New member
EM - i beg you to read The New Testamant - start with Acts thru Jude. study it. understand it. then read the gospels again. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. then you will understand Revelation better. set aside your book for a few weeks and dive into the Christian NT. whatever language is easier for you to read. please, and you may answer your own questions. and have better questions later. your Quran will still be with you, just put it down for a bit. Jesus Christ Is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. the only way to return to God is through Jesus Christ. EVERY knee Shall Bow To Jesus Christ ! ! ! the sooner you know, the better. -atrol:
I think i read much of Bible and it is good in most cases and in parallel with Quran but the problem is in extremists who interprets their Book according their mood.