KJ-ONLYite claims: Enyart does not believe The Bible is inerrant

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Peter A V

New member
The word is Primarily,not only.

The word is Primarily,not only.

Peter A V said:
That is because those 30,000 changes were primarilly spelling changes and typo corrections.
1611 translators.[Ruckman]

Naughty,naughty,mamma gonna spank.I simply did not yet address that part of the issue.
There are much more too_One can only say so much,for the readers to follow along,you know.Just because I addressed only the typo errors and spelling changes,only in passing,one would come to the conclusion that I was only concerned with this part,Amen?

I didn't say anything about the spelling changes as much as I could have,nor the typo corrections.I was simply giving a simple answer,is all.

Peter A V

New member
Variations do not constitute error.Just because ther have been variations in the editions of the AV since 1611,the Scholarship Onlyites thinks that that constitutes error and proves that no single text was "inerent."

Well the revisions in the other fake Bibles are nothing like those corrections of the AV.
The Alexandrians think it terible when the KJV shows variations,yet their own works are rife with purposeful changes.But the Holy Ghost allowed the KJV ones to stand.

Here are some variations;
Rev 5:4 orig;no man was worthy
Rev 5:4 today;no man was found worthy

I Kings 4:27 orig;to king Solomon's table
I Kings 4:27 today;unto king Solomon's table

of course,there are a few more,but this is the stuff that the Scolarship Onlyites think gives them licence to use corrupted materials and pump it upon the publick.They would that all of the church go back to Rome and use the Catholic Jesuit Rheims materials for their New and improved perversions.

These changes and variations,the Holy Ghost enorsed for some 300 years with the KJV are not in the same ball park as the fakers that always try to take down the AV.That is their sole purpose for being printed,don't you know.

They will bark against the KJV for minor variations,and I mean MINOR.But they swallow the camel of the corrupted versions that disagree with the Bible in over 36,000 places.Nice guys.


More KJVO falsehoods...

More KJVO falsehoods...

Peter A V said:
Nice try there Huldrych.Will already answered this topic,showing that the modern versions are continually given to change,where the KJV stays true and reliable the whole time,exept for the few typo errors and spelling updates.

The Niv is so given to change,that they had to put out a letter that this time we will not be making any changes.But shucks,within a few days they had to recant because they did after all.

Any typo errors in the KJV where all corrected.In fact,any changes that appeared,always go back to the original.That is pretty honest work,if you ask me.

The real problem nowadays is that many of these modern Bible critics don't know what the word of God is.[Luke 4:4 etc].They also don't know what the SCRIPTURES are,for that matter.[Matt 22:29}
They would like to replace the word of God with manuscripts and corrupted manuscripts and shifting versions and their own opinions.
In their thinking,if one COPY does not match every word,and goofs up on even one spot and has to write another,that this constitutes error,
You can't justify your own sin by appealling to someone elses sin.And this is what most do.They think,"A Ha" he corrected this word,so now I can do it to whatever I FEEL LIKE.

But God doesn't alow those types of changes.That is the efforts of people that believe in no Bible on the face of this Earth.

In 1852,the American Bible Society said in reguards to the so-called 30,000 changes in the various editions[of A.V.]:"The English Bible as left by the translators has come down to us UNALTERED in respect to its text"

That is because those 30,000 changes were primarilly spelling changes and typo corrections.

The Apostate Bible scolar assumes,of course,that the Bible is a book of perfect originals with no "errors of press,"printing or writing,in them,as they were "verbally inspired."

The Scolarly apostate has no BIBLE.

The people that claim there are changes are trying to get you to accept the corrupted changes in their Alexandrian Minority texts.

There were type setting problems both in 1611 and 1613,plus other variations.

Just because there was a typo error here and there does not give licence to use corrupted Manuscripts and change the whole Bible and get rid of the real Bible.

When I speak of the KJV,I usually am speaking of the one I hold in my hands every day and have hid in mine heart.
Besides,the original autographs were never proved to be in one book at one time ever,and will never be proved.So proving they were "verbally inspired"is a non-issue.

BECAUSE,you are STILL left with the problem:
Do you have THE Bible?
Do you read THE Bible?
Are you a Bible believer?

The originals where never the Bible.The Alexandrians would like to trust in the Originals,for then they are not in submission to any bible.

So there was no departure of the KJV in writing from the text of 1611,But there was a RETURN to it if any signs of departure showed up in the printing press.

But the modern scholars would rather believe
Making a sinner out of Christ matt 5:22
Sometimes denying the Incarnation 1 Tim 3:16
covering up the sins of the translators 2 Cor2:17
attacking the Virgin birth Lk 2:33
and the Blood atonement Col 1:14
They would have you believe that these are genuine and honest revisions,because they were done by honest,godly,dedicated scholars who "reverenced the Scriptures" just as much,if not more that the KJV translators.Typical Alexandrians.

The KJV is so true to the Hebrew and Greek Texts,that even if you included all of the lithographical errors in any edition of the A.V.it would still be a text that is far superior to all editions of the ASV and NASV even where they have not one typographical error.

These perversions in these Alexandrian texts are purposeful,deliberate and intentional.
Variations are not errors.Should it be Jumped,leaped,or hopped?

All revisions of the KJV were nothing other than corrections of press errors where the type setter had not followed the KJV text.And these were revised BACK into the subsequent editions,until the PURE text arived in 1813,which conformed to the original intent of the 1611 translators.[Ruckman]

Sorry, Peter, you're using a DOUBLE STANDARD. You holler about the differences in versions without addressing the problem of different narrations of the same events within one version. These differences, such as those between the four Gospels, is far-greater than are the differences between versions.

Then, there's the problem of NO SCRIPTURAL SUPPORT for the KJVO myth.

And quoting Ruckman, then calling other versions "perversions" doesn't do much for your credibility, either.


believe RIPLINGER?? Yeah, RIGHT..........

believe RIPLINGER?? Yeah, RIGHT..........

Peter A V said:
Typical parroting going on here.Who are you quoting here?Guaranteed this person has no Infalible Bible that he can hold in his hands,and read,study,memorize and live.

Erasmus was sent to school and started to make his living by copying manuscripts.
Young Erasmus moved to Italy to visit Libraries.There he spent his time comparing codices and finding the correct reading.
Italy had some of the best libraries around,seeing they would collect them profusely.
He had complete access to some of the very best.
Rome did all of the collecting,and Erasmus did all of the coalating.

