Justified by Faith Means Justified by Christ

Robert Pate

Well-known member
"Few there be that find it" Matthew 7:14.

Few there be that find it because few there be that seek it. Many have tried to seek the truth of the Gospel and justification by faith, but instead they found religion. Religion is man's preoccupation with his own spirituality, which is himself. They love their religion because their religion is about them. The Gospel is not about us, the Gospel is about Jesus Christ and what he has done to provide salvation for fallen man. The religious man does not want to hear about Christ and his Gospel, he wants to hear something about himself.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
"Few there be that find it" Matthew 7:14.

Few there be that find it because few there be that seek it. Many have tried to seek the truth of the Gospel and justification by faith, but instead they found religion. Religion is man's preoccupation with his own spirituality, which is himself. They love their religion because their religion is about them. The Gospel is not about us, the Gospel is about Jesus Christ and what he has done to provide salvation for fallen man. The religious man does not want to hear about Christ and his Gospel, he wants to hear something about himself.

Translation of this word-for-word spam:This applies to everyone that disagrees with Pate-ianity.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
If you agreed with me I would be very concerned.

You have a rude, crude, abusive spirit that is not of God.

Ding, ding, ding!!!!! The 666th time, for that word-for-word spam, that he litters on this site, sent to everyone that disagrees with his made up "doctrine," made up biblical words. Get of this site, you closet Calvinist/Catholic fruit inspector, perverter of the gospel of Christ, who, on record, asserts that keeping the law, including water baptism, keeping the feasts, is necessary for justification.

And the deceiver is a thief, also,copying "If you agreed with me I would be very concerned," copying it from me.



Well-known member
"Few there be that find it" Matthew 7:14.

Few there be that find it because few there be that seek it. Many have tried to seek the truth of the Gospel and justification by faith, but instead they found religion. Religion is man's preoccupation with his own spirituality, which is himself. They love their religion because their religion is about them. The Gospel is not about us, the Gospel is about Jesus Christ and what he has done to provide salvation for fallen man. The religious man does not want to hear about Christ and his Gospel, he wants to hear something about himself.

You teach that salvation is by the doing of man ! How do I know ? Because you teach that sinners died for are lost still !

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Ding, ding, ding!!!!! The 666th time, for that word-for-word spam, that he litters on this site, sent to everyone that disagrees with his made up "doctrine," made up biblical words. Get of this site, you closet Calvinist/Catholic fruit inspector, perverter of the gospel of Christ, who, on record, asserts that keeping the law, including water baptism, keeping the feasts, is necessary for justification.

And the deceiver is a thief, also,copying "If you agreed with me I would be very concerned," copying it from me.


You are TOL's self appointed bully.

You never quote scripture because you don't have a Bible.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Your unfounded opinion.
The 'Catechism of the Catholic Church' is the doctrinal and moral standard of the Church. All anybody has to do, is look up a topic in its index and see what the authorized teaching of the Church is on any matter of faith or morals. Then you'll know Catholicism.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
The 'Catechism of the Catholic Church' is the doctrinal and moral standard of the Church. All anybody has to do, is look up a topic in its index and see what the authorized teaching of the Church is on any matter of faith or morals. Then you'll know Catholicism.

Catholics believe that they are justified by works, but when you accuse them of this, they will say that it is the Spirit of Jesus working in them causing them to do good works, therefore, it is not them doing the good works it is Jesus.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You are TOL's self appointed bully.

You never quote scripture because you don't have a Bible.

I quote 100x the amount of scripture you quote, habitual liar, as you continue to spam that devil induced lie, and you wouldn't know the difference between the book of Genesis, and the rock group "Genesis," loser, as TOL laughs at your made up biblical words/phrases/"doctrine."

