Lets fact check "Faith" the verb....


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Since when do ears not work who do not have his life? You hear and you are dead.
Nick teaches that while separate from Christ and spiritually dead, man can do SOMETHING: he can hear and believe.

On the other hand, Christ said that separate from Him man can do NOTHING.

I rather believe in what my Savior said.


So why does the definition matter?

It's not really that the definition matters. What matters is to know what God expects from us to have a relationship with Him.
If we are to examine ourselves to see if we are still "in Faith". And if we see we aren't "in Faith" , we should stop, get right and start again. Not continue no matter what. And how fortunate would we be for someone to come along and give us the information we need to get right with God, to start on the right path.

NOUN The corresponding verb. An action word.
Commitment = Committing, to commit, be committed unto.

trust = trusting, to trust, to trust in.

The words that should have been available to the translators are.
FAITHER, FAITHING, TO FAITHE, ( but those are not in the English language.)

Put yourselves in there shoes, this is a major problem. Arguably the most important word in Gods book and there's no word for it in English.. We can't just leave it blank, so what do we do?

Well, not having a lot of choices, they chose to use believer, believing and to believe as the translated Greek word pisteuo.

Now, the definition of a verb is, "An act, based upon a belief, sustained by confidence. At least we have one third of that in the English translation. But I wonder if they really had any clue, that the mistranslation of pisteuo would create a path so wide , it would take out most of the church world.

Now that we know what a verb is, what is the "specific act, based on what belief, and sustained how, that the greek word Pisteuo is screaming out to us from the past. The best definition is in the vines: " A personal surrender to Him, and I life inspired by such surrender." THIS IS SAVING FAITH! Not a one time act, but a continual act.

So its not the meaning that's important, it's what we do with the meaning that's important.