When he was finished,the libraries were destroyed.So he had the best manuscripts around during those days.In fact,they were so good that some coveted them.
After Erasmus arrived back in a somewhat safe harbour,he was now ready to publish and print THE SCRIPTURES.
Erasmus was the first to marry the hand written manuscripts with the PRINTING PRESS.

Erasmus continued combing Europe and England for all of the manuscripts he could find.
He ended up with so much that he had two aids to help him carry them all.And he had plenty of time to arrange them.

Froude wrote

He was known to be preparing an edition of the [Greek New Testament with a fresh translation[Latin].He had been at work over the Greek MSS.for MANY YEARS.
Life and Letters pg 93

Even Erasmus himself mentioned at one time of his toiling over the Greek manuscripts now for two years.
All through his childhood and researching the various libraries all over Europe and England,he had amassed some 40 YEARS .He worked a dozen years on the text itself.

This sure slaps the Bible critics in the face that try to make out like Erasmus did it all hurrriedly,"in great haste."

It is a fib to say that Erasmus had a puny collection of Greek manuscripts.Why ,he was THE authority in the Greek.Everyone wanted him.

In fact,Erasmus' own manuscript collection was so large and valuable,it was covetously seized by costoms when he left England to go to the Continent to finalize the Greek New Testament in 1514.He protested saying that "they had stolen the labours of his life."

The manuscripts were returned in a few days.

But the seminaries will lie to your face,to make their $$$$$.

Erasmus matched the 99% majority Received Text [those 5,200]and he wisely ignored the 1% corrupted minority Alexandrian Texts.

Sometimes Erasmus followed Jerome,only because he believed it to follow the Accurate early readings of the OLD ITALA in places.

He,like myself atribute corruption of the text to Origen.
Materials gleened from In Awe Of THY Word,Riplinger pgs 922-943

Gail Riplinger's codwallop isn't worth the paper it's printed on. A close reading of any reputable encyclopedia will bear this out.

Erasmus, born in 1466, didn't even study Greek until 1500, and didn't undertake the Textus Receptus until 1515, after being approached by John Froben. a printer in Basle, Switzerland. This was because cardinal Ximenes had made the Complutensian Polyglot, a Greek and Latin New Testament in 1514, but hadn't published it, and Froben saw a cash cow if he could get someone to make another edition that he could print & sell first. Knowing Erasmus' reputation as a scholar and religious person, Froben asked him to take on this project. Erasmus agreed, and work began in fall of 1515, with the first edition printed & sold in February 1516.

That first edition was rough, to put it mildly, and Erasmus himself made three more editions, seeking to improve over earlier ones each time. It was not until his 3rd edition that he added 1 John 5:7-8.

Again, readers, feel free to verify this from any good encyclopedia.

Peter, it would serve you well to obtain your info from REPUTABLE sources, which Gail Riplinger is NOT.


New member
Erasmus and the lies Whateverists tell about him

Erasmus and the lies Whateverists tell about him

Johnthebaptist said:
Peter Av

Ignorance is Bliss! The manuscripts he used are a known fact. Yes everybody is wrong except KJV Only according to you.

Hi jt, then you must be very happy, indeed. (Sorry, couldn't resist;-)

Here are a few facts about Erasmus and the texts he used. Besides this, I find it ironic that you of all people, jt, would criticize Erasmus when it was his Greek text that Luther used to translate that Bible of yours you say you like so much. More self inflicted throat cutting?

Additionally, the KJB translators did not even use Erasmus' Greek text as their primary source. They used Beza's Greek text, and some from Stephanus, and they had many other Greek copies, as well as several foreign language Bibles.

You all are stil ignoring the Providence of God in guiding the KJB translators because He knew what He would do with the King James Bible.

Anyway, here are some facts about Erasmus and the texts he used. You really need to learn more about this issue.


March 16, 2000 (David W. Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O. Box 610368, Port Huron, Michigan 48061, fbns@wayoflife.org) -- For over a hundred years modern version defenders have promoted a deception that the Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament (and its 20th century successors, such as the United Bible Societies’ Greek N.T.) is founded upon the "oldest and best manuscripts," whereas the Greek text underlying the King James Bible is an inferior one that is based on a mere handful of late Greek manuscripts. Consider the following statement by D.A. Carson, author of the influential and popular book The King James Version Debate: A Plea for Realism:

"Although Erasmus published a fourth and fifth edition, we need say no more about them here. Erasmus’s Greek Testament stands in line behind the King James Version; yet it rests upon a half dozen minuscule manuscripts, none of which is earlier than the tenth century. ... THE TEXTUAL BASIS OF THE TR IS A SMALL NUMBER OF HAPHAZARDLY AND RELATIVELY LATE MINUSCULE MANUSCRIPTS" (D.A. Carson, The King James Version Debate, Baker Book House, 1979, pp. 35-36).

Another example of this error is found in the book The Bible Version Debate: The Perspective of Central Baptist Theological Seminary (1997). Chapter four is "Defining the Terms" by W. Edward Glenny, professor of New Testament at Central --

"… the TR is only based on seven late manuscripts" (Glenny, p. 51).

This incredibly erroneous statement has been repeated so frequently by textual critics and modern version defenders that it is commonly accepted as truth. While it is not exactly surprising to see New Evangelicals like D.A. Carson fall for such things, we have seen that some fundamental Baptists are repeating the same tired errors. If scholarly fundamental Baptists of our day would spend at least as much time studying the writings of Bible-believing textual scholars such as John Burgon, Edward Miller, and E. F. Hills, who believe in infallible inspiration and divine preservation, as they do studying the writings of Modernists and New Evangelicals such as Bruce Metzger, F.F. Bruce, and Kurt Aland, who deny both inspiration and preservation, they might not be so quick to pass along fallacies to unsuspecting readers.

