Anti-KJVOismist FACT vs KJVO Guesswork!
Anti-KJVOismist FACT vs KJVO Guesswork!
Peter A V: My foolish GUESSWORK has a Bible that is inspired of God,infalible,pure.
Your scholarship has no Bible,Infalible,of course.
You're even DOUBLE-guessing! You're not only guessing God is limited to just one version; you're guessing that He's inspired one version to the exclusion of all others. I have no scholarship; I'm just s steelworker with a HS diploma But I know the KJVO myth is false due to lack of supporting evidence, and consists entirely of misinformation, hearsay, tall tales, outright LIES AND DISHONESTY, and most of all, GUESSWORK. You simply CANNOT PROVE God is limited to just your fave version, but you expect ME to believe it without one scad of PROOF. Sorry, but God's word is too important for me to apply
Kind of reminds me of that verse in I Corinthians
And again,The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise,that they are vain.
Yep...Fits the KJVO perfectly...They think they know more about God's word than GOD does.
I'd rather be considered a fool for Christ than to be non-Bible believer with his logic.
Well, DO you believe the Bible or not? Seems as if ya believe only those parts which fit your man-made myth.
You may consider me crazy,but I am happy.
Yes, happy in yer own little world. I don't think you're either crazy nor stupid, but you ARE badly misguided by a man-made myth, made by people who ARE either stupid, crazy, or both...and in any case WRONG.
You,however are claiming to be sane,but you are sad.
Not at all.
Are you mad,sad or glad?
GLAD that God has chosen to make His word available to me in abundance...also THANKFUL.
This is the foundational responses the Holy Bible has on people.It will make them either mad] sad] or glad]depending on the outlook of your life.
yes...I've been a Christian and Bible-reader long enuff to be able to reject and debunk all the stupid man-made doctrines, old and new, that stupid, crazy, or DISHONEST people have made about God and His word.
Many have the wrong attitude towards the Holy Bible.They think that they are smarter than God,and bring the Bible down to below their level and change anything thats not in their own limited unbeliving understanding.
Couldn't have described KJVOs any more succintly if I tried.
Origen did it,When he wrote the Hexapla and the 200 A.D. LXX[72].Think of the heretic,that changes the Old Testament to line up with his New Testament;and then the unbelivers that don't study God's word believingly,get sucked in to this lie;that the apostles were somehow quoting the LXX{72} Greek,and not the Hebrew.
Let's spend a little time with this stupid KJVO assertion.(NOT calling YOU stupid!)
First, please compare, in the KJV or any other valid version, Isaiah 42:7 and 61:1-3 with what JESUS READ ALOUD in Luke 16-20 & called SCRIPTURE in V.21. What JESUS read aloud DOES NOT MATCH the Masoretic Text from which the KJV's OT is translated, but it DOES closely match the rendering of Isaiah in the LXX. There cannot be more empirical proof that JESUS APPROVED OF USING OTHER VERSIONS. In fact, FEW OT quotes found in the NT match the Masoretic text, but most DO match the LXX.
When they don't match, there can be only a few possibilities. Whaddya think?
Now, what did the AV translators think of the LXX?
"While God would be known only in Jacob, and have his Name great in Israel, and in none other place, while the dew lay on Gideon's fleece only, and all the earth besides was dry; [See S.August.lib.12. contra Faust.c.32.] then for one and the same people, which spake all of them the language of Canaan, that is, Hebrew, one and the same original in Hebrew was sufficient.
But when the fullness of time drew near, that the Sun of righteousness, the Son of God, should come into the world, whom God ordained to be a reconciliation through faith in his blood, not of the Jew only, but also of the Greek, yea, of all them that were scattered abroad; then, lo, it pleased the Lord to stir up the spirit of a Greek prince (Greek for descent and language), even of Ptolomy Philadelph, King of Egypt, to procure the translating of the Book of God out of Hebrew into Greek.
This is the translation of the Seventy interpreters, commonly so called, which prepared the way for our Saviour among the Gentiles by written preaching, as Saint John Baptist did among the Jews by vocal.
For the Grecians, being desirous of learning, were not wont to suffer books of worth to lie moulding in kings' libraries, but had many of their servants, ready scribes, to copy them out, and so they were dispersed and made common.
Again, the Greek tongue was well known and made familiar to most inhabitants in Asia, by reason of the conquest that there the Grecians had made, as also by the colonies, which thither they had sent.
For the same causes also it was well understood in many places of Europe, yea, and of Africa too.
Therefore the word of God being set forth in Greek, becometh hereby like a candle set upon a candlestick, which giveth light to all that are in the house, or like a proclamation sounded forth in the market-place, which most men presently take knowledge of; and therefore that language was fittest to contain the Scriptures, both for the first preachers of the Gospel to appeal unto for witness, and for the learners also of those times to make search and trial by."
(To The Reader, AV 1611)
There are the words of the very men who made your fave version. Do you believe them only as far as they agree with your myth? Did those who made the KJVO myth know more about the KJV than those who MADE it?
So now anything goes,PREFERENCE all the way,change the Book,when it don't make sense.Don't dare study believingly,or you may believe what God said in his word about his word.
That's right, KJVOs...Don't study believingly or ya may find out that the KJV DOESN'T SUPPORT THE MAN-MADE MYTH ABOUT ITSELF WHATSOEVER!
I'm not here to verify this person or that person nor myself,only the LORD Jesus Christ and him crucified and the very words of God.
So why do you revile His word when it's not in your fave version?
