New member
And liars are plentiful.
If you keep that up no one will listen to you.
I'm kinda missing Kayaker.
He had a kind of anal fastidiousness that was almost scholarly.
Each man individually has the opportunity and responsibility for their own individual response to Gods Grace and salvation. God wills and desires that all men would be saved. not just the gentiles.
romans 1:16 (because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.)
History of the word Jew
Anyone who was an inhabitant of Judaea was a "Jew," and a Jew is properly a Judean, and Jewry properly Judaea.
Equivalents used by various chroniclers between the 4th and the 18th century. From the Latin "Iudaeus" to the English "Jew" the evolution of these English forms is: "Gyu," "Giu," "Iu," "Iuu," "Iuw," "Ieuu," "Ieuy," "Iwe," "Iow," "Iewe," "Ieue," "Iue," "Ive," "Iew," and then finally in the 18th century, "Jew." Similarly, the evolution of the English equivalents for "Jews" is: "Giwis," "Giws," "Gyues," "Gywes," "Giwes," "Geus," "Iuys," "Iows," "Iouis," "Iews," and then, finally, in the 18th century, "Jews."
The history of the development of the term "Jew" does not change the (INTERPRETATION.)
Isaiah 65:15
You will leave your name (Judean=Jew) for my chosen ones to use in their curses; the Sovereign Lord will put you to death, but to his servants he will give another name. (Christian)
Your turn!
"Just because historically there is no word 'Jew' doesn't change the fact I can insert it here in my 'interpretation' of an ancient text written 2000 years before the word "Jew" was invented." |
kayaker Said: ...The Muslims have clearer ancestral rights than do the Canaanite Shelanites who call themselves Jews, walking anonymously among the ancestrally un-illuminated Israelite descendants of Jacob. The whole rift between the Jews and the Muslims was inspired by the Shelanites. If, respectfully, the title "Israelite" is considered a curse word in the middle east as you suggest... pin the tail on the donkey: Shelanites are responsible. Shelanites are not Israelites, they are Canaanites. Ezra specifically excluded Shelah, and "The sons of Shelah the son of Judah..." (1Chronicles 4:21, 22) from Ezra's tribal roster... |
'Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.' Gal. 6:7 |
Again, I asked for dates and evidence and you give me a load of diarrea.
What you've posted is:
"Just because historically there is no word 'Jew' doesn't change
the fact I can insert it here in my 'interpretation' of an ancient text
written 2000 years before the word "Jew" was invented."
Thanks for playing.
But the real crime here is that you haven't even properly defined "Jew"
as it is used in the Bible, let alone how it is used in the REAL WORLD.
Lets give it a try:
I. Biblical Meanings: Literal
(1) Descendant of the Tribe of Judah, one of Jacob's sons through MALE line. (cf. Genesis etc.)
(2) Member of the Southern Kingdom of 'Judah', consisting of 2 1/2 tribes,
Judah, Benjamin, Levi (cf. Books of Kings)
(3) Member of the community of exiles primarily in Babylon,
formed after the conquest of the Southern kingdom of 'Judah'
by Babylon (cf. Esther)
(4) Exile Returning to the land of Judaea who could prove their lineage and descendancy, and member of the community formed under Ezra (cf. Ezra/Nehemiah)
(5) Member of the religious community occupying Palestine and Egypt,
formed under Ezra and having autonomy,
then resisting the Greek occupation under Alexander, and later
existing under occupation by the Romans in Jesus' time, and at times.
(cf. Maccabees etc.)
(6) Member of the 'diaspora' of exiled descendants of Israelite tribes
spread all over the Roman Empire, but self-identifying as Israelites and
practicing Phariseeism (cf. Paul)
(7) Any Person intermarrying with "Jews" (4,5,6) and adopting Jewish
religious practices.
After the advent of Ezra, there was a large split in "Judaism"
with Ezra's community rejecting proselytism and intermarriage,
considering it a violation of the Mosiac Covenant through disobediance,
while "Jews" who did not return but continued intermarriage self-identified
as "Jews" also, with a different set of membership rules.
II. Biblical Meanings: Figurative
(8) Representation of the Southern Kingdom as "Judah", a poetic usage.
(9) Representation of the descendants of the ancient Israelite tribes,
a poetic usage.
III. NON-Biblical Meanings: Racial/Political
(10) A person having or claiming descendancy from the historical tribes of Israel,
i.e., an ethnic definition of "Jew". (as used by many Jews today).
