally blinding light from heaven...he was pretty poor in spirit at that moment. Needing to be led like a child. We see Peter likewise brought to that place for Peter also was strong in his own strength.


New member
Well I don't think Jesus can be thought poor in spirit but and yet He placed Himself wholly in the Father's hands.

Paul that fierce and arrogant man, fanatic just as much as the jihadists we see today. But what did God do? He threw him off his horse with literally blinding light from heaven...he was pretty poor in spirit at that moment. Needing to be led like a child. We see Peter likewise brought to that place for Peter also was strong in his own strength.
yes, good points, thank you :)