Poor sloppy Pate,as everyone is mistreating him, a bully to him. Grow up, as war is rough, you pathetic cry baby.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Catholics believe that they are justified by works, but when you accuse them of this, they will say that it is the Spirit of Jesus working in them causing them to do good works, therefore, it is not them doing the good works it is Jesus.
Catholics believes lots of things, not all of it authentic Catholicism. In order for non-Catholics to rightly be considered 'Christians,' which we are, salvation must be by faith alone, which it is.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
I quote 100x the amount of scripture you quote, habitual liar, as you continue to spam that devil induced lie, and you wouldn't know the difference between the book of Genesis, and the rock group "Genesis," loser, as TOL laughs at your made up biblical words/phrases/"doctrine."

Poor sloppy Pate,as everyone is mistreating him, a bully to him. Grow up, as war is rough, you pathetic cry baby.

You are sick in the head and need help. There is 0 evidence that you are a Christian. This is a Christian Forum not a cage fight. If you want to fight go the bar and pick a fight with someone. You like to bully Christians.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Catholics believes lots of things, not all of it authentic Catholicism. In order for non-Catholics to rightly be considered 'Christians,' which we are, salvation must be by faith alone, which it is.

Right. We are justified by faith alone, so that we can be justified by Christ alone.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
You are sick in the head and need help. There is 0 evidence that you are a Christian.
There is 100% evidence that Saint John W is our sibling in Christ.
This is a Christian Forum not a cage fight. If you want to fight go the bar and pick a fight with someone. You like to bully Christians.
Theology is a 'cage fight,' and it should be. There are no weightier matters to discuss and debate than theology. If you think bullying means someone does not love you and is not looking out for your best interests, and the interests of the kingdom of God, I think maybe theology is not the work for you. Maybe it's not your gift.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
That's just Catholic, what you say here.

There is initial justification and ongoing justification in Catholicism's treadmill:


The fact that Robert agrees with you means he either does not understand how Catholics misappropriate the vocabulary of the Protestant, or he is clueless about whom he was agreeing with in the first place. :AMR:


Robert Pate

Well-known member

There is initial justification and ongoing justification in Catholicism's treadmill:


The fact that Robert agrees with you means he either does not understand how Catholics misappropriate the vocabulary of the Protestant, or he is clueless about whom he was agreeing with in the first place. :AMR:


Catholicism is a religion of works, it is all about them and what they do. They believe that they are justified by what they do and by what they have become. Much like Calvinism they are trusting in themselves and their doctrine.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
There is 100% evidence that Saint John W is our sibling in Christ.
Theology is a 'cage fight,' and it should be. There are no weightier matters to discuss and debate than theology. If you think bullying means someone does not love you and is not looking out for your best interests, and the interests of the kingdom of God, I think maybe theology is not the work for you. Maybe it's not your gift.

It is not Christian to call people names. You will never win anyone to your way of thinking by bullying them. I do not consider John W. to be a Christian. Jesus said, "You will know them by their fruits" The only fruit that John W. has is sour grapes.


New member
"Few there be that find it" Matthew 7:14.

Few there be that find it because few there be that seek it. Many have tried to seek the truth of the Gospel and justification by faith, but instead they found religion. Religion is man's preoccupation with his own spirituality, which is himself. They love their religion because their religion is about them. The Gospel is not about us, the Gospel is about Jesus Christ and what he has done to provide salvation for fallen man. The religious man does not want to hear about Christ and his Gospel, he wants to hear something about himself.

Scripture has a different view of religion and the truly religious man.

James 1:26-27 KJV
(26) If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.
(27) Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.


New member
There is 100% evidence that Saint John W is our sibling in Christ.
Theology is a 'cage fight,' and it should be. There are no weightier matters to discuss and debate than theology. If you think bullying means someone does not love you and is not looking out for your best interests, and the interests of the kingdom of God, I think maybe theology is not the work for you. Maybe it's not your gift.

A "cage fight" has the connotation of destroying an opponent through any means necessary without chivalry or quarter, and bullying is not a work of love by definition. The point of apologetics and evangelism is to win the opponent to life, not to attack their character and harden their heart.

Proverbs 11:30 KJV
(30) The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.