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Will Kinney: in essence, what your post suggests is that there is no inerrant, inspired and complete Bible on this earth today.
Actually, he disagrees with YOUR choice, not GOD'S choice.
You are aware, of course, that there are no "originals", aren't you?
And YOU are aware that there WERE originals, aren't you? The mss we DO have weren't just made outta thin air.
There are currently over 25 different printed Greek texts, as well as thousands of partial manuscripts, with literally thousands of variants. If the original Old Testament Scriptures were written in Hebrew, then why do such versions as the NASB, NIV, RSV, ESV and Holman Standard all frequently reject the Hebrew readings, and follow other language sources such as the so called Greek Septuagint, the Syriac, the Latin or just make up their own texts?
You ARE aware that the AV men followed the Septuagint in at least one OT verse...Isaiah 7:14. The HEBREW has "almah", which means, "young woman", while the LXX has "parthenos", which means "virgin".
And what did those men believe about the Septuagint? They recognized it as a lergitimate OT Greek translation of ancient origin. Here are their own words:
(Not Copyrighted)
While God would be known only in Jacob, and have his Name great in Israel, and in none other place, while the dew lay on Gideon's fleece only, and all the earth besides was dry; then for one and the same people, which spake all of them the language of Canaan, that is, Hebrew, one and the same original in Hebrew was sufficient. [S. August. lib 12 contra Faust c32] But, when the fulness of time drew near, that the Sun of righteousness, the Son of God should come into the world, whom God ordained to be a reconciliation through faith in his blood, not of the Jew only, but also of the Greek, yea, of all them that were scattered abroad; then lo, it pleased the Lord to stir up the spirit of a Greek Prince (Greek for descent and language) even of Ptolemy Philadelph King of Egypt, to procure the translating of the Book of God out of Hebrew into Greek. This is the translation of the Seventy Interpreters, com- monly so called, which prepared the way for our Saviour among the Gen- tiles by written preaching, as Saint John Baptist did among the Jews by vocal. For the Grecians being desirous of learning, were not wont to suffer books of worth to lie moulding in Kings' libraries, but had many of their servants, ready scribes, to copy them out, and so they were dispersed and made common. Again, the Greek tongue was well known and made familiar to most inhabitants in Asia, by reason of the conquest that there the Grecians had made, as also by the Colonies, which thither they had sent.
While the AV men found some fault with the LXX, there are two important points that we must be reminded of...First, the AV men recognized its antiquity. Ptolemy Philadelph ruled Egypt from 284 to 246 BC. Second, although they found fault with it, they did NOT reject it completely While WE find some fault in the KJV, we do NOT reject it completely as the KJVO does all other versions. The AV was an eclectic mix drawn from several sources, same as are the valid versions of today. The difference is that there are now many more sources available to modern translators than were available to the AV men.
The KJVO allows others to do their thinking for them and make their decisions for them in the most-important thing they'll ever read...GOD'S WORD.
Did you read through my initial post? You mention "how well they line up". Are you aware that there are literally thousands of words omitted just in the New Testament by some of your modern versions?
Are you aware that the KJV or its underlying texts may have ADDED the words the KJVOs claim are omitted from later versions?
There are also hundreds of verses that do not have the same meaning at all, even when translated from the same underlying texts.
For example, Acts 5:30 & 10:39. The KJV reads, "slew and hanged", while virtually every later version reads, "slew by hanging" or something similar giving the CORRECT order of events as hanged(crucified) AND slew. Even the YLT reads," and the God of our fathers did raise up Jesus, whom ye slew, having hanged upon a tree;".
Do you personally believe there is such a thing as The Inerrant Bible on this earth? If so, what is it called?
Yes...and it's called the "KJV" by some, "NIV" by others, "NASB" by others, "Luther Bibel 1545" by others, "Le Bible Du Semeur" by others, "Maori Bible" by others, etc, etc.
Actually, he disagrees with YOUR choice, not GOD'S choice.
You are aware, of course, that there are no "originals", aren't you?
And YOU are aware that there WERE originals, aren't you? The mss we DO have weren't just made outta thin air.
There are currently over 25 different printed Greek texts, as well as thousands of partial manuscripts, with literally thousands of variants. If the original Old Testament Scriptures were written in Hebrew, then why do such versions as the NASB, NIV, RSV, ESV and Holman Standard all frequently reject the Hebrew readings, and follow other language sources such as the so called Greek Septuagint, the Syriac, the Latin or just make up their own texts?
You ARE aware that the AV men followed the Septuagint in at least one OT verse...Isaiah 7:14. The HEBREW has "almah", which means, "young woman", while the LXX has "parthenos", which means "virgin".
And what did those men believe about the Septuagint? They recognized it as a lergitimate OT Greek translation of ancient origin. Here are their own words:
(Not Copyrighted)
While God would be known only in Jacob, and have his Name great in Israel, and in none other place, while the dew lay on Gideon's fleece only, and all the earth besides was dry; then for one and the same people, which spake all of them the language of Canaan, that is, Hebrew, one and the same original in Hebrew was sufficient. [S. August. lib 12 contra Faust c32] But, when the fulness of time drew near, that the Sun of righteousness, the Son of God should come into the world, whom God ordained to be a reconciliation through faith in his blood, not of the Jew only, but also of the Greek, yea, of all them that were scattered abroad; then lo, it pleased the Lord to stir up the spirit of a Greek Prince (Greek for descent and language) even of Ptolemy Philadelph King of Egypt, to procure the translating of the Book of God out of Hebrew into Greek. This is the translation of the Seventy Interpreters, com- monly so called, which prepared the way for our Saviour among the Gen- tiles by written preaching, as Saint John Baptist did among the Jews by vocal. For the Grecians being desirous of learning, were not wont to suffer books of worth to lie moulding in Kings' libraries, but had many of their servants, ready scribes, to copy them out, and so they were dispersed and made common. Again, the Greek tongue was well known and made familiar to most inhabitants in Asia, by reason of the conquest that there the Grecians had made, as also by the Colonies, which thither they had sent.
While the AV men found some fault with the LXX, there are two important points that we must be reminded of...First, the AV men recognized its antiquity. Ptolemy Philadelph ruled Egypt from 284 to 246 BC. Second, although they found fault with it, they did NOT reject it completely While WE find some fault in the KJV, we do NOT reject it completely as the KJVO does all other versions. The AV was an eclectic mix drawn from several sources, same as are the valid versions of today. The difference is that there are now many more sources available to modern translators than were available to the AV men.
The KJVO allows others to do their thinking for them and make their decisions for them in the most-important thing they'll ever read...GOD'S WORD.
Did you read through my initial post? You mention "how well they line up". Are you aware that there are literally thousands of words omitted just in the New Testament by some of your modern versions?
Are you aware that the KJV or its underlying texts may have ADDED the words the KJVOs claim are omitted from later versions?
There are also hundreds of verses that do not have the same meaning at all, even when translated from the same underlying texts.
For example, Acts 5:30 & 10:39. The KJV reads, "slew and hanged", while virtually every later version reads, "slew by hanging" or something similar giving the CORRECT order of events as hanged(crucified) AND slew. Even the YLT reads," and the God of our fathers did raise up Jesus, whom ye slew, having hanged upon a tree;".
Do you personally believe there is such a thing as The Inerrant Bible on this earth? If so, what is it called?
Yes...and it's called the "KJV" by some, "NIV" by others, "NASB" by others, "Luther Bibel 1545" by others, "Le Bible Du Semeur" by others, "Maori Bible" by others, etc, etc.