New member
...are you just "gone" from the Back Alley or from the whole site?
And for how long (because you know you can't stay away from here)?
Just wondering.
A Lie Is A LIE!!!, And T-H-E TRUTH Is The TRUTH!!!. ---- (( I ""W-E-N-T"" To The Restraint, And ""W-E-N-T"" Back Home AND ""W-E-N-T"" Back TO The Restraint the Next Day A-N-D ""W-E-N-T"" BACK HOME Again ))!!!!!!!
YOU AND I N-e-v-e-r Tell O-U-R Whole Lives in ONE S-e-n-t-e-n-c-e!!!!!!!!!!
((((( WHAT A STUPID W-O-R-L-D )))))!!!!!!!!!
NO NAME -- 102016