Be that as it may, it is not difficult to dispel the myth that the Received Greek Text underlying the King James Bible and other Reformation Bibles is merely "based on seven late manuscripts." It is true that Erasmus had in his actual possession only a few Greek manuscripts when he composed the first edition of his Greek New Testament, but he had examined a large number of other manuscripts, both Latin and Greek, and he had compared these with many ancient Bible translations and with a large number of quotations from ancient church leaders. He also was aware of the alternative readings contained in manuscripts such as the Vaticanus and Codex D. Thus he was in a position to know that those few manuscripts he had at hand represented the witness of vast numbers of other manuscripts. The fact is that the Received Text underlying the esteemed and mightily used Reformation Bibles is represented in the majority of existing Greek manuscripts, quotations from ancient church leaders, and ancient Bible translations. This is why the Received Text has commonly been called the "majority text" (though that term has been usurped in recent years by the Hodges-Farstad-Thomas Nelson Greek New Testament of 1982). Textual authorities admit that of the more than 5,200 existing Greek manuscripts, 99% contain the common traditional ecclesiastical or Received Text. Thus, on the very face of the evidence, it is nonsense to say that the Received Text is "is only based on seven late manuscripts."


The following quotation from historian J. H. Merle D’Aubigne demonstrates that Erasmus had access to more textual evidence than his modern detractors admit:

"Nothing was more important at the dawn of the Reformation than the publication of the Testament of Jesus Christ in the original language. Never had Erasmus worked so carefully. ‘If I told what sweat it cost me, no one would believe me.’ HE HAD COLLATED MANY GREEK MSS. of the New Testament, and WAS SURROUNDED BY ALL THE COMMENTARIES AND TRANSLATIONS, by the writings of Origen, Cyprian, Ambrose, Basil, Chrysostom, Cyril, Jerome, and Augustine. ... HE HAD INVESTIGATED THE TEXTS ACCORDING TO THE PRINCIPLES OF SACRED CRITICISM. When a knowledge of Hebrew was necessary, he had consulted Capito, and more particularly Ecolampadius. Nothing without Theseus, said he of the latter, making use of a Greek proverb" (J.H. Merle D’Aubigne, History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, New York: Hurst & Company, 1835, Vol. 5, p. 157).

The popular notion that Erasmus and other 16th-century editors of the Greek New Testament worked with paltry resources is simply nonsense. The notes that Erasmus placed in his editions of the Greek New Testament prove that he was informed of the variant readings that have found their way into the modern translations since 1881. Even though Erasmus did not have access to all of the manuscripts translators can use today, there can be no doubt that he did have access to the variant readings in other ways.

"Through his study of the writings of Jerome and other Church Fathers Erasmus became very well informed concerning the variant readings of the New Testament text. Indeed almost all the important variant readings known to scholars today were already known to Erasmus more than 460 years ago and discussed in the notes (previously prepared) which he placed after the text in his editions of the Greek New Testament. Here, for example, Erasmus dealt with such problem passages as the conclusion of the Lord’s Prayer (Matt. 6:13), the interview of the rich young man with Jesus (Matt. 19:17-22), the ending of Mark (Mark 16:9-20), the angelic song (Luke 2:14), the angel, agony, and bloody seat omitted (Luke 22:43-44), the woman taken in adultery (John 7:53-8:11), and the mystery of godliness (1 Tim. 3:16)" (Dr. Edward F. Hills, The King James Version Defended, 1956, 1979, pp. 198-199).

Not only did Erasmus consult many Greek and Latin manuscripts and ancient Bible translations to determine the proper text, he examined quotations from ancient Christian writings.

"Erasmus uses the Fathers of the Church as independent witnesses for the early text of the Vulgate. In his dedicatory letter to the pope he mentions that the special care due to the sacred writings caused him not only to compare ‘the oldest and most correct manuscripts’ but also to ‘run through all the writings of the old theologians and to trace from their quotations and expositions what each one of them had read and changed’" (W. Schwarz, Principles and Problems of Biblical Translation, p. 145).


As for the Received Text being based on "seven late manuscripts," consider further the testimony of Bishop Ellicott, the chairman of the committee that produced the English Revised Version of 1881 (the committee also included Westcott and Hort), the predecessor of all modern versions:

"THE MANUSCRIPTS WHICH ERASMUS USED DIFFER, FOR THE MOST PART, ONLY IN SMALL AND INSIGNIFICANT DETAILS, FROM THE GREAT BULK OF THE CURSIVE MSS. The general character of their text is the same. By this observation the pedigree of the Received Text is carried up beyond the individual manuscripts used by Erasmus ... That pedigree stretches back to remote antiquity. THE FIRST ANCESTOR OF THE RECEIVED TEXT WAS AT LEAST CONTEMPORARY WITH THE OLDEST OF OUR EXTANT MSS, IF NOT OLDER THAN ANY ONE OF THEM" (Ellicott, The Revisers and the Greek Text of the N.T. by two members of the N.T. Company, pp. 11-12).

Dr. Ellicott was familiar with all of the textual scholarship of his day, and he had no hesitation whatsoever to say that the Received Text is based upon textual authority which is at least as old as that upon which the Westcott-Hort text rested. Dr. Ellicott was saying that the textual authority underlying the Received Text is at least as old as the famed Sinaiticus and Vaticanus manuscripts.

The following testimony by the Trinitarian Bible Society explodes the myth that the Received Greek Text is a "late text" whereas the eclectic Greek text is a "old text."

"It must be emphasised that THE ARGUMENT IS NOT BETWEEN AN ANCIENT TEXT AND A RECENT ONE, BUT BETWEEN TWO ANCIENT FORMS OF THE TEXT, one of which was rejected and the other adopted and preserved by the Church as a whole and remaining in common use for more than fifteen centuries. The assumptions of modern textual criticism are based upon the discordant testimony of a few specimens of the rejected text recently disinterred from the oblivion to which they had been deliberately and wisely consigned in the 4th century" (The Divine Original, TBS article No. 13, nd, p. 7).

Concerning the preservation of the Scriptures, our faith is not in man, but in God. Even if the Reformation editors had fewer resources than those of more recent times, we know that the God who controls the times and the seasons was in control of His Holy Word. The infallible Scriptures were not hidden away in some monastic dungeon at the foot of Mt. Sinai or in a dusty corner of the Pope’s library. The infallible Scriptures were being published, read, and taught by God’s people.

The vast majority of Greek manuscripts, ancient versions, and the writings of church "fathers" support the Received Text. This was a fact known by the Reformation editors. Whereas the textual critics of our day see this as a mere accident of history, the Bible-believing Reformation editors of old saw the hand of God in it. So do we.

