God's Truth
New member
That's all you have o "Bible expert"?
Never mind. I'll wait until someone comes along who knows their Scripture.
You know you have been defeated that is why you cannot discuss your false beliefs.
That's all you have o "Bible expert"?
Never mind. I'll wait until someone comes along who knows their Scripture.
You know you have been defeated that is why you cannot discuss your false beliefs.
Yeah, okay, big shot; you said one or two things and that shut down all those passages I quoted :rotfl:
And boy did you disapoint o mad woman.
It is not Jesus' word.
that's what most of you get so wrong, dismissing what Jesus says.
You don't have to quote other to talk about Jesus.
Jesus taught directly about Him and His father and His teachings.
Jesus is the Teacher. He doss not need other's help to talk about His own teachings.
get real people.
Your posts ate too wordy.
I asked you simple question.
do you know Jesus gave commission to His apostles?
Do you know Jesus often answered questions with questions?
"I'm following Jesus" - so here is a question as my answer - according to Galatians 2, after being informed by Paul about a change in things; what did James, Cephas, and John decide about the commission the Lord gave the Twelve?
And if you are not born again you cannot enter the Kingdom of heaven.
John 3:3 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
3 Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
Maybe those who do move on because there is nothing to comment on. Also, those who know the truth may not comment if they see the truth. But if salvation is of the Jews, where does that leave Gentiles? Gentiles can be saved too.![]()
What specifically do you mean that before you came into contact with the JWs you had already believed in Jesus Christ as your Redeemer? What was it you had understood about that before you came in contact with the JWs?
Thanks in advance.
There is no road to life, who told you that. There is LIFE and this life is in the Son of God, He that hath the Son hath LIFE, he that hath not the Son hath not life.
Again Jesus teaches [Jesu's teachings are His commandments that we are to keep] "He that hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me HATH ETERNAL LIFE"
Again Peter teaches we have been born again, we are dead unto sin but ALIVE unto righteousness
So do you have eternal life?
So you agree Christ existed before He was born at Bethlehem...did YOU exist before you were born?
No you say were baptised a Methodist [not because you believed but because your mother said so] then you joined the Baptists, then you dabbled with the occult, then you joined the JWs....nowhere do you speak of encountering Christ....THAT is what you needed. Those demons you dabbled with will keep you from understanding the truth.
You cannot even see the kingdom of God because you say you are not born again...we ARE the kingdom of God, He dwells and reigns in us
Oh dear you and meshak hate the kingdom of God....that's not good
Meshak falsely accuses Apostle Paul How do you get one can do that and not be an enemy of the gospel?
That is right, God in the flesh as a Man prayed to Himself in heaven.
I don't put your beliefs down, you are putting mine down.
There are three. God the Father spoke to Jesus, God the Son.
I did not say you said Jesus pretended to come as a Man. I said God the FATHER did not pretend to come as a Man.
That is right, God in the flesh as a Man prayed to Himself in heaven.
I don't put your beliefs down, you are putting mine down.
JWs used to bother people by knocking on their door. Now, they bother people in forums. You guys are something else.
As in all your posts "so many" churches and "so many posters" mean everyone you attack us and then start weeping all over the place that nobuddy loves you.
Your doctrine is a lie and your life is a testimony to that fact, for you do not keep His commands
You insist that we keep Christ's commands...here is His command "ye must be born again, unless a man is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God"
This is the beginning of the Christian life, nobody is a Christian until they are born again.
How does she "falsely accuse the Apostle Paul"? I haven't seen any evidence of that.
I'm sorry, but that is, to me, preposterous. You are making Jesus a laughingstock. Praying to himself...:rotfl: