lets talk about hypocrisy of religion, mainly about christian community

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There are many more.

What are they?

This entire thread is designed to put Christians against one another! Who likes that? Hint... disguised as an angel of light.

You seem to have problem Jesus being the Lord.

I will be logging off for a bit. But... I'll post this in two places. You judge and damn all who appose the Watchtower teachings. You appose Grace. You appose all who believe Jesus is God. You resist scripture and you resist the Holy Spirit.

You feast on dividing Christians. (1 Co. 1:13)

You deny that God is Father - beyond and within, Son - Within creation and the very, physical presence of God ... and Holy Spirit - God within us as our seal of salvation.

You MOCK anyone who dares say they are saved!

You are only kind to try to sway people to the Watchtower and divide.

You cloak your deceit in a thin veil of false humility that is as see through as cellophane.

Good day madam.


This entire thread is designed to put Christians against one another! Who likes that? Hint... disguised as an angel of light.

I will be logging off for a bit. But... I'll post this in two places. You judge and damn all who appose the Watchtower teachings. You appose Grace. You appose all who believe Jesus is God. You resist scripture and you resist the Holy Spirit.

You feast on dividing Christians. (1 Co. 1:13)

You deny that God is Father - beyond and within, Son - Within creation and the very, physical presence of God ... and Holy Spirit - God within us as our seal of salvation.

You MOCK anyone who dares say they are saved!

You are only kind to try to sway people to the Watchtower and divide.

You cloak your deceit in a thin veil of false humility that is as see through as cellophane.

Good day madam.

Hello EE.


How do we keep hypocrisy going?

Hypocrisy is Satan's one of best works.

And he keeps it going by trying to silence the truth.


New member
Does it exist?

Am I the only one who believe it exists?

Hypocrisy is saying you only follow the words of Jesus and then reject the rest of the new testament. Every miracle that Jesus performed for Jew and Gentile required faith not works. The Roman centurion who was commended for having great faith simply took Jesus at his word. He didn't do anything except believe.


Hypocrisy is saying you only follow the words of Jesus and then reject the rest of the new testament. Every miracle that Jesus performed for Jew and Gentile required faith not works. The Roman centurion who was commended for having great faith simply took Jesus at his word. He didn't do anything except believe.

You cannot fool the world with your convenient excuse.

the world know Christians are supposed to follow Jesus.

and they know God belong to the world, and He does not belong to just some group or country.

Jesus says over and over that "if you love Me, keep My commandments".

Jesus' commandments are holy, pure, righteous, godly and just.

He does not play favoritism. He looks into our hearts. He cares if we are true to Him by following His teachings and being a godly witness to the world, not known by hypocrisy.

His followers have responsibility to spread Him and His teachings to the world.

"Go, there for make disciples of all nations.... teach them to obey everything I have commanded you."

We cannot be godly witness if we appear to be bunch of hypocrites.

We will be godly witnesses if we strive to follow His noble teachings.

Jesus' teachings are about loving God and loving our neighbors. If we strive to follow His teachings, we will not to be hypocrites for sure because the Holy Spirit helps us to be godly.


New member
You cannot fool the world with your convenient excuse.

the world know Christians are supposed to follow Jesus.

and they know God belong to the world, and He does not belong to just some group or country.

Jesus says over and over that "if you love Me, keep My commandments".

Jesus' commandments are holy, pure, righteous, godly and just.

He does not play favoritism. He looks into our hearts. He cares if we are true to Him by following His teachings and being a godly witness to the world, not known by hypocrisy.

His followers have responsibility to spread Him and His teachings to the world.

"Go, there for make disciples of all nations.... teach them to obey everything I have commanded you."

We cannot be godly witness if we appear to be bunch of hypocrites.

We will be godly witnesses if we strive to follow His noble teachings.

Jesus' teachings are about loving God and loving our neighbors. If we strive to follow His teachings, we will not to be hypocrites for sure because the Holy Spirit helps us to be godly.

Jesus said to go into all the world and preach the gospel of grace! Commandment keeping is a works-based performance religion that died when the law/priesthood/temple were burned to the ground.