David Cloud

Brother Marty Shew found this in his research about Erasmus:

"Beatus Rhenanus, an employee of Froben, described Erasmus‚ arrival with these words, "Erasmus of Rotterdam, a great scholar, has arrived in Basel most recently, weighed down with good books, among which are the following: Jerome revised, the complete works of Seneca revised, copious notes on the New Testament, a book of similes, a large number of translations from Plutarch, the adages"

I draw attention to Rhenanus‚ comment "copious notes on the New Testament". Though much is made of what mss. Erasmus had or didn‚t have little is said of the additional notes he brought with him. That these notes were very vast can be seen in a letter Erasmus wrote on July 8, 1514 (this would‚ve been just before he arrived in Basel), to a friend. In the letter Erasmus states, "After collation of Greek and other ancient manuscripts, I have emended the whole New Testament, and I have annotated over a thousand passages, not without benefit to theologians." Here we have in the testimony of Erasmus himself that he had just finished collating "Greek and other ancient manuscripts" and had corrected (i.e. Œemended‚) the entire New Testament (Latin). Additionally, he had made notes on "over a thousand passages".


New member

Hi jt, then you must be very happy, indeed. (Sorry, couldn't resist;-)

Here are a few facts about Erasmus and the texts he used. Besides this, I find it ironic that you of all people, jt, would criticize Erasmus when it was his Greek text that Luther used to translate that Bible of yours you say you like so much. More self inflicted throat cutting?

Additionally, the KJB translators did not even use Erasmus' Greek text as their primary source. They used Beza's Greek text, and some from Stephanus, and they had many other Greek copies, as well as several foreign language Bibles.

You all are stil ignoring the Providence of God in guiding the KJB translators because He knew what He would do with the King James Bible.

Anyway, here are some facts about Erasmus and the texts he used. You really need to learn more about this issue.

First of all, I was not criticizing Erasmus, He did a tremendous service in editing a Greek New Testament and having it published. I feel this was the main reason the printing press was invented. God wanted His Word printed for the masses. I never said that Erasmus text was bad. Yes it is fact that Erasmus had limited manuscripts to work with. The manuscripts that had the most weight were were the Greek manuscripts. It is a fact that they were late Byzantine manuscripts, but still they were not bad. They were trustworthy.

I am aware that the text the KJV translators used was Beza's for the most part , but it was mostly based on Erasmus text. Many of the later additions and gloss that developed in the Byzantine text ended up in the KJV. These additions and glosses are minute in variation. How do we know there are variations of course from the earlier critical text. Still the Textus Receptus is a completely trustworthy text.

There is not factual basis that Erasmus ever had hands on access to the Vaticanus.

"The most famous textual “problem” involved in Erasmus’s work was 1 John 5:7, the famous Comma Johanneum. Absent from every Greek text he had (indeed, some think from every Greek text in existence!), he rightly omitted it. A hue and cry was raised upon publication, and charges of heresy and Arianism were cast about. Erasmus asked his friend in Rome, Bombasius, to consult the famous Codex Vaticanus concerning the passage. When Bombasius replied that the verse was not contained in that ancient codex, Erasmus rashly proclaimed that if he were to find so much as one Greek text containing the “Three Witnesses” he would include it in his next edition. Of course, such a manuscript was quickly produced. Many suspect it as having been produced specifically for the occasion. It is today known as minuscule 61 and is housed at Trinity College, Dublin. It is dated to the 16th century, and Metzger reports it opens of its own accord to the passage in 1 John, its having been consulted at that point so often.24 True to his word Erasmus included the spurious passage in the third edition
(James White)

Clearly Erasmus by accepting the reading of the Vaticanus accepted its authority and early date over the later Byzantine text that he had.
He Accepted the reading of the Alexanderian text!

"The specific Greek text of Erasmus is important on a number of accounts. This text represented the first attempt at a critical text. Though over 400 changes were made in the second edition, few were vitally important, and the text as created by Erasmus went predominately unchanged for centuries, eventually being dubbed the “textus receptus” in 1624 by the Elzevir brothers. For some, even today, the TR is the “sacred text,” somehow inspired by God Himself in its every particular. Yet it’s basis is found in ten not-very-ancient minuscule texts, the two best of which went mainly unused. As the TR became the basis of the King James Version, the particulars of Erasmus’s text are indeed important." (James White)

White says Erasmus had about ten Greek manuscripts to work from,others says six, or seven. At any rate Erasmus had Greek manuscripts few manuscripts. He had only one for the Book of Revelation.

"Some of the problems with Erasmus’s text are, to modern readers, almost humorous. For example. The text he utilized for the book of Revelation was Reuchlin’s. Unfortunately, this manuscript was missing the last leaf, containing verses 16 through 21. He found the text for verse 20 in Valla’s notes, but was left with nothing for the other five verses.22 Time factors being what they were, Erasmus decided to translate from the Vulgate into Greek to fill the gap. He warned his readers in a footnote that he had done so, but he still came in for some (well-deserved) criticism. Metzger gives a footnote in which he lists some of the words that Erasmus came up with that have absolutely no manuscript support whatsoever, and yet appear in the “Textus Receptus.” (James White)

You can attack White, but many scholars concur with his findings.

A.T. Robertson discusses 1John 5:7:

"1Jo 5:7 -
For there are three who bear witness (hoti treis eisin hoi marturountes). At this point the Latin Vulgate gives the words in the Textus Receptus, found in no Greek MS. save two late cursives (162 in the Vatican Library of the fifteenth century, 34 of the sixteenth century in Trinity College, Dublin). Jerome did not have it. Cyprian applies the language of the Trinity and Priscillian has it. Erasmus did not have it in his first edition, but rashly offered to insert it if a single Greek MS. had it and 34 was produced with the insertion, as if made to order. The spurious addition is: en tōi ouranōi ho patēr, ho logos kai to hagion pneuma kai houtoi hoi treis hen eisin kai treis eisin hoi marturountes en tēi gēi (in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth). The last clause belongs to 1Jo_5:8. The fact and the doctrine of the Trinity do not depend on this spurious addition. Some Latin scribe caught up Cyprian’s exegesis and wrote it on the margin of his text, and so it got into the Vulgate and finally into the Textus Receptus by the stupidity of Erasmus." (A.T. Robertson, Word Pictures in the New Testament.)

Robertson was probably the Greatest Greek Scholar of the 20th Century. He stands above Moulton.

So no I did not just jump of the turnip truck concerning manuscripts.


