1 Corinthians 15:28 NASB - When all things are subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also will be subjected to the One who subjected all things to Him, so that God may be all in all.Now He is truly the ALL. -- Christ is (( ALL IN ALL )).
1 Corinthians 15:28 NASB - When all things are subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also will be subjected to the One who subjected all things to Him, so that God may be all in all.Now He is truly the ALL. -- Christ is (( ALL IN ALL )).
You are asking if Christ was the Spirit that hovered in creation.
I am saying Jesus is the Christ.
John 1:41 NASB - He found first his own brother Simon and said to him, "We have found the Messiah" (which translated means Christ).
That Jesus is the Christ is not a parable.That's a ((( "PARABLE" )))Remember??? --- (((( Titus 3:9 KJV ))))!!!!!!!
Paul -- 011114
That Jesus is the Christ is not a parable.
And I don't believe Christ was the Spirit that hovered in creation.
I was talking about Jesus and you brought up Genesis 1:2.Faith is the evidence of things (( NOT SEEN ))!!! - It's the (( unlearned, or unread )) who cannot SEE the Truth / Christ as He / IT is ( shown ) by the SPIRIT of the Word, / By the Spirit of the Word / CHRIST, - (( not )) the Letter of the Word. -- You are SOOO Carnal minded, you cannot See the Truth / "Christ", - that Spirit as He is in Spirit. ----- "We shall SEE HIM As He IS", - (( WE WILL SEE HIM )). The Lost cannot see Christ / the Fulfilled Word who He now IS, and He is the Spirit of the Word in the Spirit of His Flesh, who WE ARE!!!! We are that Spirit who makes up Christ's Body, and We are formed of the Word of God as Jesus Was, however, We are the Fulfilled Word of the Body of - "Christ"!! - If you cannot SEE THAT you are BLIND!!!
The Fulfilled Carnal Flesh of (( Jesus )), who is now the finished work of God, the Father!! - Christ is the (( Finished Work )) of God in those Last Days of the Last Days of the Creation of the New Heaven and New Earth. -- If you can't believe what I receive from Christ, then READ the Book until you can see Him as He is. He is the Spirit of the Word that WAS made Flesh. -- Christ is the Word in Spirit. Jesus' Fleshly Body was the Word in the Carnal Flesh of Jesus. - Now it is the fulfilled Word in the Flesh of the Body of - "Christ", Who We Are, (( Not the Lost ))!! - If you cannot see what I am saying to you, then you must be lost and do not know who, or what, or where you are!!
If you can't ask questions and accept any answer from Christ's Flesh, the Word of God, then stop asking those meaningless questions. --- I asked you only one question, and you didn't even try to answer it. SOOO, either (( Prove Me Wrong )), or Read the Book until you have the knowledge to Prove me wrong If you think I am Wrong without ANY ((( Evidence ))) from your phony ~god!!!! - If you think I'm wrong, then give your (( Evidence )) from your god.
Paul -- 011114
I was talking about Jesus and you brought up Genesis 1:2.
If you believe in the literal thousand year reign of Christ in glory on earth and I do, then it follows on that you must believe [if you think about it] in a BILLIONfold wider mercy.
For before the Great White Throne judgement which must correspond with the Sheep and Goats of Matt.25. Before the second [third with Christ's resurrection] and general resurrection, the saints have been gathered [so shall we ever be with the Lord] we will have reigned with Him during a thousand years. We will come with Him at the judgement.
Yet still we see among those being judged some [MANY] who do have an inheritance. What that inheritance amounts to is another discussion, I believe they are the meek who shall inherit the earth with the Jews.
If I could get back on track...this I feel is important....belief in the MILLENNIAL reign makes the wider mercy inevitably true.
What do you see to be the significance of Genesis 1:2 when talking about Jesus?YES!!!! - Everybody's so called christian Religion IS (((( BASED )))) on that!! - You didn't know that that is the first thing, and you must have that right, and (( NO ONE DOES ))!!! - Sooo, What do YOU DO with (((( Genesis 1:2 KJV )))). -- If you can't get that even near right, how can you get the rest of the Word of God / Truth Right????????
(( The ( "REST" ) of the Word of God )), is standing on the first Truths, but you must not care, or have any idea who Christ IS!!!!!!
Paul -- 011114
What do you see to be the significance of Genesis 1:2 when talking about Jesus?
