Let's talk about the hypocrisy of the cult of "Meshak"

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I am not good at fighting, dear.

You guys are too smart for me.

But Jesus loves me nonetheless.:)

Come on-the above is another spam, that you say to everyone, eventually. That spam machine works pretty good. Challenge us.

Did you have ByBee snuffed out?


Come on-the above is another spam, that you say to everyone, eventually. That spam machine works pretty good. Challenge us.

Did you have ByBee snuffed out?

come on John,

I will not help you to ban me.

I am not smart but I am not that naïve, friend.


Well-known member
it is true.

there are many members here were her friends.
Really? Did an Asian JW kingdom hall sponsor the lifetime membership then? Was it a outreach decision? Only on TOL, or other places too?

Realize you've said you are 1) divorced 2) receiving military funding 3) have grown children, some not walking with the Lord.

Lot of mixed data here. -Lon


Really? Did an Asian JW kingdom hall sponsor the lifetime membership then? Was it a outreach decision? Only on TOL, or other places too?

Realize you've said you are 1) divorced 2) receiving military funding 3) have grown children, some not walking with the Lord.

Lot of mixed data here. -Lon

Boy, you sure put yourself so low.

Your fruit shows your Lord is not Jesus for sure.

You are the kind I am talking about, hypocritical learned Christian.
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Well-known member
Boy, you sure put yourself so low.
Please correct any of this:
1) You are divorced?
2) You are receiving $$$ from the military?
3) You have children not walking with the Lord?

I don't degrade you for divorce or your kids, but the $$$ from the military, to me, is having two masters. Matthew 6:24,33

Your fruit shows your Lord is not Jesus for sure.
:confused: Isn't even 'saying' this to me, a bad fruit too? Isn't the accusation worse than anything I've supposedly said?
Especially when I gave what I 'thought' were facts to ask questions?

You are the kind I am talking about, hypocritical leaned Christian.
"Lean" or "Learned?" I guess you can accuse me of being a dupe. I'm not accusing you, just trying to understand your words today about a lot of people and your words before about you being only one person. I HAVE noticed that you sometimes write differently. I never would have thought to ask about it but for this thread though. Your own words "It is true" had me wondering "what is true?" Rereading, I think it may have been about you being innocent, but you separated the sentences so it was hard to tell. Just ask instead of accusing me next time? -Lon

Grosnick Marowbe

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Really? Did an Asian JW kingdom hall sponsor the lifetime membership then? Was it a outreach decision? Only on TOL, or other places too?

Realize you've said you are 1) divorced 2) receiving military funding 3) have grown children, some not walking with the Lord.

Lot of mixed data here. -Lon

First, she tells us her Husband isn't in the home, now, she tells us he got angry with her for spending the money on a TOL lifetime subscription. Which story is she lying about?


Please correct any of this:
1) You are divorced?
2) You are receiving $$$ from the military?
3) You have children not walking with the Lord?

Fair enough. It seems your question is sincere.

1)No, I am not divorced. We are only separated. I will not go into my detail. It was my mistake to reveal my whole private family situation. It became my enemy's food to use to derail my points.

No I am not receiving any money from government directly. My husband is faithful about providing his family and he has been faithful about all financial situation. Yes, my husband is retired military. He gives me allowance everything for my needs.

God owns everything. I know He is using my husband to provide me. Actually he tries to make me to live luxuriously since it is important to him how he appears to the world. He does not appreciate how I look destitute and how I look is not socially acceptable to him.

I don't spend money on cloths, jewels, expensive landscaping, expensive house accessories and so on. He hates me for that because he believes I am making him look like unsuccessful husband and father.

3)This is another complicated question and it will take eloquent writing to explain but I will try to make it short.

My spiritual life is not long. I accepted Jesus as my Lord about 17 years ago.

I have four grown children. My two older ones were raised without me involved in faith even though their father took them to Lutheran church faithfully.

So naturally they followed their fathers steps. They did not believe they are Christians but they had to go with their father to please him.

