Ok, so then let me take a more direct approach.
Why should anyone give a whole lot of weight to what you think about who is and who isn't just a layman on this matter?
They shouldn't.
Your opinion doesn't amount to a hill of beans in the estimation of many of the "calvinists" you don't think get to be called "true calvinists."
Unquestionably true. That doesn't make me any less correct. Besides, if you're right God predestined me to say all this stuff that, according to you, no one should care anything about.
And why should they care what you think?
Because I'm right.
At the end of day "calvinist" is just a label to describe something that either is or is not what the bible teaches about how and who God saves. What, really matters is what the Word of God says not what you think, or what I think, or what John Calvin thought.
This is very very wrong!
Of course the Bible is the bottom line when it comes to matters of doctrine but that does not mean that what we think doesn't matter. It does matter - a lot! The bible itself tells us that those who teach will be held accountable for the things they teach and that faith comes by hearing the word of God but that the hearing of it comes by way of preachers. There will be millions - MILLIONS - of people who will go to Hell because of John Calvin and his blasphemous doctrine.
I think that's the real problem. Those aren't "source" documents in the way I estimate true sources.
How have I failed to quote Calvin's own words directly from his own books? I suppose you could saying I'm quoting an English translation and so for that reason they are "source documents" but that, very frankly, would be silly. The implied argument would be that the translators got it wrong and where somehow intentionally misleading the whole English speaking world about what Calvin's doctrine was. An argument I know you wouldn't make. So how then are the quotations not from source documents?
The only infallible source is the word of God, and the word of God is the source of my own views on soteriology.
There is no way to get the half of Calvinist doctrine by simply reading the text. I've made this same point hundreds of times before. Calvinism must be brought to the text. Its true every single time. There is simply zero in the scripture that teaches even one of the five tulip doctrines. There is zero in the bible about God be absolutely changeless. There is zero in the bible about God being timeless. There is zero in the bible on dozens of topics that are part and parcel of Calvinism. If you think otherwise it IS because you are reading your doctrine, whether consciously or otherwise, into the text.
Does trying to embarrass people rather than arguing persuasively from God's Word for your own position really sound like a compelling way to argue for your own theological position?
Been there done that!
Calvinist, for the most part, do not have minds that function properly. Arguing with an educated Calvinist thinking your going to persuade them is a waste of time.
Your whole approach is just a big, fat logical fallacy called
"poisoning the well."
This is not so! How is quoting source documents poisoning the well?
There not even a single Calvinist who has yet denied a single syllable of even one of the quotes I've posted on this thread!
How is it possible to poison the well with the truth?
Anyone could do the same regarding Open Theism.
Okay! Try it!
Shall I poach a few heretical quotes from Clark Pinnock?
I don't know who that is.
Is there any such thing as Pinnocism?
How about some juicy nuggets of stupidity from Boyce or Sanders. Or maybe I should hold you to the teaching of the first Open Theist, Socinius?
You've either massively missed the point or you are intentionally attempting to avoid it. I genuinely cannot tell which. What you are suggesting would in fact be poisoning the well but that is not what I am doing at all.
If you were to quote any Christian author whether Open Theist or otherwise, and I disagreed with the teaching contained within that quote, I would explain to you that I disagree with the author and explain why.
Which of the quotes of Calvin do you disagree with and why, Dialogos?
Which of the quotes of Calvin on this thread has ANY Calvinist disagreed with at all?
I didn't have to quote Calvin, I could just as easily quoted Pink, Piper or Van Til. I didn't even have to quote a famous author. I could just as easily have quoted AMR, Hilston, Dr. Lamerson or you. The result would have been similar except with less impact. The substance would have been identical as evidenced by the fact that not one single Calvinist on this site (or anywhere else where I've had this exact same conversation) has ever or would ever deny a single word of what I've quoted.
Do you deny the Divinity of Christ?
The first Open Theists did.
Not because he was an open theist! It would be a simple matter to disagree with a man on one issue while agreeing on another..
Which issue have I quoted from Calvin do you disagree with?
Any at all?
Should we then use those quotes to bludgeon you and other Open Theists over the head over and over again?
You'd be stupid to do so. It would backfire on you because doing so would be quite different than what I've done on this thread.
Try it if you like.
Or should we engage in the more fruitful task of going to the true "source" of wisdom which is God's word?
Tell that to Calvin not me! I've quoted Calvin talking about doctrines which have come to define what it means to be a Calvinist. I've not quoted Calvin saying something idiotic about the Jews or something stupid about how the government should be run or what should be done with unbelievers. I've quoted Calvin on Calvinism! If you want to quote some Open Theism author on Open Theism then we can debate whether what he said was right or wrong and whether it has anything to do with Open Theism.
I invite you to show me one word of what Calvin has been quoted as saying in this thread that is not Calvinism and that you deny believing.
Ah, a crusade fueled by hatred of people, that always works out well...
Psalms 139:21 Do I not hate them, O Lord, who hate You?
And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?
22 I hate them with perfect hatred;
I count them my enemies.
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me, and know my anxieties;
24 And see if there is any wicked way in me,
And lead me in the way everlasting.
On what basis do you propose that every Calvinist is bound to everything Calvin said?
I've never made any such claim!
I've yet to find one that denies anything I've quoted on this thread though!
Here is something you should probably know. Very few Calvinists today agree with everything Calvin ever wrote and many agree with only a portion of what he wrote.
Wishful thinking at best.