(11) A person practicing some recognized form of "Judaism",
a modern religion evolving out of Phariseeism and surviving sects existing
before the Roman/Jewish Wars, i.e., a religious definition of "Jew".
(as used in the Western nations)
(12) A citizen of modern Israel, a secular state formed on ethnic
and religious lines, out of ethnically "Jewish" survivors and assenters
arising out of the 2nd World War, and Holocaust.
(as used by Arabs and Muslims throughout the Middle East today).
As an important footnote, NONE of the modern meanings of "Jew" (10,11,12)
have any proper or accurate correspondence with the many Biblical meanings
listed above,
but which are often INTERPRETED, TRANSLATED, or INSERTED into
the standard religious texts as "Jew".
So called 'modern' versions of the Bible that insert "Jew" are an obvious FAIL,
and are based on a bigoted, oversimplistic, and religious or propaganda-based
spin that perpetuates racism and anti-Semitism against a modern group
of people which is largely non-religious.
Lets add one more unfortunately prejorative slang usage of "Jew",
in fact used in the very title of this thread:
(13) A derogatory term implying cheapness or cunning in business dealing,
and strongly suggestive of dishonesty and deceit, fraud,
and often used as an adjective or verb:
"You got Jewed." (i.e., got ripped off in a business exchange)
"Don't be a Jew." (i.e., don't be stingy, and pay your way or take your economic responsibility).
Such usages are not unique to anti-Semitism, as many racial and tribal groups have derogatory names
which can be used to suggest negative traits as if they were inherited or intrinsic to a nation or culture.
Lets take away one very important point:
There cannot be only one single meaing for "Jew" at this point in history,
and it is a very poor word to use in the translation of ancient texts without
extensive footnotes and historical explanations.
For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:
But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
I guess the fact that languages change over a period of time eludes you.
The Hebrew word "wind" is also the word for "spirit."
If a "Judean is a Jew", just tell me which meaning of "Jew" and "Judean"
A Judean is a Jew no matter how it is spelled.
Kayaker said:Those Ashkenazi Gentiles were the target population of Nimrod (Genesis 10:10 KJV), 'grandson' of Ham and his wife, who exploited the 'set aside' notion alleging that Gentiles were not loved by Almighty God, as were the Shemites. The mere fact there are Ashkenai Jews today testifies to Paul's selection to preach to the Gentiles: Ashkenazi, particularly. On the other hand, I proffer the Sephardic 'Jews' were/are Shelanites, who have their origin as descendants of Ham (maternally via Keturah) having usurped the Israelite's 'chosen' status hiding behind the ancestrally ambiguous title, 'Jew.'[/QUOTE]
Lets cut to the chase.
(1) You have eliminated Ashkenazi as (actual) descendants of Israel.
(2) You have eliminated Sephardim as racially acceptable descendants of Judah or Israel.
(1) Ashkenazim not equal to Jews or Israel
This is a thesis from Arthur Koestler (The Thirteenth Tribe).
It should be noted that Koestler offered as a corollary
that the Sephardim were the "true" Jews.
(2) Sephardim are not proper "Jews".
This is a variation of a theme expressed by another author:
Paul Wexler (The Non-Jewish Origins of the Sephardic Jews).
Likewise, Wexler took the opposite view,
that the Sephardim were the fakes, and the Ashkenazim real.
(a) It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to notice that each author
rejects the other's racial theories.
(b) Logically, one is likely wrong, or both are wrong, but they both
can't be right.
(c) Its safe to say that neither author is a credible historian,
although both are very popular for obvious (anti-Semitic) reasons.
(d) Its also safe to say that neither author is a mainstream Christian.
Let readers of either book read the other, for a fair evaluation of both.
The main problem with the Overriding Thesis (yours)
will be this:
Where are the 'real' Jews?
i.e., now that you've eliminated all the Jews in the world from the contest.
I won't be holding my breath for this corollary.
kayaker Said:
...The Muslims have clearer ancestral rights than do the Canaanite Shelanites who call themselves Jews, walking anonymously among the ancestrally un-illuminated Israelite descendants of Jacob. The whole rift between the Jews and the Muslims was inspired by the Shelanites. If, respectfully, the title "Israelite" is considered a curse word in the middle east as you suggest... pin the tail on the donkey: Shelanites are responsible. Shelanites are not Israelites, they are Canaanites. Ezra specifically excluded Shelah, and "The sons of Shelah the son of Judah..." (1Chronicles 4:21, 22) from Ezra's tribal roster...
