Judge to Sentence Bob Enyart Tomorrow

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Judge to Sentence Bob Enyart Tomorrow

This is the show from Tuesday June 9th, 2009.


* Dobson Pledge Protest Update: Tomorrow, June 10, 2009, a Colorado Springs judge will sentence Bob Enyart as a result of the American RTL Dobson Pledge Protest The prosecutor is asking for jail time for Bob and pro-life activist Ken Scott, and for probation for Brian Enyart. A Focus on the Family attorney told the court they would speak at the sentencing. Regardless of the sentence, as compared to typical Christian persecution, this should be no more than an inconvenience. Bob may be looking at a full-time, government-funded jail ministry for some weeks. Please pray for Bob's wife Cheryl and their boys especially the three youngest (of seven) who are under age 12.

Today's Resource: Non-Christians: If you write and ask, we will send you for free our Mount Moriah DVD examining the powerful historic and geographic evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ! Everyone else, have you checked out the KGOV Store's Department of Government? See Bob's classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar on CD or read his article (Google 1 of 1.7M for: God death penalty) or watch the best-selling BEL DVD: God and the Death Penalty: NT Support for Capital Punishment


Several Colorado Springs police officers and Focus on the Family security officials testified that they repeatedly asked the group to leave.

Instead, the group sat down along the walls of the area by the reception desk during a nearly hour-long standoff.


Do the crime, do the time.


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Hall of Fame
Yeah, exactly. He sees incarceration as an opportunity, and there's no such thing as bad publicity. He knew exactly what he was doing and what the repercussions of breaking the law might be. This didn't exactly catch him by surprise.


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Here's the latest:

Bob Enyart and Ken Scott were ordered to pay fines with no jail time. However, they refused to pay the fines because they did not want to help fund an immoral system. Therefore they were sentenced to 45 days and 60 days respectively minus 30 days suspended sentence. There will also be time off for good behavior which should reduce Bob's time in jail to approximately 1 week and Ken's time to roughly 2 weeks. Please pray that Bob and Ken will bear fruit in their full-time, government-funded jail ministry.


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If you drop something in the shower just leave it, you don't need it.


New member
Just out of curiosity, do Bob and Ken refuse to pay income taxes too? Property taxes?

A peace officer asked them to leave and they refused. Then they offered disrespect to the court for fining them for their defiance of authority. What was proven? And how many babies were saved?

Rom 13:1 Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.​

Who was immoral here?


New member
I don't see a problem with disobeying laws that are unjust. I do it all of the time.

Knowing what little I do about BE I find it hard to stand up for him. I find it hard to believe that he did what he did because of the principle of the thing. It's easier for me to believe that it's a publicity stunt meant to boost and bolster his ego-driven desire for celebrity status.

But one of my biggest flaws (aside from starting sentences with the words "but" and "and") is that it's easy for me to believe the worst about anyone.

Whatever your intentions were Bob, good luck.

And fortunately for you, prisons are filled with rejects who have nothing better to do with their time than read the Bible. Birds of a feather flock together. Your prison ministry might just find easy traction in such an environment.


New member
I don't see a problem with disobeying laws that are unjust. I do it all of the time.

The problem arises in self-defining justice on a basis no deeper than personal inclination...

Knowing what little I do about BE I find it hard to stand up for him. I find it hard to believe that he did what he did because of the principle of the thing. It's easier for me to believe that it's a publicity stunt meant to boost and bolster his ego-driven desire for celebrity status.

Do you think this is a fair statement given your admittedly limited knowledge of the man?

But one of my biggest flaws (aside from starting sentences with the words "but" and "and") is that it's easy for me to believe the worst about anyone.

You should probably avoid Stuu then. :plain:

And fortunately for you, prisons are filled with rejects who have nothing better to do with their time than read the Bible.

When you have nothing better to do than something which has no better, I'd say that's a recipe for some sweet, crazy goodness! :thumb:

Birds of a feather flock together.

Like clowns in tiny cars...

Your prison ministry might just find easy traction in such an environment.

In fairness, a prison is a MUCH more favorable environment for a prison ministry than, say, a Star Trek convention...


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Hall of Fame
So Bob's going to jail for a protest, not of an abortion provider, but of another anti-abortion group?


New member
The problem arises in self-defining justice on a basis no deeper than personal inclination...

A problem can arise on that basis but not necessarily. Didn't MLK Jr. define an unjust law as one that denigrates the personality of an individual? That was him "self-defining" an unjust law, wasn't it? And it's not a bad definition... is it?

Do you think this is a fair statement given your admittedly limited knowledge of the man?

Because of fairness I understated my point.

Is it unfair to formulate a first impression of someone? I will admit that I've gotten more than one, two or even three impressions of BE in the past four years.

He's an obnoxious quacking duck with a voice akin to nails on a chalk-board. He yells over the voice of opposition, ignores direct questions, builds and tears down strawmen and then declares victory. It's not unfair to say the man loves the sound of his own voice. His show, his ministries all ooze and drip with effluent tripe and ego.

You should probably avoid Stuu then. :plain:

When you have nothing better to do than something which has no better, I'd say that's a recipe for some sweet, crazy goodness! :thumb:


Like clowns in tiny cars...

In fairness, a prison is a MUCH more favorable environment for a prison ministry than, say, a Star Trek convention...

That depends on the population of radical, white-people-hating Muslim converts in either forum :crackup:


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Matthew 5:25
"Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still with him on the way, or he may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison.

I can't help but think that both Bob and James have not taken this verse to heart.


New member
Hall of Fame
Given their argument against paying the fine I wonder how often they cheat on their taxes...:think:

Carefully rehearsed, quite theatrical, with all the flourishes of a professional grandstander. Jolly good performance.:thumb:


Given their argument against paying the fine I wonder how often they cheat on their taxes...:think:

Carefully rehearsed, quite theatrical, with all the flourishes of a professional grandstander. Jolly good performance.:thumb:

Where can I sign up for that?
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