Brandplucked says we ignore the Providence of God in the making of the King James Version. Actually, it's the KJVO who ignores the Providence of God in making other versions.


New member

There are good books refuting the KJV-only heresy. A more positive approach (similar to dealing with the Mormon's attack on the credibility of our modern Bibles) is to understand the inspiration, transmission, canonization, and translation of our Bibles.

Another good book is The King James Only Controversy by James R. White, Norman Geisler said at the time that it was the best book in print on the topic. The copyright is 1995. It is published by Bethany House Publishers.

Dear Robycop3

Gail Riplinger's codwallop isn't worth the paper it's printed on. A close reading of any reputable encyclopedia will bear this out.

I was a student at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary from 1993-95. A friend who was King James Only gave me a new book to read that would show me the dangers of the modern translations. He asked me to read New Age Versions By Gail Riplinger. As I read it I couls see that it was very bias. I checked many of her footnotes and quotes out. I went to the Library at the seminary and read the pages that MS Riplinger gave for her quotes of The letters of Westcott. As I turned to the pages Ms riplinger gave as reference for quotes of Westcott. I could not find the quotes on those pages. It was hard to find anything that resembled what MS Riplinger said Westcott and Hort said.

Needless to say I took her book back to the guy that let me read it.

God Bless


New member
Peter A V said:
Come now.You knew what I ment.They were simply examples.Examples of purposeful corruptions.

Well, there's some problems with that argument, too. The MSS upon which Alexandrian Bibles are based are usually older than extant Byzantine MSS. The thing that came first can't be corrupted by something that came after.

I'm not questioning your sincerity, Pete. I'm showing you a simple flaw in your argument. The way to remedy this dilemma is to find something that proves the traditional text readings are as old, if not older than the extant Alexandrian MSS. Patristic quotations would be your next recourse. If you find patristic quotations for those verses that support the traditional text over the alexandrian, that would give you some better support on that line.

You would learn lots,if you even read some of Dr.Ruckman's materials.

Yeah, the same way drinking Drano takes care of heartburn. Sorry, that was a little harsh. I don't trust his scholarship. He makes way too many blunders than befits someone who is supposed to be able to do Doctorate-level work.



New member
Pete! Shhh! You don't wanna mention her!

Pete! Shhh! You don't wanna mention her!

Peter A V said:
Materials gleened from In Awe Of THY Word,Riplinger pgs 922-943

Honestly, Pete, you'd do well not to quote Riplinger too much. I've seen how she handles foreign language Bibles. From that, it's obvious to me she does not check out her facts very thoroughly (e.g. saying the Tepl was based on the Textus Receptus, and therefore at least similar to the KJV--it is most certainly not). :shocked:

Her scholarship is worse than Ruckman's--of course, at least she has an excuse--her degree was in, what, Interior Decorating?



New member
1 John 5:7 and other lies of James White

1 John 5:7 and other lies of James White

Johnthebaptist said:
"Still the Textus Receptus is a completely trustworthy text."

John, you guys with no inerrant Bible are really amusing. How can the Textus Receptus be "completely trustworthy" and yet, according to your view, have hundreds of textual errors, omissions and additions that God did not inspire? Who are you trying to kid?

If, as you say, you have nothing against the King James Bible, then why do you continually try to point out what you think are errors in it?

You then go on to quote James White and his lies. I have read White's book several times and have debated him both online and on the radio. James White does not believe any Bible or any text IS the inerrant word of God. He now works for the nasb, but does White think the nasb is the perfect word of God? Of course not. He also corrects his own everchanging nasb version.

The only final authority James White has is his own mind, just like you.

(James White)

"Metzger gives a footnote in which he lists some of the words that Erasmus came up with that have absolutely no manuscript support whatsoever, and yet appear in the “Textus Receptus.” (James White)

You can attack White, but many scholars concur with his findings.

A.T. Robertson discusses 1John 5:7:

"1Jo 5:7 -
For there are three who bear witness (hoti treis eisin hoi marturountes). At this point the Latin Vulgate gives the words in the Textus Receptus, found in no Greek MS. save two late cursives (162 in the Vatican Library of the fifteenth century, 34 of the sixteenth century in Trinity College, Dublin). Jerome did not have it. Cyprian applies the language of the Trinity and Priscillian has it. Erasmus did not have it in his first edition, but rashly offered to insert it if a single Greek MS. had it and 34 was produced with the insertion, as if made to order. The spurious addition is: en to¯i ourano¯i ho pate¯r, ho logos kai to hagion pneuma kai houtoi hoi treis hen eisin kai treis eisin hoi marturountes en te¯i ge¯i (in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth). The last clause belongs to 1Jo_5:8. The fact and the doctrine of the Trinity do not depend on this spurious addition. Some Latin scribe caught up Cyprian’s exegesis and wrote it on the margin of his text, and so it got into the Vulgate and finally into the Textus Receptus by the stupidity of Erasmus." (A.T. Robertson, Word Pictures in the New Testament.)

Robertson was probably the Greatest Greek Scholar of the 20th Century. He stands above Moulton.

So no I did not just jump of the turnip truck concerning manuscripts.

John, you really need to update your false info. And as for the "scholar" James White, let's take a look at what the NKJV editors have to say.

James White's tells us some humongous lies. In his book, The KJV Only Controversy, on page 152-153 he actually says: "Every one of the papyrus manuscripts we have discovered has been a representative of the Alexandrian, not the Byzantine text type" and "The early Fathers who wrote at this time did not use the Byzantine text-type" and "the early translations of the New Testament reveals that they were done on the basis of the Alexandrian type manuscripts, not the Byzantine text-type" and "the early church fathers who wrote during the early centuries give no evidence in their citations of a familiarity with the
Byzantine text-type". These are such huge whoppers I could not believe he actually wrote this totally false information in his rag of a book.

There is tons of evidence that even the early papyrus manuscripts, all of which came from Alexandria Egypt, were a mixed bag and there are many Byzantine readings found in them
where they agree with the KJB readings and not the Westcott- Hort Alexandrian copies of Sinaiticus and Vaticanus.

Furthermore, concerning the church Fathers, John Burgeon compiled over 86,000 citations and quotes of the church Fathers and found that not only did the Textus Receptus exist but it

The early versions like the Old Latin contain many TR readings not found in Sinaiticus and Vaticanus as does the Syriac Peshitta. And both of these predate Sinaiticus Vaticanus by 150 years.