And irrelevant. I'm only concerned with what I've quoted. If you disagree with Calvin as quoted then please say so and explain why. My bet is that you don't disagree with any of it.
Some limit their agreement to his views on predestination and salvation and many of them have gone on to refine their understanding as they take Calvin's reflections on scripture and go back to those scriptures themselves.
I have no doubt that such people exists. But the bulk of Calvinist distinctive are logically bound together. To reject one is to tacitly reject the entire system. But that's a matter for a different thread.
As I said before, the reformation didn't end with Calvin.
Don't get me wrong, I would likely agree with many of the quotes you ripped out of context were they appropriately put back into context.
I've ripped nothing out of context. If you think otherwise, please point out which quote is removed from its context and how such removal alters the apparent meaning of what was quoted.
You won't be able to do that.
But I'm not obligated to believe any of them. I don't believe in the sovereignty of God over salvation because "Calvin" taught the doctrine, I believe in the sovereignty of God over salvation because the word of God teaches that doctrine.
Yes you do and no it doesn't.
It would never occur to you to think even in that vernacular if not for Calvinism (or at the very least Augustinianism which is the essentially same thing when it comes to such issues).
Are you willing to bend your will to the word of God? Or do you cherish your traditions too much?
That's my line.
:yawn: That's a tired old Ad Hominem attack Clete.
It wasn't an argument and thus is not an Ad Hominem. Nor would it have been an ad hominem if had been an argument.
The fact that Calvinists have a mental disorder is merely on observation that I have made and that has been born out as true over many years of experience with Calvinists of all stripes.
The term is sovereign, and yes, I believe in the sovereignty of God.
How would you know what the term is without the use of the same reason you throw in the toilet in order to preserve the doctrine which it denotes?
I suppose you might get exactly what you are looking for. A knee-jerk, emotionally driven reaction that will get some biblically uninformed Calvinist-leaning-folks to second guess what they have been taught.
Some of them will actually go back and study what Calvin said in context, some of them will be driven back into their bibles to seek the answer to the questions that come up.
The former will confirm the veracity of my quotations and the later will prove fruitless for most. The problem isn't a reading problem its a paradigm problem. The same thing that makes you think you read Calvinism in the Bible is the same thing that would blind the average lay person. They minds are not working properly. They think the bible is magic and that all they have to do is open it and enlightenment will automatically happen. That's not the way it works.
Neither would be a bad approach. Then there will be some who will be lazy and just follow you - someone else who doesn't know anything about what Calvinism actually teaches - into an Open Theist understanding that is totally foreign to the scriptures and really is based on pagan Greek philosophy.
Saying it doesn't make it so.
This same idiotic accusation has been leveled at me before. It was as baseless then as it is now. Calvinism, on the other hand, has
very clear historical ties, that are easy to document and that are not even disputed by Calvinists, to Plato's doctrine of divine immutability.
The best thing that could ever happen to both of us is that we open the Book and begin looking at what the Bible says, but you won't, because you can't defend your attacks on monergism scripturally so you will run to a more familiar battleground which is ripping quotes out of context and lobbing them at Calvinists.
Don't talk to me about what I will and will not do!
I've been posting and have posted every argument against Calvinism, biblical and otherwise that exists on this website for DECADES!! Most all of which still exist and are available for anyone who searches for them to both find and read.
There are as many tactics I can utilize in my war against Calvinism as there are Calvinists who care to engage me on the topic. Some are biblical some are philosophical some are historical others are doctrinal or whatever. Most are a combination of several of those things. This thread is a mixture of doctrine and history and its absolutely valid and enormously effective, as evidenced by how irritated Calvinists get by my use of it.
The worst thing that could ever happen to you is that you run away from a biblical discussion, which you always do
and thereby prove that your position is nothing more than an Ad Hominem attack on Calvinists by trying to poison the well with out of context quotes from Calvin. I have no intention of letting you get away with that.
Where is the quote that isn't Calvinism?
Which quote do YOU even disagree with?
How have I poison the well of Calvinism with Calvinism?!!!
or else go away and shut up!
The last time you and I traded posts on this topic it was on Romans 9. You ran away from that serious discussion about God's word and instead decided to post
this post?
I did not run away! Good grief you Calvinist are impossible to please. If I respond I'm reading into the text of your post or something similar and if I choose to simply let your post stand and let people make their own mind up as to who made the better argument then I'm running away.
Your brain doesn't work!
Your total lack of response is
right here.
If you want to go back to discussing Romans 9, I'm happy to resume that dialog right where we left off.
Not a chance!
Your post is perfect!
There's nothing else that needs said. Those who already agree with you won't see it but I don't care about that. That is perhaps where you don't understand me. I do not care if you or any other Calvinist ever agrees with me. That isn't my audience. It's those who either already agree with me or those who are undecided that I'm aiming at.
Otherwise, I will be forced to conclude that you would rather take the approach of ripping quotes from dead theologians out of context so as to avoid discussing the truth from the living and active Word of God.
As many times as you make this accusation I will remind those reading this that not one person, including you, who calls themselves a Calvinist has denied believing one word of what I've quoted. In fact its been quite the contrary!
I think that's very telling, and very unfortunate.
I doubt that you've thought about it much at all.
If there were anything to be embarrassed about, I would think that running from God's word would be it.
I've made more biblical arguments against Calvinism than you've made posts. It's not the only tactic that I'm capable of nor is it the only one allowed. You want me to change tactics because this one works! Whether you like it to be pointed out or not, the Calvinism of Calvin is Calvinism.
Resting in Him,