Kingdom gospel


New member
"I gave my heart to Jesus"

He is outed again, as a wicked "Lordship 'Salvation'" proponent.

Wolfie, get this straight-giving your wicked, Jeremiah 17:9 KJV heart, to "Jesus" saves(ed) no one, and testifies that you are lost, as the LORD God would not accept that desperately wicked heart of yours as the basis of your justification, as justification has NADA to do with you/anyone giving the LORD God anything; He only accepts the sacrifice of His only begotten Son, who gave His whole being, on your behalf, to be qualified as the perfect, "lamb without blemish."

You're a nobody and D'ist drone.


New member

"I gave my heart to Jesus."-his/her alleged salvation testomonial

Funny wolfie guy/wolf-ette gal.

It was a new low for him but me. I can go much lower. Care to join me in the back alley forum for some no holds barred?


New member
You have a serious reading comprehension problem.

I have never neither denied those believers at Rome were members of Body of Christ, nor that they were comprised of formerly lost Jews and Gentiles.


The Jewish believers were part of the body of Christ just like Peter and Paul and John and James. You're imaginary separation gospel doesn't exist in NT.


New member
In that case, Jesus was cut off from grace and became an enemy of the gospel of Paul because, in a parable of his about hell fire, he said that the only way to escape it, one must listen to "Moses" aka the Law. (Luke 16:29-31) What I understand from this teaching of Jesus is that he was a classical proponent of the Law.

Jesus taught grace, faith and love just like everyone else. It's not my fault if it takes 2000 years and you still haven't figured it out.


New member
That was my understanding at 8 years old!

WHAT is YOUR understanding of WHAT give your heart to Jesus MEANS?

Did you confess, or walk the aisle; or swear you would be a good child, or this, or that - WHAT EXACTLY did YOU understand give your heart to Jesus means?

Sheesh, lol

Ben Masada

New member
Jesus taught grace, faith and love just like everyone else. It's not my fault if it takes 2000 years and you still haven't figured it out.

So, is it my fault that you cannot understand even your own NT? I am not even talking to you in the Tanach but in Luke 16:29-31. Of course I understand that Jesus was talking grace when he advised us all to listen to "Moses" aka the Law in order to enjoy freedom from the torments caused by the consequences of a broken Law. You are the one who cannot see that far.