Like I said, it's always atheists and effeminate, homo hugging, ESV reading "Christians" that hate Hovind.
Never said I hated him... the dude is just a plain IDIOT... and you are an IDIOT for following him.
He will be back in prison.. it's just a matter of time.
At least I am not in a cult like you are.
He'll be on probation for a while, so if he starts acquiring an income again, and continues in his "I don't recognize the federal government" agenda and doesn't pay taxes, he'll wind up right back in the clink.
Never said I hated him... the dude is just a plain IDIOT... and you are an IDIOT for following him.
He will be back in prison.. it's just a matter of time.
At least I am not in a cult like you are.
If being an idiot puts a man in prison,
I'll come see you in visiting hours.
He'll be on probation for a while, so if he starts acquiring an income again, and continues in his "I don't recognize the federal government" agenda and doesn't pay taxes, he'll wind up right back in the clink.
The Bible is snake oil? Wow.
I did not say that. His naive and completely untraditional and modern historicist reading of it and his creationism are.
Much of evangelical christianity, particularly the American variant, has gone completely off the rails and has less and less to do with anything even resembling historical Christianity. It is an obscene twisting of Luthers principle of sola scriptura into an unrecognizable literalistic biblicism, completely separeted from the life of the church, her liturgy and creeds.
I follow the law... I'm not in danger of being in prison.
What an awesome dad you are.If you are going to do the crime, you better be willing to do the time...
I've ingrained that into my children from day one. Don't call me for bail.
...And you're a prophet too.
Anyhow, the dude is shady, in a big way...
and he will be back in prison, its just a matter of time.
So you don't believe Genesis to be a historical account?
So your theory is that there are no mistakes, and no wrongful or malicious convictions in the USA?
You really ARE an idiot.
Funny thing is, intelligent criminals don't go to jail. They become politicians.
Idiots indeed go to jail. Sometimes innocent idiots.
Hope you don't go to prison,
before you get to teach your kids the truth, goofy.
What an awesome dad you are.
So if your kid ends up in jail via any kind of mistake
or injustice, tell him to call me.
I'll gladly post his bail, seeing that he's an orphan
with a brain-dead dead-beat father.
..And you're a prophet too.
Whats the law about false prophets again?
Oh yeah, if it doesn't come to pass, stone him to death.
You'll agree with that right?
So your theory is that there are no mistakes, and no wrongful or malicious convictions in the USA?
You really ARE an idiot.
Funny thing is, intelligent criminals don't go to jail. They become politicians.
Idiots indeed go to jail. Sometimes innocent idiots.
Hope you don't go to prison,
before you get to teach your kids the truth, goofy.
What an awesome dad you are.
So if your kid ends up in jail via any kind of mistake
or injustice, tell him to call me.
I'll gladly post his bail, seeing that he's an orphan
with a brain-dead dead-beat father.
..And you're a prophet too.
Whats the law about false prophets again?
Oh yeah, if it doesn't come to pass, stone him to death.
You'll agree with that right?
I believe it is historical and put in the terms that the audience would have understood given their limited understanding of the world.
God did what he did, and he didn't go into great detail on how he did it... simply because the early Israelites would not have understood the details.
So to try and spin it into some scientific explanation like creationism is just plain absurd...
So you don't believe the Bible is all true. It says in 6 days was everything made, and you say that's not what it meant. So you don't just have a problem with Hovind, you have a problem with the Bible.
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I am the intended audience of the Bible. So is everyone else