Even Dr. Hort of the famed Westcott Hort text said: "The fundamental Text of late extant Greek MSS generally is beyond all question identical with the dominant Antiochian or
Graeco-Syrian Text of the second half of the 4th century." (Hort, The Factor of Geneology, pg 92---as cited by Burgon, Revision Revised, pg 257).

Dean Burgon immediately comments: "We request, in passing, that the foregoing statement may be carefully noted. The Traditional Greek Text of the New Testament, ---the TEXTUS

In other words, at the very time Sinaiticus and Vaticanus were penned, the Byzantine texts were already the predominate texts of the Christian church!

Then the "scholar in residence James White" seems to contradict himself in discussing John 1:18 where the KJB says "but the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father,hath made him known". Here the nasb says "the only begotten God", which is heresy, while the niv has three different readings depending on which niv you happen to buy.

Here James says: "the reading for 'the only begotten Son" (he puts it in Greek) is very great indeed. It is, obviously, the majority reading of both the manuscripts, the translations, and the
Fathers (though some Fathers show familiarity with more than one reading). Then he goes on to tell us that the reading found in the nasb, niv "command little manuscript support".

James White and the whole Westcott-Hort theory of "the science of textual criticism" first adopted by German apostates and now embraced by most evangelical Christians, is a fraud.

"Scholars" who have all gone to the same seminaries and learned the same material, will often directly contradict the "findings" of other scholars. In contrast to James White who said: "Every one of the papyrus manuscripts we have discovered has been a representative of the Alexandrian, not the Byzantine text type" and "The early Fathers who wrote at this time did not use the Byzantine text-type" and "the early translations of the New Testament reveals that they were done on the basis of the Alexandrian type manuscripts, not the Byzantine text-type" and "the early church fathers who wrote during the early centuries
give no evidence in their citations of a familiarity with the Byzantine text-type", let's take a look at what the NKJV scholars have to say. It is THE EXACT OPPOSITE!!!

In the following quotes found in the 1982 edition of the NKJV.
Keep in mind that these people are not KJB onlies.

In the preface of the NKJV, which was translated by some of the
same men who translated the NIV, it says on page vii "The
manuscript preferences cited in many contemporary translations
are due to recent reliance on a relatively few manuscripts
discovered in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
Dependence on these manuscripts, especially two, the Sinaitic
and Vatican manuscripts, is due to the greater age of these

However, in spite of their age, some scholars have reason to
doubt their faithfulness to the autographs, since they often
disagree with one another and show other signs of unreliability.

On the other hand, the great majority of existing manuscripts are
in substantial agreement. Even though many are late, and none
are earlier than the fifth century, MOST OF THEIR READINGS
body of manuscripts is the source of the Greek text underlying
the King James Bible. It is the Greek text used by
Greek-speaking churches for many centuries, presently known
as the Textus Receptus, or Received Text, of the New

Then on page 1231 the NKJV editors say: "The Byzantine Text.
This text was largely preserved in the area of the old Byzantine
Empire, the area which is now Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania,
and Yugoslavia. OVER EIGHTY-FIVE PERCENT of the extant
manuscripts belong to the Byzantine text type. Also, from the
oldest to the most recent manuscripts of this type, there is
greater homogeneity than among the manuscripts of any other
text type. The King James Version is based largely on a
Byzantine type Greek text."

As for 1 John 5:7, here is my article dealing with this verse.


John, you really need to update your material. You and James White are still spreading lies.

Another very common objection to 1 John 5:7 is the allegation that Erasmus said he would include the verse if he found a Greek manuscript that contained it. Then almost made to order, hot off the presses, one appeared.

Bruce Metzger who was partly responsible for propagating this urban myth at least had the integrity to retract this false accusation in the 3rd edition of his book. Here is the exact quote from Mr. Metzger himself.

"What is said on p. 101 above about Erasmus' promise to include the Comma Johanneum if one Greek manuscript were found that contained it, and his subsequent suspicion that MS 61 was written expressly to force him to do so, needs to be corrected in the light of the research of H. J. DeJonge, a specialist in Erasmian studies who finds no explicit evidence that supports this frequently made assertion." Bruce M. Metzger, The Text of The New Testament, 3rd Edition, p 291 fn 2.

John, you can argue manuscripts, fathers, lexicons, "my favorite scholars says this" till the Lord comes back, but the simple fact is YOU do not believe any Bible or any text on this earth is now the inerrant, infallible, complete and inspired words of God.

I and many thousands of other Christians do, and we can tell anyone who wants to know what it is called and where they can get a copy - The Authorized King James Holy Bible.

Have a good day,

Will K


New member
The inerrancy of God's Word

The inerrancy of God's Word

I can't really tell from this thread if Bob Enyart believes in the inerrancy of God's Word or not; in any state or in its original state. I have read the statement of faith from Denver Bible Church and I did not see it in that statement. I did see 'inspired' but I did not see inerrant.

I would really like to see inerrant if someone means it. As my Sunday School teacher says, 'words mean something. God gave His Word and it meant something.'

If someone can shed some light, or if the man himself would like to give an answer, I would really appreciate it.


New member

James White's tells us some humongous lies. In his book, The KJV Only Controversy, on page 152-153 he actually says: "Every one of the papyrus manuscripts we have discovered has been a representative of the Alexandrian, not the Byzantine text type" and "The early Fathers who wrote at this time did not use the Byzantine text-type" and "the early translations of the New Testament reveals that they were done on the basis of the Alexandrian type manuscripts, not the Byzantine text-type" and "the early church fathers who wrote during the early centuries give no evidence in their citations of a familiarity with the
Byzantine text-type". These are such huge whoppers I could not believe he actually wrote this totally false information in his rag of a book.

There is tons of evidence that even the early papyrus manuscripts, all of which came from Alexandria Egypt, were a mixed bag and there are many Byzantine readings found in them
where they agree with the KJB readings and not the Westcott- Hort Alexandrian copies of Sinaiticus and Vaticanus.

You are funny and give the response of most KJV Only who use twisted facts. It is clear from manuscriptural evidence that the Alexanderian text was the earliest.

"In textual criticism there are three categories of external evidence: the Greek manuscripts, the early translations into other languages, and the quotations of the New Testament found in the church fathers' writings. If the majority text view is right, then one would expect to find this text form (often known as the Byzantine text) in the earliest Greek manuscripts, in the earliest versions, and in the earliest church fathers. Not only would one expect to find it there, but also one would expect it to be in a majority of manuscripts, versions, and fathers.

