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New member
Do I? I'm not the one calling those who believe that is right to obey God and do his will, evil and wicked, that's you! To me, that's baring false witness.

Because regardless of what you think, it is neither evil nor wicked to obey God and do his will. It's what we are told to do, in the Bible by God and Jesus!

Anyone who says that people are wicked for obeying God and doing his will, is a false teacher and they are listening to the father of lies.

You bare false witness to the truth continually. You wrap your lies in scripture, but we* unwrap them and see them and you for what you really are. An heretic, blasphemer and a liar.

we* the regenerate.


Well-known member
You bare false witness to the truth continually. You wrap your lies in scripture, but we* unwrap them and see them and you for what you really are. An heretic, blasphemer and a liar.

we* the regenerate.
Those who bore false witness against Jesus, did so to put him to death, just as those who, like you, bare false witness today, who believe it is wicked and evil to live by the will of God and obey him. Because, not to obey God and live by his will once we know him, is to crucify Christ afresh and put him to an open shame, just as they did the first time when they disobeyed Gods commandment of thou shalt not kill, Jesus even said to them, you have a law of Moses, why are you trying to kill me? But their flesh was more important to them than God. Many say they love God, but their flesh comes first!

Those who don't live by the will of God, are in danger of being told to depart from Jesus, and Jesus says that it's those who live by the will of God are they who enter into the kingdom of heaven.

We are told to obey the commandments, we have commandments and we are to be doers of the word and not hearers only.

You have a false easy believism gospel, a do nothing gospel, which isn't the truth. A false I can live how I like and still go to heaven gospel, your gospel of far from the truth!

You are the one calling good evil, it is not evil in any way whatsoever to obey God and do his will. Once we do this, then we are truly following Jesus

Matthew 7:21

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.


Well-known member
We've been over this many times, but you can't understand it, because you haven't experienced it.

If you say that you have received anything without repenting then you are the one who doesn't understand, because we won't receive anything without repentance. The only thing we hear without repentance is the word of God from others. And that's a blessing that many disregard!

And when and where have we discussed repentance many times?

Luke 13

Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things?

I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem?

I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

If we don't repent we perish, and according to Jesus, we are to repent, but according to you, you didn't have to do anything?

And according to the apostles, we are to repent for our sins to be blotted out!

Acts 3

Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you


New member
If you say that you have received anything without repenting then you are the one who doesn't understand, because we won't receive anything without repentance. The only thing we hear without repentance is the word of God from others. And that's a blessing that many disregard!

And when and where have we discussed repentance many times?

Luke 13

Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things?

I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem?

I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

If we don't repent we perish, and according to Jesus, we are to repent, but according to you, you didn't have to do anything?

And according to the apostles, we are to repent for our sins to be blotted out!

Acts 3

Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you

Neither repentance nor the ability to trust are inherent in man. They are received as gifts at the point of regeneration. You are proof of this as you have no fruit of repentance and are devoid of spiritual trust, by which we* live.

we* the redeemed, regenerated and repentant sinners.


Well-known member
Neither repentance nor the ability to trust are inherent in man. They are received as gifts at the point of regeneration. You are proof of this as you have no fruit of repentance and are devoid of spiritual trust, by which we* live.

we* the redeemed, regenerated and repentant sinners.
Truster we have freewill, God gives us a choice repent or not, that's why Jesus said believe the gospel, because we have a choice, believe it and repent, or not!

In those verses which I quoted in luke 13, they had a choice repent or perish!


New member
Truster we have freewill, God gives us a choice repent or not, that's why Jesus said believe the gospel, because we have a choice, believe it and repent, or not!

In those verses which I quoted in luke 13, they had a choice repent or perish!

You attempt to emasculate the Almighty.


New member
Truster we have freewill, God gives us a choice repent or not, that's why Jesus said believe the gospel, because we have a choice, believe it and repent, or not!

In those verses which I quoted in luke 13, they had a choice repent or perish!

You attempt to emasculate the Almighty.


