You're not barred from this thread as I am in yours GM and you're free to contribute in it. What I would ask out of common courtesy is that you don't refer back to me in yours where I don't have the opportunity to respond to this kind of crap:
"Earlier this week 'Arthur Brain', one of the renowned 'Leftists' (who happens to live in the U.K.) on TOL, had some kind of "problem" and I had to ask that he be removed from this thread before things, further escalated. The problem was, he was beginning to show signs of losing his rational perspective.'"
When I'm logged out I can still see what's going on in that thread and if you can't respond to me directly then just be adult enough not to refer to me at all. Not too much to ask is it?
I like the part where the atheist gets all preachy and moralistic for purely political reasons, not moral ones, and even cites a standard he doesn't believe in to do it.
It's disgusting to hear a professed Christian equating premarital sex with adultery and sexual assault.
Disgusting and disturbing.
I will refrain from making any future comments on this thread, as I attested to, earlier. I won't be mentioning you again on that thread. However, feel free to read my posts on that particular thread.
You're an atheist now?
He's not a real atheist; he just plays one on TOL.
And ya'll are still fools to think that anyone looks to Trump as their poster boy for morality.
The religious right seems to just love him. So yes, they certainly do.
No, they don't. But they've fooled themselves into thinking they can get what they want out of him and not be tarnished by him in the process. They've come to a point of desperation that has lead them to the ends justifying the means, ignoring that this is the opposite of faith.
There are also a large number of religious people comforting themselves with the lie that all Trump's big immoralities are in the past, that he is a changed man who has come to the faith, and that current indiscretions are just the missteps of a new believer not yet walking in the fullness of his new life.
But no member of the religious right I can find sees him as a poster boy for morality.
There's a lot of cognitive dissonance in all of this, but most seem to be determined to hold on white knuckled and screaming all the way to the apocalypse.
I'm waiting for "The Donald" to ensure "Stormy Daniels'" silence by quietly promising her with a political appointment - afterall, she's no less qualified than most of most of his other appointments!Is this seriously the type of thing that gets given a pass among conservatives these days? Or is it, as most sane people consider it to be - sexual assault and boasting about it?
Anyone's free to weigh in without any running to moderators on my part although I would ask that if GM feels so inclined, that he responds with something more substantive than "Hi"...