The only threat I know of for you is this:
Curiously enough, you have been threatening me in your own words.
Contrary to Muslim claims, a nine-year-old girl just isn’t ready for sexual intercourse or for its possible ramifications (i.e., pregnancy, giving birth, breast-feeding, and raising a child). It is unnecessarily dangerous, for a much safer relationship could be crafted if the marriage were to take place several years later, when the girl reaches her late teens. Muslims may respond here by arguing, “But Aisha never became pregnant, so none of this matters.” Yet it does matter. Every year, countless young girls, still playing with dolls, are taken to live with much older husbands. If these husbands were to be challenged, they wouldn’t respond by saying, “But it’s part of Arabic culture”; instead, they would reply, “It can’t be wrong, because Muhammad did it.” In other words, even if we grant the bizarre claim that Aisha was somehow ready for sex and marriage, most nine-year-old girls aren’t ready for sex and marriage. But the practice of marrying children continues to this day in many Muslim countries, largely because Muslims hold up Muhammad as their highest role model. |
Perhaps this example explains why Jews like Chair are more sympathetic to Muslims than to Christians...
Besdies the fact that this is not true, you have once again shown your bigotry in lumping together all Jews on the basis of what one Jew thinks (or in this case- what you claim he thinks).
Netanyahu at March | |
Netanyahu visiting site | |
Netanyahu at the Synagogue | |
As explained by Paul, Jesus presented Himself first to the Jews during His earthly ministry, (Romans 1:16)
But even at that time Jesus willingly accepted Syrians, Phonecians,
Samaritans, Romans, Cyrenes, Aethiopians, blessed them, healed them and taught them.
(Matt. 15:21-28) (John 4:7) (Matt. 8:5-13) (Mark 14:43-52) (Acts 8:26-39)
Even the apostles had to learn to embrace non-Jews into their community. (Acts 10:9-16)
To fulfill the prophecies, Jesus had to seek and save men of ALL NATIONS.
“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end” (Isaiah 9:6–7).
As to how Jesus' apostles and disciples understood Him,
He took them aside after speaking parables publicly,
and explained the deeper meanings to them in private.
'He did not speak to them without a parable;
but He was explaining everything privately to His own disciples' (Mark 4:34)
Muhammed disagrees with Moses so many times I can't count them.I know Muhammed from the message that was given to him and i see it in agreement with that of Moses.
Around here so-called conservatives believe that your faith can be reformed :turbo: so that Muslims do not continue to murder people (Mt 7:20).What is this comments?
I do'nt talk about prophecy .
Muhammed was a benificial man to arabics who was idolaters.
Was Jesus a benificial man to Judaism,how?
Muslims do not believe God can become a human being.
Jesus is God the time Mohammad was even writing his alleged enlightenments and prophecies, Christianity was already the state religion of Rome and Greece.
I do'nt talk about prophecy .
Muhammed was a benificial man to arabics who was idolaters.
Was Jesus a benifiacial man to Judaism,how?
The Michael Angelo painting of Jesus is the official portrait of Jesus. Is there an official portrait of Mohammad?
So Muhammad replaced one god with another (or many to one)... other than that, what did he do that was beneficial other than conquest by the sword which just comes down to murder and confiscation of others property for his own wealth. (which seems to be his legacy down through the ages... everyone must submit to his tribe and if don't.. just go ahead and kill them and take their worldly goods).
It really is a poor religion, based on works alone.