But that is not what is found. Among extant Greek manuscripts, what is today the majority text did not become a majority until the ninth century. In fact, as far as the extant witnesses reveal, the majority text did not exist in the first four centuries. Not only this, but for the letters of Paul, not even one majority text manuscript exists from before the ninth century. To embrace the majority text for the Pauline Epistles, then, requires an 800-year leap of faith.

When Westcott and Hort developed their theory of textual criticism, only one papyrus manuscript was known to them. Since that time almost 100 have been discovered. More than fifty of these came from before the middle of the fourth century. Yet not one belongs to the majority text. The Westcott-Hort theory, with its many flaws (which all textual critics today acknowledge), was apparently still right on its basic tenet: the Byzantine texttype--or majority text--did not exist in the first three centuries. The evidence can be visualized as follows, with the width of the horizontal bars indicating the relative number of extant manuscripts from each century." ( Daniel B. Wallace)

"Many of the versions were translated from Greek at an early date. Most scholars believe that the New Testament was translated into Latin in the second century A.D. 33 --two centuries before Jerome produced the Vulgate. Almost one hundred extant Latin manuscripts represent this Old Latin translation--and they all attest to the Western texttype. In other words the Greek manuscripts they translated were not Byzantine. The Coptic version also goes back to an early date, probably the second century 34 --and it was a translation of Alexandrian manuscripts, not Byzantine ones. The earliest forms of the Syriac are also either Western or Alexandrian." (Daniel B. Wallace)

"What is the oldest version, then, that is based on the majority text? In a carefully documented study, Metzger points out that the Gothic version is "the oldest representative of the . . . Antiochian [i.e., Byzantine] type of text." 36 When was this version produced? At the end of the fourth century.

The significance of these early versions is twofold: 37 (1) None of the versions produced in the first three centuries was based on the Byzantine text. But if the majority text view is right, then each one of these versions was based on polluted Greek manuscripts--a suggestion that does not augur well for God's providential care of the New Testament text, as that care is understood by the majority text view. 38 But if these versions were based on polluted manuscripts, one would expect them to have come from (and be used in) only one isolated region. This is not the case; the Coptic, Ethiopic, Latin, and Syriac versions came from all over the Mediterranean region. In none of these locales was the Byzantine text apparently used. This is strong evidence that the Byzantine text simply did not exist in the first three centuries--anywhere. 39 (2) Even if one of these early versions had been based on the majority text, this would only prove that the majority text existed before the fourth century. But it would not prove that it was in the majority before the fourth century." (Daniel B. Wallace)

Many other scholars attest to these things, they are not all liers. KJV advocates have to attack the character of those who disagree with them.

It is amazing how everybody lies but JKV Only advocates.

Furthermore, concerning the church Fathers, John Burgeon compiled over 86,000 citations and quotes of the church Fathers and found that not only did the Textus Receptus exist but it

Early patristic writers are especially valuable in textual criticism because it can be determined when and where they lived. Many of them lived much earlier than the date of any Greek manuscripts now extant for a particular book. Some lived in the first or early second century. If it could be determined what kind of text they used when they quoted from the New Testament, such information would naturally be highly valuable. But textual critics do not usually give much weight to the church fathers. There are several reasons for this, some of which are as follows. First, when a church father quotes from the New Testament, it is not always possible to tell if he is quoting from memory or if he has a manuscript in front of him. Second, he rarely tells which book he is quoting from. He might say, "as it is written," or "just as Paul says," or "our Lord said." Third, none of the original documents of any church fathers remains. Almost all the copies of these early patristic writers come from the Middle Ages. In other words textual criticism must be done on the church fathers in order to see how they attest to the New Testament text. (Daniel B. Wallace)

Really you are beating a dead horse.

Peter A V

New member
No early KJV type Readings?

No early KJV type Readings?

Johnthebaptist said:
If the majority text view is right, then one would expect to find this text form (often known as the Byzantine text) in the earliest Greek manuscripts, in the earliest versions, and in the earliest church fathers. Not only would one expect to find it there, but also one would expect it to be in a majority of manuscripts, versions, and fathers. ....
But that is not what is found. Among extant Greek manuscripts, what is today the majority text did not become a majority until the ninth century. In fact, as far as the extant witnesses reveal, the majority text did not exist in the first four centuries. Not only this, but for the letters of Paul, not even one majority text manuscript exists from before the ninth century. To embrace the majority text for the Pauline Epistles, then, requires an 800-year leap of faith.....
Really you are beating a dead horse.
I have yet seen one posting of one verse of the OLD LATIN to prove the thing either way.
And as far as the writings of the Early church fathers go,KJV type readings ALWAYS out number the other types.Close to 70% of their readings are KJV.And with the important verses concerning doctrine,even more.Plus the early paprus consent to the KJV also.So you are being misled,big time.
Let us pick a couple of the early papri and see,and O MY!!!KJV wins! as usual.
TR agrees more with these Papri than does Aleph and B
P45-Aleph-19 B-24 TR-32
P66-Aleph-14 B-29 TR-33
P75-Aleph-9 B-33 TR-29
P45,66,75-Aleph-4 B-18 TR-20

Well,that should be enouph,but even the KJV out does the Scholars touted B.Whats up with that?KJV always wins,because it IS THE word of God.

You talk of antiquity but only mention your own favorite Puppies,making for a lopsided view.
The traditional Text receives more support from the early Church fathers than does the critical text.[at a rate of 2:1 before A.D.350 ans 3:1 for important passages.]
Here are some of the writters that attest to the KJV BEFORE the polluted Aleph and B[The LATE ONES]came along.
Justin Martyr

The Gospel of Peter


Gregory of Thamaturgus

Macarius Magnus
Titus of Bostra
Cyril of Jerusalem
Gregory of Nyssa
Apostolic cannons and constitutions

Burgon documented those 80,some thousand Bible quotes.And GUESS WHO WINS?
Thats right bucko KJV all the way as usual.
Men of high degree are a lie!!!When will you learn that?


Well-known member
louhardt said:
I can't really tell from this thread if Bob Enyart believes in the inerrancy of God's Word or not; in any state or in its original state. I have read the statement of faith from Denver Bible Church and I did not see it in that statement. I did see 'inspired' but I did not see inerrant.