No person is infalible so YOU better not quote any other person too,even yourself.Thats your logic to its conclusion.Pretty silly don't you think?
SOME people are less-fallible than others...and some are more susceptible to man-made myths & lies than others. True or false?
Lets get off this MYTH issue.You lie every time you say it.
MYTH: an unfounded or false notion(Definition 2-B, Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)
Fits KJVO to a "T". It's an unfounded (absolutely NO Scriptural support), false(proven many times) notion. Therefore, it's a MYTH.
I could say the very same of you.But that is not my present style.But you may force me to do it if you persist in your rantings.
Go right ahead...You'll lose.
You,yourself have been shown to be out to lunch,by your own words,here.[/i]
I've presented FACTS, while YOU'VE presented a lotta GUESSES.
But I still like your posts;I believe you are genuine.Who has hurt you?Why are you so angry at a simple Bible believer?
I'm not angry at you at all...But I AM at war, as God commanded, against the KJVO myth & all other false, man-made doctrines invented by latter-day Pharisees who then try to inject them into our worship.
Did you think that if you could discredit Dr.Ruckman and Gail Riplinger and the like, that you would shake my faith in the Bible?
Rucky & The Ripper discredit themselves by their own words. Remember, I've only QUOTED THEIR OWN WORDS, especially those of Rucky. And I've provided the SOURCES, so you may check for yourself, if you wish, to see if I've quoted correctly, and not ripped anything out of context, or only made HALF-quotes, as Riplinger does.And I'm not trying to shake anyone's faith in the Bible; I'm merely discrediting a foolish false doctrine built up around one certain version of the Bible, and such CHARLATANS as those listed above who are interested only in SELLING BOOKS, even if they must LIE about the Bible in order to do it..
Is this your stratedgy.Well it didn't work.Never will,because I have come to the place of permanent confident faith in God and his words for me.
So have I...and I seek to OBEY God and war against stupid, man-made false doctrines and myths about His word.
Don't forget,I don't condemn you for using other versions;I do myself.But I only believe one.
You can believe your other versions all you want,it's a free world.But just because I actually believe the Holy Bible,you think that I am out to lunch?Good grief.
I believe the Holy Bible also, as found in several versions. I have a solid Scriptural foundation for doing so, while the Onlyist(any version) has nothing but the pronouncements of men, some of them not even Christian. For example, the KJVO myth was started by a SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST preacher/teacher/official who was hardly a Christian by any stretch. He placed the same value on the writings of Ellen Gould White as he did Scripture. And YOU dare subscribe to a doctrine from such an UNgodly source?
I have a Bible that I believe.I promote it,and I am villified?Good grief.
We vilify the man-made myth built up around it.
All these guys thinking that I must check every sentence of every person that is in the same camp as I,are asking too much.
Please,before you do that,stop being the hypocrite and take your own medicine.Make sure to read everything by Westcott and Hort,And all the university professors out there that are Bible critics.
Much of it, I HAVE. And also, I've read the works of Ruckman, Riplinger, Moorman, Watkins, Grady, Reagan, Marrs, Gipp, Cloud, Waite, Hills, Hyles, and a bunch more KJVOs....and checked out every assertion any of'em have made, using neutral sources, and some NOT so neutral, such as the AV 1611. That ORIGINAL KJV destroys many of the false doctrines built around its later editions, which conveniently leave out the PREFACE, and most of the translators' notes.
Took a lotta time. But YOU have the advantage of using the Net, which I didn't have while doing my work over 20 years ago.
The truth is,we all can only do what we can do.Some have a greater ability to do these things others not;some have financial restrictions,and Computer skill deficiencies,yet others,time plays a big part.Some is just interest.Some are interested in some things and some are not.We can't be pushing everyone into our own little molds.And this is what we all do to a degree when we become a bit vocal at times.Sometimes it is warranted by scriptures,and other times,maybe not.
We all do what we can do.
I am in no way shape or form trying to mold you against your own will.Just showing you things about the Holy Bible.If you don't like it,you don't have to stay.I would rather talk to someone that is hungry for the truth than to give in to endless arguments with the arguer himself.
But when you promote the KJV as the ONLY valid English Bible version, YOU'RE WRONG, plain and simple! You have ABSOLUTELY NO PROOF for your assertion! NONE!
Didn't you think it strange that I don't talk to you many times.That's because I feel you are forcing yourself in.
Actually, it's because you often have NO ANSWER against the FACTS I've presented against your guesswork.
Example: The KJVO asserts, "Psalms 12:6-7 say God preserves His words". This is found in almost every KJVO publication, following the old Wilkinson/Ray/Fuller KJVO "party line" of misinformation, poor research, and outright LIES.
FACT: The AV 1611 has this marginal note for v.7..."Heb.himI. euery one of them". The Geneva Bible reads"him" in V.7.So much for their "words" argument.What makes that little KJVO thingie so hilarious and OUTRIGHT STUPID is that no one argues that God didn't preserve His words, and that there are several verses that state that fact outright. It wasn't at all nacessary to TWIST a Scripture to help promote their stupid myth. Even if those verses WERE about God's words, there's not the SLIGHTEST HINT of their being preserved only in one version in a language that didn't exist until over 2000 years after david wrote Psalms.
People are pro or anti,but we still can be siblings,don't you think?
In most manners, YES, & you can use any version(s) you wish. But if/when you promote the false KJVO myth again, or any other known false doctrine, I will oppose ti, God Willing. You can COUNT on it.
And I insist I've presented FACTS against KJVO GUESSWORK. Can you disprove my little example above, concerning Psalms 12:6-7?