Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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God's Truth

New member
Well,...I see that word referring more to the inward subjective experiential realm of communion with Spirit, as a 'mystic' is one who engages 'God' whole heartedly in the inner soul, the deepest heart region, and then of course translates his experience as it relates to all meanings and values in life.

Most all the pomp and ceremony of the mass, eucharist, vespers and other religious rituals and symbols are all objective tools pointing to an inward subjectivity of God-communion, the soul's engagement in service to The ONE. I love the mystic's path of love and wisdom, but also enjoy the gnostic's journey of divine knowledge which is the quest for light.

I dont knot if I subscribe to the RCC's stritct dogmatism, rituals or creeds, except they teach and illustrate universal truths and principles that are real to the soul, and the 'resurrection of Jesus' is something that CANNOT be proven histporically unless you provide a satisfied criteria beyond all doubt. That that resurrection points to the reality of a soul/spirit rising from the dead, that is the spirit rising from the death of the physical body, a resurrection all souls will experience...then that is well. The resurrection and ascension of Jesus forecasts our own soul's transformation in grace, so all this can be translated esoterically, since the spirit gives life. A dogmatic assumption of a physical fleshly resurrection of Jesus is unnecessary, since the laws of nature and the Spirit already exist to inspire and guide the soul onwards. Jesus resurrection awaked this to the consciousness of man, but his gospel is still centered in the Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man,...that souls can continue to eternally progress in the kingdom and continue to ascend Godward thru love and service. This fixation of souls being resurrected BACK INTO flesh bodies is wholly unnecessary, if the souls path is to continue on in the spirit worlds after its onetime physical death on earth or any material world for that matter. So, there is more possibilities and probabilities than what orthodox Christianity has assumed, claimed or proposed about Jesus that are worth exploring, and discovering.

Jesus is God, freelight.

If you are not only doing what Jesus says, then you are not honoring the one and only God. You are mixing God with what is unholy.


Well-known member
Indeed,...all objective teaching tools, archetypes, symbols, analogies mirror or represent the inward workings of the soul and its transformation in the Spirit. The letter kills, the Spirit gives life, and Love is the law of the kingdom. All else is commentary, or conceptual indulgence, some more profitable than others in how such intellection serves the Spirit.

Profession that Jesus is God may not serve the Spirit in any individual case, unless that same recognition fosters the knowledge of God and spiritual communion in the recipient, otherwise its just a sterile doctrinal statement or assumption, having no real meaning or value outside of some relational context.

Any time punishment/fear is being taught the Liberty/truth/ reconciliation is not in them to teach because they haven't experienced it yet Galatians 4:24-28 shows the two states of the mind, those that haven't reconciled the world and judge by appearance and the regenerated mind that see's no offense.


Eclectic Theosophist
Jesus is God, freelight.

'God' is SPIRIT. That reality we call 'God' or 'Deity' is INFINITE. Is/was Jesus infinite, omnipresent, omniscient, omnnipotent? obviously NOT. Jesus was sent by 'God', born from 'God', anointed by 'God', etc. Also no matter how close you put 'Jesus' or any 'Son/son' of 'God' to the Original Universal Father-Source,..that 'son' is still subordinate to THE FATHER :) (within this context you may entertain any kind of metaphysical assumption, configuration or assocation).....yet the PRIMACY of the Father is eternally so.

If you are not only doing what Jesus says, then you are not honoring the one and only God. You are mixing God with what is unholy.

If I am led by the Spirit of God, then I AM a son of God, and that is good enough for me ;)


Eclectic Theosophist
They still need a Master/God because they are still mental slaves Galatians 4:1.

When one is led by the Spirit of God and abides as pure in heart, in the very will of God,...he is on the life-path and lives by the principle of the Spirit, hence he shares and partakes of the LIFE Of God. This is the way Jesus lived and taught, for us to follow. In his teaching, it was faith in this living presence of 'God' whereby we come to know that we are sons of God, and 'God' is Our Father. Thats the essential 'revelation' and 'focus' of the 'new birth', the divine love. Such is the way.

God's Truth

New member
'God' is SPIRIT. That reality we call 'God' or 'Deity' is INFINITE. Is/was Jesus infinite, omnipresent, omniscient, omnnipotent? obviously NOT. Jesus was sent by 'God', born from 'God', anointed by 'God', etc. Also no matter how close you put 'Jesus' or any 'Son/son' of 'God' to the Original Universal Father-Source,..that 'son' is still subordinate to THE FATHER :) (within this context you may entertain any kind of metaphysical assumption, configuration or assocation).....yet the PRIMACY of the Father is eternally so.

If I am led by the Spirit of God, then I AM a son of God, and that is good enough for me ;)

There is only one God and Son and He is not going to lead you to different gods and different ways.

Jesus is the Way.

He is a Jew born to virgin Jewish girl named Mary.

Jesus is God the Father come as a Son in the flesh and could have ended it at anytime and went back to only being the Father.


Eclectic Theosophist
spot theology...............

spot theology...............

