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Well-known member
It is only your word against mine.

just accept that fact.

No it's not my word against yours. You've not understood what I wrote:

Your point is that God is love and I have no problem with that as that is what scripture says:

1 John 4:8
Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

But what I am saying is that you are making the mistake that because God is love that the core teachings of Jesus are based on God and His love, when in actual fact Jesus only spoke 6 times about love whereas He spoke about His coming Kingdom and His return more than half the time.

The reason Jesus spoke so much about this coming event was because He doesn't want anyone going to Hell before He returns, as 90% of people will die during the tribulation.

If Jesus wanted to teach us more about love then he would have, and perhaps if He did then He wouldn't Have been killed but like so many other prophets before Him, his core message sounded like bad news; i.e. "You will go to Hell unless you repent and I am going to rule this world in the future because I am God and my Father is also God and then He will throw all the evil people here into Hell fire forever, so watch out"

This is how Jesus came across to many people, particularly the rulers.

Now that doesn't sound very loving but it is the truth.


No it's not my word against yours. You've not understood what I wrote:

Your point is that God is love and i have no problem with that as that is what scripture says:

1 John 4:8
Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

But what I am saying is that you are making the mistake that because God is love that the core teachings of Jesus are based on God and His love, when in actual fact Jesus only spoke 6 times about love whereas He spoke about His coming Kingdom and His return more than half the time.

The reason Jesus spoke so much about this coming event was because He doesn't want anyone going to Hell before He returns, as 90% of people will die during the tribulation.

If Jesus wanted to teach us more about love then he would have, and perhaps if He did then He wouldn't Have been killed but like so many other prophets before Him, his core message sounded like bad news; i.e. "You will go to Hell unless you repent and I am going to rule this world in the future because I am God and my Father is also God and then He will throw all the evil people here into Hell fire for ever, so watch out"

This is how Jesus came across to many people, particularly the rulers.

Now that doesn't sound very loving but it is the truth.

Yes, it is your reasoning of your understanding of the Scripture.

I know I don't agree with many of your interpretation and I don't respect much.

Again, if my understanding is wrong I will be judged severely.

And vice visa for you too.

Just accept that simple fact.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
I don't follow their understanding of prophesy.

My point of this thread is "God is love" is the core teaching of Bible.

That's the whole context of the Bible.

God is love, but he is also a God of judgment. He can and will judge sin where ever he finds it. If you are not found to be "In Christ" in the judgment, you will perish. Being "In Christ" means that you are trusting in his righteousness and in his atonement for your sins and for your salvation, plus nothing.


Well-known member
Many of you use the word "JW" as the most derogatory word.

I learned how to read the Bible and they taught me to be confident in my understanding of God and Jesus.

This is your problem, over confidence in what little understanding you have from the heretical JW's.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
God is love thats why He is Just.

It is not just to burn non-believers in hell for eternity.
It is just plain cruelty.

God is not God of cruelty.

The rejection of God's Son for your salvation is a very serious thing.

To reject what Christ did on the cross for your salvation is to be under his wrath.


Well-known member
Ok, Watchmam,

good day:).

Funny that every time you loose an argument, rather than admitting it with grace and dignity, you say "good day" as your way of dissociating yourself from those feelings of loss. Ironically you should embrace those feelings because on the other end of them is truth and a greater under standing of reality.


Funny that every time you loose an argument, rather than admitting it with grace and dignity, you say "good day" as your way of dissociating yourself from those feelings of loss. Ironically you should embrace those feelings because on the other end of them is truth and a greater under standing of reality.

you are becoming boring, watchman.


New member
WatchmanOnTheWall said:
Jesus spoke about love on only 6 occasions which represents less than 1% of Jesus ministerial teachings, although Jesus is widely recognised as a very loving person, it wasn’t the main subject he tried to teach everyone. Love wasn’t the only reason He came to Earth. If it was, then Jesus would have instead taught us more about love but clearly He had more important things to tell us in the time he was with us. So what was Jesus trying to teach us?

I agree mostly, or perhaps completely, with the point you are making. Jesus did speak about things like Heaven, Hell and finances more than He spoke of love. But love and compassion was often an underlying message to His Words... such as to the woman caught in adultery.

As followers of Jesus, we do need speak clearly about repentance and sin... But, we need to do so with love


Many of you use the word "JW" as the most derogatory word.

I learned how to read the Bible and they taught me to be confident in my understanding of God and Jesus.

I don't agree with all their practice and beliefs.

But I use their basic skill to read the Bible rightly divided.

They practice what they believe.

They say God is love; and they interpret everything according to this principle.

It does not bother me people finger point at me bashing I am JW even though I am not JW.

I am forever grateful for their basic skills they taught me.

BTW, they esteem Paul's teachings greatly like most of you which I don't.

they follow Paul's instructions to operate their organization.




I agree mostly, or perhaps completely, with the point you are making. Jesus did speak about things like Heaven, Hell and finances more than He spoke of love. But love and compassion was often an underlying message to His Words... such as to the woman caught in adultery.

As followers of Jesus, we do need speak clearly about repentance and sin... But, we need to do so with love

thanks for your comment.

My OP stands.

good day.


I agree mostly, or perhaps completely, with the point you are making. Jesus did speak about things like Heaven, Hell and finances more than He spoke of love. But love and compassion was often an underlying message to His Words... such as to the woman caught in adultery.

As followers of Jesus, we do need speak clearly about repentance and sin... But, we need to do so with love

Of course you agree with everyone who speak against JWs.

nothing is new under the sun.:)
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