New member
Truster come back with scripture instead of constantly trying to bad mouth others to get yourself out of what you can't answer.

You have proven time and again that you have no comprehension of scripture:

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.


Well-known member
You attempt to emasculate the Almighty.

You can't back up what you say with scripture!

I've got better things to do than listen to your foolishness, instead of your constant rants and insults, answer me when you can back up what you are saying with scripture then I'll listen.

I'm going my daughter is coming for lunch.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
You have a false easy believism gospel, a do nothing gospel, which isn't the truth. A false I can live how I like and still go to heaven gospel, your gospel of far from the truth!

So Paul was in error when he answered this question?:

"And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house" (Acts 16:30-31).​


Well-known member
You have done the same to me on many occasions you hypocrite.
Never. You are wrong. The only thing I have ever said is "He doesn't really have me on ignore." And at that, I'm always talking 'to' you because I know. Daqq and I had an agreement. You and I? :nono:

Stop siding with Unit-Arians, Truster. You should know better and it is REALLY sad you are working against Him on this.


Well-known member
Hi Lon,

I noticed in your post that you generally have all non-Trinitarians on ignore, can I ask why?
Because I'm not interested, after 200 threads, over and over again on the same topic. Sometimes another asks me to say something, like in this thread in a PM or other message. For a short time then, I'll try to show what is wrong with this theology, but after 200+ threads on the same topic, for me, it gets very old. Being contentious, imho, is not of God. Tell people what the scripture says and what you believe the truth is then move on. Unit-Arians know this is a Triune board, but cannot help themselves. In the end we 600 must go with our biblical convictions. The one JW or other Unit-arian must go his or her without the 600 of us.

I don't feel like that about anyone, I don't see why people would have to ignore each other just because of trinity.
Not all of them. You have never been on my ignore. It depends 'if' you have other reasons for being on TOL other than trying to shove what is unacceptable down our throats (200+ threads). A few, because they are still in the flesh. A number of them have said some pretty foul things on here and told ugly jokes etc. They are DEFINITELY on ignore for that. They have no regeneration.

Lon, can I ask you this? Where does it say that we must believe in the trinity to be saved, or that we must believe that Jesus is God to be saved? I'm genuinely asking this because if its not there, then surely we have every right not to believe it?
600 to 1? You have to meet in your own churches and reject the rest of us by fellowship. If it isn't a salvation issue, it is a fellowship issue.

Surely you don't have to ignore us for that? Some here have a real hardness toward those who don't believe in the trinity, why? I don't understand that, because nowhere are we told that we must believe that Jesus is God, but we are to believe that he is the son of God. And I do.
As I said, not all of you. You haven't been on my ignore. I never take them off once they get there, unless they stop coming to TOL altogether. I'd hope, because of their foul mouths (fingers, but out of the heart), you'd place a few on ignore too.

Some people have said terrible things about me here, but they don't know my heart, only God can know that, and I've forgiven them and I would still care for them, and I hope that all here will be in heaven, I would never wish hell on anyone.
Ignoring them doesn't mean that. It means they've heard what I believe is scripturally true by me and others over 200 times and they CANNOT let it go. This thread is a reminder. the 200+ threads are gone now, thanks to maintenance, but I have a thread that listed them. There really were this many and more. I think since then, the number is back up to 37.

I believe in God and Christ with all my heart, and I try daily to live by his will. Don't you think that God will look at that before he looks at whether we believe in the trinity or not?
No but nor I either. He looks at whether we are in His Son (God as far as I know and understand scripture).


Well-known member
Do I? I'm not the one calling those who believe that is right to obey God and do his will, evil and wicked, that's you! To me, that's baring false witness.

Because regardless of what you think, it is neither evil nor wicked to obey God and do his will. It's what we are told to do, in the Bible by God and Jesus!

Anyone who says that people are wicked for obeying God and doing his will, is a false teacher and they are listening to the father of lies.
Not to me, but on this: Cart before horse. "Obeying" cannot save. Rather, the Saved, obey, or rather, 'follow their new nature.'
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