I'm glad you are articulate.
However I absolutely must take issue with you on a number of important points:
Israel/Palestine was originally the land of Canaan.
Those inhabitants were tossed out by God Himself for despicable sins,
such as religous prostitution, abortion and child sacrifice.
That land was given to Israel conditionally,
and we should all be aware of how those conditions have evolved historically,
and how they have been removed and restored on an ongoing basis.
The mixture of peoples who were historically in some cases forced
to move in and work the land of Israel, which was taken by Assyrians and Babylonians,
and any and all other peoples allowed to move in and plant themselves,
and specifically the Philistines, Syrians, Iraqis, Greeks, Romans,
Arabs and Bedouins who were residing there before the formation
of Israel,
have no absolute rights to any land whatsoever,
because it remains the property of the LORD God Almighty,
who gives land to whom He will.
Nor do Israelites or "Jews" have any absolute rights.
On the contrary, all rights are dependent upon the LANDLORD, who is God.
b) Biblical Covenants
However many Covenants are noticed or discovered,
the participating parties identified,
the validity, activity or inactivity historically plotted,
it remains a fact that
only the Abrahamic Covenant has any possible application to Arabs,
but the Holy Scriptures themselves indicate that (based on behaviour),
such covenants, even land covenants are limited, regulated and policed
by the LORD God Himself.
And in any case, the Abrahamic Covenant is INCLUSIVE,
ethnically and racially of the Jews as well as Arabs.
Philistines, Syrians, Iraqis, Greeks, Romans,
Arabs and Bedouins who were residing there before the formation
of Israel,
have no absolute rights to any land whatsoever,
So such a Covenant as the Abrahamic Covenant,
has no relevance in a "Jew"/"Arab" dispute.
That would be an internal dispute similar to
a possible land dispute between say the tribe of Simeon and Ephraim.
It can't be solved by appealing to the Abrahamic Covenant,
or any other covenant.
(2) Blaming the "Shelanites" is just a kind of racial profiling under another name.
Even if the "Shelanites" (the New anti-Semite term for "Jew"?)
are a wicked and despicable gang of thugs,
this changes NOTHING in regards to each and every person's responsibility
for their own sin.
Blaming "the Shelanites" for all the problems of the world,
is like…
No doubt ALL of these groups of idiots…
But targeting ALL sin is the message of God,
and repentance of ALL people is the only doorway for salvation.
I don't doubt there is an Accuser, a Satan, an Adversary,
even a 'people of Cain', or a 'gang of the Devil',
but these are not the excuse or explanation for your sins.
They may be sources of persecution, agents of punishment,
causes of injustice, but in the Biblical worldview,
the blame for sin stops at you.
Kayaker said:Those Ashkenazi Gentiles were the target population of Nimrod (Genesis 10:10 KJV), 'grandson' of Ham and his wife, who exploited the 'set aside' notion alleging that Gentiles were not loved by Almighty God, as were the Shemites. The mere fact there are Ashkenai Jews today testifies to Paul's selection to preach to the Gentiles: Ashkenazi, particularly. On the other hand, I proffer the Sephardic 'Jews' were/are Shelanites, who have their origin as descendants of Ham (maternally via Keturah) having usurped the Israelite's 'chosen' status hiding behind the ancestrally ambiguous title, 'Jew.'[/QUOTE]
Lets cut to the chase.
(1) You have eliminated Ashkenazi as (actual) descendants of Israel.
(2) You have eliminated Sephardim as racially acceptable descendants of Judah or Israel.
(1) Ashkenazim not equal to Jews or Israel
This is a thesis from Arthur Koestler (The Thirteenth Tribe).
It should be noted that Koestler offered as a corollary
that the Sephardim were the "true" Jews.
(2) Sephardim are not proper "Jews".
This is a variation of a theme expressed by another author:
Paul Wexler (The Non-Jewish Origins of the Sephardic Jews).
Likewise, Wexler took the opposite view,
that the Sephardim were the fakes, and the Ashkenazim real.
(a) It shouldn't take a rocket scientist to notice that each author
rejects the other's racial theories.
(b) Logically, one is likely wrong, or both are wrong, but they both
can't be right.