YES!!!! - Everybody's so called christian Religion IS (((( BASED )))) on that!! - You didn't know that that is the first thing, and you must have that right, and (( NO ONE DOES ))!!! - Sooo, What do YOU DO with (((( Genesis 1:2 KJV )))). -- If you can't get that even near right, how can you get the rest of the Word of God / Truth Right????????
(( The ( "REST" ) of the Word of God )), is standing on the first Truths, but you must not care, or have any idea who Christ IS!!!!!!
Paul -- 011114
I don't know about what you say. It seems it would be better to go with what the Bible says. I don't know what this statement (what we find in the Bible) will mean to you, but it is accurate.Christ was speaking of Himself when He and the Father Baptized each other and took on the form of the New Heaven and Earth / The Kingdom / The Church / The ( "Body of Christ" ) "With Form", not like the old, - Not having any Form, and not really there.
Paul -- 040814
I don't know about what you say. It seems it would be better to go with what the Bible says. I don't know what this statement (what we find in the Bible) will mean to you, but it is accurate.
I gather from your "rantings" that, you feel no one besides
yourself is a true Christian! Correct? Furthermore, you feel
that everyone, besides yourself of course, is an ignoramus!
The Spirit of God can help you when you read the scriptures, to understand what you are reading.Come On!! -- I know what the Scriptures say in the ( Letter of the Word )), and I also "SEE" what the Spirit of the Word says also, and that is Christ Face to Face. -- ??
I know, I Know, -- none of you have any idea what I'm talking about, neither do you all know what the Spirit of the Letter says, you can only read the Letter of it, but so can Satan and all his, but they cannot - "SEE" the Spirit of the Word, -- I Do!!!
(( 2 Corinthians 3:6 KJV )) -- 6- "Who also hath (( made us able "Ministers of the New Testament" )); ((( not of the "Letter", but of the "Spirit" ))): (( for the "Letter Killeth" )) , (( but the "Spirit giveth Life" )). --//---- Read it, that's what GOD Says, Not just Me, God said it!!!! - And I'm sure that none of you care a wit what GOD Says!!!! --- SO Reject it!!!
Paul -- 040814
The Spirit of God can help you when you read the scriptures, to understand what you are reading.
No one is able to change what God says. That doesn't mean everyone is a Christian, but there are Christians (can you agree this is true?).(( That is "IF" you are a Christian ))!!! -- And there are NO Christians today in or on your world!!! --- (( Romans 3:10-12 KJV )) --//----
What did GOD Say???? -- Now let's see you Change it!!! - What does God say about changing what the Word says?? - But change it and prove that you can't be Christian, because that is a Commandment to not add to it or take from it, -- Don't change what God says!!! -- But You ALL DO!!! -- I don't, therefore you all hate what I and Christ say!!
Paul -- 040814
No one is able to change what God says. That doesn't mean everyone is a Christian, but there are Christians (can you agree this is true?).
Why do you believe I cannot believe something I know to be true?You'll don't seem to listen to me, - ( I GAVE You what God Said ); -- (( Romans 3:10-12 KJV )) -- Read it. - Now you cannot believe that, (( Even if God says it ))!! - And God did, Not Just me!!
Paul -- 040914
Why do you believe I cannot believe something I know to be true?
No one else is seeing this among evangelicals.
They think the last judgement is between saint and sinners, christians and non christians, the church and the world, SHEEP AND GOATS.
Well it is sheep and goats but the sheep can not be the saints...it is IMpossible. There is only one last judgement, it is told about in Revs 21 the Great White Throne judgement and Matt.25. the sheep and goats.
This judgement takes place AFTER the gathering of the saints "so shall we always be with the Lord" and AFTER the saints have reigned with Christ for a 1,000 years...there is NO WAY this judgement involves the saints except we are told when the Lord comes to judge we will come with Him, not to be judged but the sheep and goats are judged by their deeds in regard to us.
We are saved by grace through faith, in this judgement we see the people are judged [both in Revs and Matt] by their deeds.
The sheep and those who names are written in the Lamb's book of life recieve an inheritance, not the heavenly one...that is for the body of Christ....but the meek shall inherit the earth. God is going to create a new heaven and a new earth.
This means....
Billions and billions of souls are NOT going to be damned to hell,, there is NO WAY that the devil will have a majority in that day, mercy will prevail...but the wicked will be turned into hell.
Christians MUST STOP pre-empting the judgement of Christ...Paul says we have nothing to do with judging the world...our concern is with getting the church right.