I would really like to see inerrant if someone means it. As my Sunday School teacher says, 'words mean something. God gave His Word and it meant something.'

If someone can shed some light, or if the man himself would like to give an answer, I would really appreciate it.

Bob posted in this thread and answered your question, see post #13 in this thread from May 9th, 2005.



New member
In other words textual criticism must be done on the church fathers in order to see how they attest to the New Testament text. (Daniel B. Wallace)

Why not read what is written to someone who would of "heard it read" as most people could not read back at that time, and as well choose someone with the same "education and circumstances" of the people the Letters were written too, and then ask that particular person who was of the same mindset or as clost too as possible as the people the Word was Written too, what doctrine they can deduce from what was Written?

With Christ's Love

Last edited:


New member
The Holy Bible IS the inspired, inerrant word of God

The Holy Bible IS the inspired, inerrant word of God

louhardt said:
I can't really tell from this thread if Bob Enyart believes in the inerrancy of God's Word or not; in any state or in its original state. I have read the statement of faith from Denver Bible Church and I did not see it in that statement. I did see 'inspired' but I did not see inerrant.

I would really like to see inerrant if someone means it. As my Sunday School teacher says, 'words mean something. God gave His Word and it meant something.'

If someone can shed some light, or if the man himself would like to give an answer, I would really appreciate it.

Hi lou, thanks for the comments. Brother Bob Enyart and most Christians today who know anything about the conflicting texts do NOT believe that any Bible or any text in any language IS NOW the inerrant, inspired, complete and preserved words of God. Apparently, in their view and unbelief, God has failed to keep His promises to preserve His words here on this earth in a Book that we can hold in our hands, read, and believe every word.

In short, they have no Bible that any of them believes 100%. Instead, each of them places his own mind and understanding as the final authority and feels free to "correct, alter, emend or change" at any time, any text they wish, and each one disagrees with all the others as to what the finished product should look like.

"In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did that which was right in his own eyes." Judges 21:25

Bob's position, as I understand it, is that "only the originals were inspired". Where he got this idea, I do not know. Probably from some seminary teacher, who himself does not believe The Bible, and is his own authority.

The Bible itself does not teach "only the originals were inspired" either by precept or example. The Bible itself tells us that God would preserve His words in a Book here on this earth, and that God's word is always perfect and always true.

So how do we find out which of all the conflicting bible versions is the true one? We need to look at the evidence, both internal and external. The Providence of the Sovereign God clearly indicates that the King James Bible alone meets the standard. It never lies. It always follows the Hebrew texts, whereas all modern versions like the nasb, niv, rsv, esv, nkjv either frequently or sometimes reject the Hebrew texts.

The doctrinal truth of the KJB is always consistent and exalts the Lord Jesus Christ like no other version. It is the King James Bible that God used mightily to spread His words to many nations via English speaking missionaries, and to effect every widespread revival among the English speaking peoples.

When a brother like Bob Enyart or someone else says "ONLY the originals WERE inspired" they are in effect saying that there IS NO inspired Bible NOW, and they rob the child of God of his faith in the Book.

Hopefully, by the grace and mercy of God, Bob and other Christians will have their hearts and minds opened by the Holy Ghost to see where the preserved, infallible and inspired words of God are found today, and have been for almost 400 years - in the greatest Bible ever to come forth on this planet - the Authorized King James Holy Bible.

In His hands,

Will K


New member
"No Bible is inspired"

"No Bible is inspired"

GuySmiley said:
Bob posted in this thread and answered your question, see post #13 in this thread from May 9th, 2005.


Yes, Greg, Bob did respond, and he has no inspired, inerrant, complete Bible. Here is his response:

Bob Enyart said:
Will, thanks for your kind opening remarks. But sadly, you are willing to misrepresent me with this title since I stand with the vast majority of fundamentalist Christian scholars and theologians and pastors who reject KJ Only, and believe that God's Word is inerrant only in its original autographs. I use the 1611 KJV quite often, and its inclusion of the Apocrypha, and also its frequent margin notes, both indicate that its own translators did not believe that they were producing an inerrant translation. I believe that your KJ Only obsession keeps you as an immature Christian, majoring in the minors, and distracting you from a substantive Christian life and influence on the world. A KJ Only pastor requested permission to present his position to us, so we invited him to Denver Bible Church for two weeks, and after the first week of his being unable to answer our simple questions, he never returned for his second opportunity. -Pastor Bob Enyart, Denver Bible Church & KGOV.com

First, I did not misrepresent Bob's position at all. It is totally accurate. Bob Enyart does not believe The Bible (any Bible) IS the inerrant, inspired word of God. He says "ONLY the original" IS inerrant. Why does Bob use the present tense of the verb IS? The verb "is" means it is something that exists now. He is being either deceitful, ignorant or careless or all three right off the bat.

Secondly, Bob seems to think my actually believing in an inerrant Bible is keeping me an immature Christian. This is funny. A guy who actually believes The Bible IS the inerrant word of God is "immature", but a bible doubter and a bible corrector is "mature". What irony.

Thirdly, Bob apparently thinks such issues as the inspiration, inerrancy, preservation, and infallibility of the Bible are minor issues. So what does brother Bob think are the major issues? Later on he told us - Christian political activism.

And he thinks my priorities are out of whack!

Fourthy, he mentioned some other KJB believer who came to his church and was unable to answer his simple questions, and retired from the field of battle. Bob was implying that any KJB adovate is a simpleton who cannot adequately address the issues and retreats when the first potshot is fired.

I willingly offer my own personal services to brother Bob and his church. I will gladly come to one of his services and present the case for an inerrant Holy Bible, and prove that Bob does not believe any Bible is the true word of God.

Do you think he will take me up on this, Greg? I trow not.

In His mercy,

Will Kinney


New member
inerrant vs inspired

inerrant vs inspired

WOW! That is a major response. Actually, the absolutely only thing I am really asking (and I don't mean to disrespect your well-thought-out response) is Does Bob Enyart believe that, in its original state, the inspired scriptures that were written down, were without error.

Being a newby to this forum I am overwhelmed by the amount of coverage that Mr. Enyart gets. I decided that would be a good question to ask based on some of the comments. So, I guess you could say I am asking about Mr. Enyart's beliefs rather than asking how it really is.

Make sense?

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