(c) Its safe to say that neither author is a credible historian,
although both are very popular for obvious (anti-Semitic) reasons.
(d) Its also safe to say that neither author is a mainstream Christian.
Let readers of either book read the other, for a fair evaluation of both.
The main problem with the Overriding Thesis (yours)
will be this:
Where are the 'real' Jews?
i.e., now that you've eliminated all the Jews in the world from the contest.
I won't be holding my breath for this corollary.
You are a total hoot, Nazaroo, LOL! I've not read Koestler or Wexler, although I'm aware of the 13th tribe... but, I have scripturally documented my rendering. The Ashkenazim are Gentiles, with ancestral distinction, who converted to Talmudic Judaism. I proffer the Sephardic alleged 'Jews' are Shelanite descendants of Judah, prophesied progenitor of Messiah, via his Canaanite wife, contrary to Deuteronomy 7:1, 2, 3, Ezra 9:1, 2, 7. Shelanites are not Semites, but certainly can refer to themselves as 'Jews' for reasons other than ancestry... in fact, they do... but, you'd readily realize they are not authentic Israelites.
For some reason, you've clearly glossed over my obvious distinction to Chair between an Israelite Jew, and a Shelanite alleged 'Jew.' Did you miss the ancestral Israelite 'Jew' wondering who a 'real Jew' is? Jesus was a 'real Jew,' and the Shelanites instigated His crucifixion to shut Him up for unveiling their nefarious ancestry... which clearly escapes you. If you can't gather this "Jewish" distinction in Revelation 2:9, 3:9... then maybe you can write a book of your own after studying the finer distinctions found exploring the Good Book... you might capture THE breath of fresh air Ezekiel alluded to in Ezekiel 37:2, 3, 4, 5...
peace to you, Nazaroo!
If you agree the Muslims are descendants of Ishmael, then I can discuss from this perspective. However, I think you suggested we must keep in mind the intermingling of people throughout the ages. |
Wikipedia: 'The largest Muslim population in a country is in Indonesia, a nation home to 12.7% of the world's Muslims, followed by Pakistan (11.0%), India (10.9%), and Bangladesh (9.2%). [thats about 45% right there!] About 20% of Muslims live in Arab countries.' |
Top Ten Countries with Largest Muslim Population RankCountry Capital Estimated 2010 Muslim Population ------------ % of World Muslim Population 1 Indonesia Jakarta - 209,120,000 - 13.1% 2 India New Delhi - 176,190,000 - 11% 3 Pakistan Islamabad - 167,410,000 - 10.5% 4 Bangladesh Dhaka - 133,540,000 - 8.4 % 5 Nigeria Abuja - 77,300,000 - 4.8 % 6 Egyp tCairo - 76,990,000 - 4.8 % 7 Iran Teheran - 73,570,000 - 4.6% 8 Turkey Ankara - 71,330,000 - 4.5 % 9 Algeria Algiers 34,730,000 - 2.2 % 10 Morocco Rabat - 31,940,000 - 2 % = 64% of the World population of Muslims. |
We agree the Muslims have no direct claim to Promised Land... I suggested the Ishmaelite Muslims have "clearER ancestral rights" |
Deuteronomy 23:7, 8, 9, KJV “Thou shalt not abhor an Edomite (of Esau); for he is thy brother: thou shalt not abhor an Egyptian; because thou wast a stranger in his land. ... Therefore, the Ishmaelite/Muslims do indeed have some semblance of a claim, while the Shelanites have utterly none. |
Possibly I’m confused, Nazaroo… a couple quotes or so above, I read:
Perhaps I missed something? Providing a few more Scriptural references would probably help me follow you better. |
Kayaker said:
"...ancestral rights" ...the Shelanite-'Jews' who have none,... ... the Ishmaelite/Muslims do indeed have some semblance of a claim, while the Shelanites have utterly none. ... Please recall God utterly slew Shuah’s two eldest of three Canaanite grandsons via Judah r/t Deuteronomy 25:5, 6. ... 'I articulated a clear distinction between an Israelite-Jew, and a Shelanite ‘Jew’, with particular reference to Revelation 2:9, 3:9. The “Shelanites” are a clearly named and identified people (Numbers 26:20). Almighty God slew Shelah’s two elder Canaanite brothers Er, and Onan (Genesis 38:7, 8, 9, 10). A great sermon to a Shelanite instigator of the crucifixion! |
Is this an alter call? |