Only 'God' is 'God' pure Love, Light, Truth, Spirit.....the Alone INFINITE....
Only 'God' is 'God' pure Love, Light, Truth, Spirit.....the Alone INFINITE....
We have all the proof we need when Jesus identifies himself as the first and the last in Revelation, invoking Isaiah's "... besides which there is no other God." We have all the proof when John says "the Word was God." There's not much point in going through this in cycles over and over just to be met with the same scripture denying responses.
Here we are after 3 years........going in circles
- hey, but its fun! - same ole arguments since 3rd-4th century on (Arians of all forms are still contested, to preserve trinitarian the cycle continues...and yet the real study of theology goes well beyond Arius or Anthanasius). My former posts here in this rather voluminous thread still hold (and elsewhere), besides any new innovations of thought. A student of truth is always ready to change, modify or even abandon any previous belief or opinion.
All Christology is a matter of
interpretative translation and
personal preference, among other proclivities with logic chosen by each religionist
as it best suits his taste. Some prefer a different nuance, relational construct or doctrinal camp,....its an open frontier.
Infinity itself is the nucleus and extension of divine wisdom.
Just a few points to re-consider.
There is no necessity for Jesus to be 'God' (however you define 'God' or 'qualify' your 'terms'), besides being the
'Son' of 'God', which is all he claimed to be.
Everything added or futher interpolated upon or into his 'Christhood' as being 'God Almighty' is theological innovation, doctrinal assumption, and creative 'Christology'. Thats it. So much also depends on what
kind of 'Christology' favors your own philosophical disposition, theological preferences and other personal affinities.
2) A traditional orthodox monotheistic Unitarian Theology is just as good as a Trintarian one, take your pick, and there are other nuances of Christology to enjoy
- a good research into early Christianity (probably the intertestamental period B.C. and first 3 - 4 centuries) may offer you a better variety, authenticity and a more eclectic flavor of 'Christianity' which enhances and enriches the personality of Jesus the Christos, which is not so rigid and dogmatic as later theology about him came to be DEVELOPED in later centuries
Only 'God' is 'God', as pure love, light, truth, spirit. 'God' is this and so much more, as the INFINITE ONE, even infinity. No matter how you divide, compound or differentiate or personify 'God', the primal Deity is still ONE.
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