There is only one God and Son and He is not going to lead you to different gods and different ways.

God is love, his way is love.

Jesus is the Way.

Love is the way, Jesus lived and taught this way, yes.

He is a Jew born to virgin Jewish girl named Mary.

Mary's so called 'virginity' is debatable ;)

Jesus is God the Father come as a Son in the flesh and could have ended it at anytime and went back to only being the Father.

That depends on your 'Christology' eh? :) It is enough to see 'God' in 'Christ', working thru 'Christ'. It is also enough to see our very physical bodies as the tabernacles of 'God' and the members of 'Christ'? What more could you want?


God's Truth

New member
God is love, his way is love.

Love is the way, Jesus lived and taught this way, yes.

Mary's so called 'virginity' is debatable ;)

That depends on your 'Christology' eh? :) It is enough to see 'God' in 'Christ', working thru 'Christ'. It is also enough to see our very physical bodies as the tabernacles of 'God' and the members of 'Christ'? What more could you want?


Jesus is the Way. You wouldn't know anything about God if you didn't have the Holy Bible.

You are making your own god which is really no god.


God is love, his way is love.

Love is the way, Jesus lived and taught this way, yes.

Mary's so called 'virginity' is debatable ;)

That depends on your 'Christology' eh? :) It is enough to see 'God' in 'Christ', working thru 'Christ'. It is also enough to see our very physical bodies as the tabernacles of 'God' and the members of 'Christ'? What more could you want?


You gave perfect reply but you claim not be a Christian.

You sound like ashamed of being a Christian.


Eclectic Theosophist
Lets be careful before reading................

Lets be careful before reading................

You gave perfect reply but you claim not be a Christian.

You sound like ashamed of being a Christian.

;) - my commentary and challenge of the 'belief' of Jesus being 'God' holds wherever I've expressed my views on it, it can be taken from many different angles and points of view. Let the reader interpret as he will, while I always keep the forum 'open' for debate or perferably 'creative dialogue'.

I do not claim to be a traditional evangelical pop-variety of 'christian', or any particular 'spin' thereof,...yet I've never been 'ashamed' of Jesus and the truth, integrity, goodness or beauty that this particular 'personality' or 'archetype' represents, neither have I spoken against his wisdom teaching or sayings, although I do from a religious study, historic and scholarly level question aspects of Christianity, being doubtful on some points or assumptions, so I'm quite open to survey and research agnostic and even atheistic viewpoints. I'm currently researching some current scholarly work questioning the historicity of Jesus, but this is another subject in itself here.

The question of Jesus being 'God' is mostly a doctrinal assumption here, and is consonant with one's own brand of 'Christology'. (pick your own cherry). 'Christology' itself is multifaceted, and my own view of such is very eclectic,...going outside the traditional venue of dogmas and creeds, since there has been much additional 'revelation' or 'messages' given about Jesus, even by Jesus (in spirit messages) about his teaching, as the Bible is not the only source for Jesus, neither is there any justification or reason to assume that the 4 gospels chosen to be included in the NT is all there is about Jesus, neither that it is wholly accurate or FINAL in its conclusion. - thats just for starters ;)


New member
God reveals Himself in three, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

God the Father came as A MAN. Who else would a man pray to?

men, like me, pray to the Most High. Jesus, according to you, was not like me, He was the Most High.
so again, same question. why would the Most High need to pray to Himself?


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men, like me, pray to the Most High. Jesus, according to you, was not like me, He was the Most High.
so again, same question. why would the Most High need to pray to Himself?
What is prayer but simply communication between man and God? Would a son not want to talk to his father? How could the Son on Earth talk with His heavenly Father? Through prayer.


Well-known member
When one is led by the Spirit of God and abides as pure in heart, in the very will of God,...he is on the life-path and lives by the principle of the Spirit, hence he shares and partakes of the LIFE Of God. This is the way Jesus lived and taught, for us to follow. In his teaching, it was faith in this living presence of 'God' whereby we come to know that we are sons of God, and 'God' is Our Father. Thats the essential 'revelation' and 'focus' of the 'new birth', the divine love. Such is the way.

There is only the Divine so anything perceived as being separate from the whole is part of this simulation of the five senses with the ability to experience the power they can weld over the mind, the five foolish virgins vs the five wise a path we all trek while asleep in deaths false kingdom of separation.
When we pray it is really to ourselves the Gordian knot no intellect can untie, we both have experienced the outward focused religions that thrive on fear, a god/fake that is a temporal lesson outwardly so the control over the mind in this prison will keep looking for the key of escape in the dualistic trap of die vision.


New member
What is prayer but simply communication between man and God?
exactly, prayer is between man and the Most High, not between man and man, Jesus, according to doctrine, is the Most High. so again, why would the Most High need to pray to Himself?

Would a son not want to talk to his father? How could the Son on Earth talk with His heavenly Father? Through prayer.

that would be two different individuals communicating with one another. if Jesus is the Most High, then you dont have two different individuals, you have one individual communicating with Himself. its like saying Jesus or the Father doesnt have control over His own mind.