Jesus said to go into all the world and preach the gospel of grace! Commandment keeping is a works-based performance religion that died when the law/priesthood/temple were burned to the ground.

And back to where we started Epoisses...

We dispensationally disagree, but on grace... we see eye to eye!


It's okay... when we're on our way to Zion, as the clouds, to "seek and destroy" those that have risen against Zion... you'll wink at me and say... "Well, we can't be right about everything"

: P


You cannot fool the world with your convenient excuse.

the world know Christians are supposed to follow Jesus.

and they know God belong to the world, and He does not belong to just some group or country.

Jesus says over and over that "if you love Me, keep My commandments".

Jesus' commandments are holy, pure, righteous, godly and just.

He does not play favoritism. He looks into our hearts. He cares if we are true to Him by following His teachings and being a godly witness to the world, not known by hypocrisy.

His followers have responsibility to spread Him and His teachings to the world.

"Go, there for make disciples of all nations.... teach them to obey everything I have commanded you."

We cannot be godly witness if we appear to be bunch of hypocrites.

We will be godly witnesses if we strive to follow His noble teachings.

Jesus' teachings are about loving God and loving our neighbors. If we strive to follow His teachings, we will not to be hypocrites for sure because the Holy Spirit helps us to be godly.

As you stand on your high Tower of Babel, built by Charles Taze Russel and speak like an Evil John the Baptist, proclaiming Jesus is an impotent Savior...

Don't you even feel the slightest jab of the Holy Spirit on your seared conscience?


Jesus said to go into all the world and preach the gospel of grace! Commandment keeping is a works-based performance religion that died when the law/priesthood/temple were burned to the ground.

this thread is about the hypocrisy of Christian community, not our practice of faith.

BTW, We need to represent Jesus to the world what exactly Jesus is teaching, not our denominational or group understanding.

I was a evangelist in my own country, Okinawa. What I did was to spread New Testament and telling them all His teachings are in the Matthew, Mark and Luke and John.

I never talked about my own understanding to put my word into their mouth.


As you stand on your high Tower of Babel, built by Charles Taze Russel and speak like an Evil John the Baptist, proclaiming Jesus is an impotent Savior...

Don't you even feel the slightest jab of the Holy Spirit on your seared conscience?

this is one way to silence the whole truth, by trolling or focusing away from point I am making.

You have been doing a good job, friend. You succeeded to close my thread.

In the meantime try to catch the mistake I make and close the thread or ban me, again.

peace, friend.


In addition,

Jesus says His followers are salt and the light of the world.

If we look like bunch of hypocrites, we are not being salt and light of the world and misrepresenting Jesus to the world. Jesus does not teach us to be hypocrites.

Jesus expects us to be godly.

We cannot be godly by looking like hypocrites to the world.


this is one way to silence the whole truth, by trolling or focusing away from point I am making.

You have been doing a good job, friend. You succeeded to close my thread.

In the meantime try to catch the mistake I make and close the thread or ban me, again.

peace, friend.


If the Watchtower is the TRUTH then I'm The Queen of England.


New member
Does it exist?

Am I the only one who believe it exists?

Hypocrisy is the contrivance of a false appearance of virtue or goodness, while concealing real character or inclinations, especially with respect to religious and moral beliefs; hence in general sense, dissimulation, pretense, sham.


New member
I think the reason there is so much hypocrisy is because many do not really believe. It is my understanding that some believe in evolution and other such things.


I think the reason there is so much hypocrisy is because many do not really believe.
It is my understanding that some believe in evolution and other such things.

that seems right. If we truly fear God, we will strive to be faithful to Jesus by obeying His teachings.

We cannot mock God.


Anyone else?

It seems not too many are interested in this topic.

It seems my claim is accurate and on target.

Hypocrisy in Christian community is like elephant in the room.

We should take heed of taking Jesus' teaching so lightly.

We can never be Jesus' powerful witness without striving to be faithful to Him.


Well-known member
Anyone else?

It seems not too many are interested in this topic.

Hypocrisy in Christian community is like elephant in the room.

We should take heed of taking Jesus' teaching so lightly.

We can never be Jesus' powerful witness without striving to be faithful to Him.

I think this means that class is dismissed.:banana:
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