Life by fives: My testimony


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Awesome, awesome testimony, Mary! I don't know if I would have been able to share if I had gone through half of what you did.


New member

I'll be honest, I stumbled on your testimony because I was curious what all the fuss was about involving Rusha's recent infraction.

I haven't been on an emotional roller coaster like that in ages...and I'm a pretty stoic guy. I'm actually physically exhausted after having read that.

I think you're going to have your hands full convincing anyone who has read or heard that story, that you lack courage in any sense of the word.

All I can say is: Praise God and His extravagant grace.

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member

I'll be honest, I stumbled on your testimony because I was curious what all the fuss was about involving Rusha's recent infraction.

I haven't been on an emotional roller coaster like that in ages...and I'm a pretty stoic guy. I'm actually physically exhausted after having read that.

I think you're going to have your hands full convincing anyone who has read or heard that story, that you lack courage in any sense of the word.

All I can say is: Praise God and His extravagant grace.

I agree.... simply amazing!

This is one of the reasons I have such respect for Mary..even if we don't always agree.

Nathon Detroit

Mary.... I must confess......

I am lazy.

I don't like reading long posts. Not only am I busy, but also because... well, like I said.... I am just plain lazy. I finally got around to reading your testimony today and I am officially mad at myself for waiting this long. As punishment, I have put myself in "time out".

Your story was absolutely mesmerizing. After the first paragraph I couldn't pry myself away from my computer screen. You are a good writer, I love your style it kept me riveted every step along the way. I too (as others have stated) felt literally drained by the time I was finished reading it, but I was inspired even more so.

I almost cannot describe how pumped up I am after reading your story. I want to run outside and scream "hallelujah!", and I wouldn't care how wacky I looked to my neighbor. But I am a bit of an introvert so I will just scream it here. :D

Truly.... amazing. God bless you.
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Well-known member
Mary, you poured yourself out for us.

Several days ago, when I finished reading the part about your father and his demise, I must confess that I couldn't read any further. I had to stop. It was too intense for me, being a father of four girls, and a victim of molestation myself at the hands of an older boy.

Today I came back to try reading it again. Well, at least finish it from where I left off. I'm pleased to report that I was successful and enjoyed reading the rest of your testimony and accompanying love story.

I love happy endings...but I sense this is also a beginning for you.

For me, the most profound part of your testimony was when you accepted Christ on the bloody floor. The most profound part of any heroic story seems to occur at the bottom of the third act, and clearly that hotel bathroom was the bottom of the third act for you.

I praise and thank God for his mercy and forgiveness that he showed you in your darkest moment. And I thank you, from my heart, for pouring yourself out in the spirit of sharing, and for allowing us to drink and know you better.

God bless you.


Pain Killer
Super Moderator
Mary, I almost don't know what to write here. I knew you had some "interesting" details in your past, but reading your story has left me exhausted and tearful. I can't imagine the pain you endured for so much of your life, and yet, you managed to survive it and conquer it! I've always loved your avatar and now I have a whole new appreciation for it. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Wonderful and Amazing. There is nothing we can do that he won't nail to the cross. Not to mention, wrenching.

What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost until he finds it? And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing


King of the jungle
Super Moderator
Wow… I mean… WOW!

I don’t even know what to say. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. The part about you biting your hands and letting the blood flow down your arms was so illustrative of the knowledge in each of us the price we owe but can never repay. That only the covering of Christ’s blood can ever hope to justify.

Again. Thank you.



Thank you, Knight, for making this the Number One thread of 2008, otherwise I probably wouldn't have seen it. Thank you, MaryContrary, for posting it. Even though my late sister, Lucinda (Cindy), who died at age 48 of brain cancer, didn't go through quite what you did, I remember vividly my father screaming "whore" and other vile things directly in her face and me too cowardly to do anything about it. I miss my sister terribly.



Well-known member
....and I'm speechless. I can't imagine any words here to describe or lend to this at all, but I'll try...

First, your life is tragic horror, before Christ that captivates. I cannot imagine any made-for-tv producer turning down the script.

Second, just for the book version, more could be written in details that I think would immediately be a viable book contract for a story that should be told. No, we don't all relate, but I do believe many will and story is important for other's dealing with their own pains. In this story is hope and a promise of deliverance and healing that simply must be told enmass. Talk to TownHeretic (editor). For that, I'd also encourage much more of your relationship with Christ as well. The question begging is "How can Jesus do this for me?" Your further story would help answer that question.

Third, and a bit of extension on #2: your writing style is wholly engaging. You have a natural and God-given talent and are an amazing writer. I envision not only your biography, but other writings. You have a gift for it.

Finally, me. I relate to your story. Mine not nearly this tragic, but tragic just the same, and you've written what I could not (many reasons, but I believe style and ability to be up at the top). Your honesty, openness, and self-reflection echo not just your own story, but many others as well. In it, our own voices are given in a profound way that I believe, again, that God has given you this ability to speak eloquently for those without the strength, courage, or voice. I do agree with others here: Courage is not about being bold without fear, it is about knowing in Whom we have believed and trusting Him to walk forward both in bold firm trust of Him and in trembling trepidatious fear at our own vulnerabilty. Indeed, this is one of the most courageous pieces I've ever seen on the internet. You've allowed people to know you. Truly and really know you.
Perhaps this will bolden some toward their own stories. When we face them head on and truthfully, there is healing in this. I believe there is an incredible catharsis in writing and openly publishing.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame, your witness...everything about this really. You should slow down the sequence and commit it to a larger narrative, but Lon is right. This should be worked on, out and published. I think it would be a tremendously beneficial work for more people than you might imagine. :e4e:

Mike C.

New member
Incredible story. It never ceases to amaze me of the different ways that God reaches and heals a person. May he continue to bless you and draw you closer to him.


New member
Dear Girl

Dear Girl

Okay, so I'm going to go have a panic attack now. Again, all necessary apologies are freely and sincerely offered.

Thank God you are here. Love, mercy, forgiveness are alive and well with you. Jesus has healed you. And I send you my love. God bless you. bybee


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
There is no place so low that we can go where God's hands aren't able and willing to save us.

Thank you for sharing.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I just came upon this thread through the links in your signature. Powerful stuff. You are living proof that God can change someone's heart.