My two younger ones are now 28 and 26. They stayed with me because they liked my spiritual life more than their fathers. But they were not as serious as me. But they agreed that most churches are not true to Jesus' teachings, so they still don't attend any church. They respect Jesus as true Servant of His Father.

My two young ones are not as deeply involved in serving Jesus but they agree with my faith basically.

lastly, I don't ever claim to be faithful and obey all Jesus' teachings. I don't claim to be saved because I respect Jesus authority of judging all of us including our walk with Him.

All I do is to point to Jesus, not me. He is the teacher and not any of us. He teaches how to live spiritual life. He is the perfect Teacher of the world.

And I am slso not mature Christion. I have a lot to grow. Jesus is way up there.

His followers main duty is to spread Jesus with whole truth about gospel. Jesus tells us we are salt and light of the world.

Without trying to be like Jesus, we will not be salt and light of the world for sure.

If we are not salt and light of the world, we are failing to spread Jesus.

If we try to be like Jesus by observing His teaching we will not be look like bunch of lunatics and hypocrites. It is disgraceful looking like the rest of the world. Jesus says His followers are not of the world.

This is my faith for my Lord Jesus Christ.


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Well-known member
lastly, I don't ever claim to be faithful and obey all Jesus' teachings. I don't claim to be saved because I respect Jesus authority of judging all of us including our walk with Him.
It is a good place to be, BUT I think the JW's confused the gospel for you. Hebrews 7:25 In a nutshell, the one side says "Hold on to Jesus." The other side is saying "Jesus IS holding on." 1 Corinthians 1:2 Romans 10:13 You are correct in this: All who love the Lord love what He says and want to follow after Him because of that love. The difference: Rules vs. relationship. I'm not sure if any of this is new to you, but in hopes something will have you trust Him, and not worry so much about yourself. Love does want to follow after Jesus. We are never talking about that, rather, we are talking about a relationship vs a set of rules. Again, don't know if that helps, but this is my attempt.

All I do is to point to Jesus, not me. He is the teacher and not any of us. He teaches how to live spiritual life. He is the perfect Teacher of the world.

And I am slso not mature Christion. I have a lot to grow. Jesus is way up there.
You seem to express a great love for the Lord Jesus Christ and desire to honor Him. For me: The triune view is the only one that 'can' do this correctly because of this: John 5:23-24 (not to argue with you, none of this, I am sharing my heart here with you).

His followers main duty is to spread Jesus with whole truth about gospel. Jesus tells us we are salt and light of the world.

Without trying to be like Jesus, we will not be salt and light of the world for sure.
I agree but believe the Lord Jesus Christ, when we come to Him, does something new in us Ephesians 2:10 2 Corinthians 5:17 So 1) many of us trust Christ has a hold of us, rather than us having a hold of Him 2) There are no rules for being like him but a desire to love Him. 1 John 4:18 3) We are His workmanship and so reflect to the lost His light. I agree that we can do as Paul and become all things to all people that some would come to Our Lord Jesus Christ. I would be surprised if everyone on TOL didn't agree with you, as you wrote this.

If we are not salt and light of the world, we are failing to spread Jesus. Isaiah 41:10 Hebrews 13:5 I pray at least, the scriptures give you a joy and comfort.

If we try to be like Jesus by observing His teaching we will not be look like bunch of lunatics and hypocrites. It is disgraceful looking like the rest of the world. Jesus says His followers are not of the world.
I agree, but more importantly I agree with the 'reason.' Perhaps, however, being idiots, another may have hope that Jesus too, can save even them. I don't know if it is true, I only hope whenever I have messed up my planting and watering job, that God can still use it to His glory. Romans 8:28

This is my faith for my Lord Jesus Christ.


Thank you, and my apology for being unclear.
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thank you for your clarification, Lon.

It was immature of me to reveal all my private life. But it is too late now. That's why I answered your questions in hope your questions are sincere.

Yes, I don't type well and my English is not consistent. Yes, sometimes it is horrible. It is because it is not my mother tongue. It does not come naturally.

I should proofread every time I type but many times I don't.

Lastly, what I am doing is to inform the public that Christianity is supposed to be following Jesus' teachings. This is my conviction.

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