Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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New member
No one has yet to give a reasonable rebuttal to me Stan. Not knowing the many reasons that cause my conclusions make it difficult to believe my words. Your facts do not jive with my thoughts because you assume to much. You have not given me anything new to destroy the truth I see.

I know your position Stan, I have been there. You have only scratched the surface of truth, there is much you have yet to discover.

Most do not agree with me, but that is not my problem. I am not here to please people, I am here to share and understand how and why they think the way they do. You have shut yourself off from learning, big mistake on your part.

You are not the determination of what is or isn't reasonable keypurr. God is, as are those who do know on this forum.

You have NEVER been where I am keypurr, except MAYBE in your dreams. You are lost and apostate...I am NEITHER.

A rational sane man would respond differently, but sadly you are also neither one of those.

You need to stop projecting all your insecurities on others and use that cognitive dissonance you suffer from, to free you from the lie you have succumbed to.


Well-known member
Keypurr, your ignorance, and severe "lack of knowledge", of Scripture is mind boggling, it is written, "And said, By MYSELF have I sworn, says THE LORD, for because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only son: (Genesis 22:16 KJ2000)".

You need to come up with a better answer to the question, not an assumption.

Why would God need to be his own priest?

Does he want to worship himself? Give me a break friend.
God has not need to be has own priest.
Christ however does, he is the mediator between God and Man.
God does not need a mediator to mediate with himself.

Just another untruth from the Trinity folks and they do not see it..


New member
You need to come up with a better answer to the question, not an assumption.
Why would God need to be his own priest?
Does he want to worship himself? Give me a break friend.
God has not need to be has own priest.
Christ however does, he is the mediator between God and Man.
God does not need a mediator to mediate with himself.
Just another untruth from the Trinity folks and they do not see it..

Not understanding, as usual, who and what the order of Melchizedek is, means you have no credulity when addressing it.
In the OT, Melchizedek was God the WORD manifest in the flesh. Manifest is NOT the same as born, and Melchizedek was NOT born. Heb 7:3 (NIV)
Your continued disparaging remarks to those who KNOW God's word just confirms their understanding of the liar you are.


You need to come up with a better answer to the question, not an assumption.

Why would God need to be his own priest?

Does he want to worship himself? Give me a break friend.
God has not need to be has own priest.
Christ however does, he is the mediator between God and Man.
God does not need a mediator to mediate with himself.

Just another untruth from the Trinity folks and they do not see it..

It's very funny, and at the same time, very ironic, that you'd accuse anybody here of utilizing an "assumption", when each and every one of your posts are the epitome of your, never well thought out, assumptions.

A prime example is how you assumed that GOD would not "swear by HIMSELF", and then I show you the Scripture, showing you yet again, just how wrong you are, but once more . . . your idiocy won't allow you to admit your erroneous "assumption", so you accuse me of doing the very thing that you constantly and consistently do. Go figure.

You keep claiming how your [convoluted] points of view have been revealed to you . . . and, on that claim, you may be BLINDLY correct, because, after all, it is written, "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. (2 Corinthians 11:14-15 KJ2000)"


Well-known member
It's very funny, and at the same time, very ironic, that you'd accuse anybody here of utilizing an "assumption", when each and every one of your posts are the epitome of your, never well thought out, assumptions.

A prime example is how you assumed that GOD would not "swear by HIMSELF", and then I show you the Scripture, showing you yet again, just how wrong you are, but once more . . . your idiocy won't allow you to admit your erroneous "assumption", so you accuse me of doing the very thing that you constantly and consistently do. Go figure.

You keep claiming how your [convoluted] points of view have been revealed to you . . . and, on that claim, you may be BLINDLY correct, because, after all, it is written, "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. (2 Corinthians 11:14-15 KJ2000)"



Well-known member
Keypurr, your ignorance, and severe "lack of knowledge", of Scripture is mind boggling, it is written, "And said, By MYSELF have I sworn, says THE LORD, for because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only son: (Genesis 22:16 KJ2000)".

It's very funny, and at the same time, very ironic, that you'd accuse anybody here of utilizing an "assumption", when each and every one of your posts are the epitome of your, never well thought out, assumptions.

A prime example is how you assumed that GOD would not "swear by HIMSELF", and then I show you the Scripture, showing you yet again, just how wrong you are, but once more . . . your idiocy won't allow you to admit your erroneous "assumption", so you accuse me of doing the very thing that you constantly and consistently do. Go figure.

You keep claiming how your [convoluted] points of view have been revealed to you . . . and, on that claim, you may be BLINDLY correct, because, after all, it is written, "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. (2 Corinthians 11:14-15 KJ2000)"

It is the Father YHWH that swears by Himself in that passage:

Genesis 22:15-16
15. And the Malak of YHWH called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time:
16. And said, By myself have I sworn, says YHWH, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son:

So you too say that the Father and the Son are the same person? Who then is the Right Arm of the Father if not the Son? And again in another place the prophet Isaiah says, "YHWH has sworn by his right hand, and by the arm of his strength", (Isaiah 62:8). And what vessel then does the Father YHWH swear through in Genesis 22:15? :)



Well-known member

And no surprise you agree with the same Oneness Doctrine of the poster you applaud. We already had this discussion concerning the Right Arm of YHWH and you were there. And just as Totton Linnet proved to be true of herself you also deny the Right Arm of YHWH, and all the Scripture which foretells the same, so that you may create for yourself a new God with his own Head of authority, being equal to the Father YHWH. You cannot serve two equal Masters because you will invariably love the one the more and loveless the other. Therefore you choose the Son above the Father by default because you elevate him to the same status as the Father so that you may override the name of the Father at will, (and the name of the Father is Torah and Tanach) through your own idea of the Son God. Tisk, tisk. :crackup:



It is the Father YHWH that swears by Himself in that passage:

Genesis 22:15-16
15. And the Malak of YHWH called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time:
16. And said, By myself have I sworn, says YHWH, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son:

So you too say that the Father and the Son are the same person? Who then is the Right Arm of the Father if not the Son? And again in another place the prophet Isaiah says, "YHWH has sworn by his right hand, and by the arm of his strength", (Isaiah 62:8). And what vessel then does the Father YHWH swear through in Genesis 22:15?

Did you come in on the butt end of the conversation, or are you just trying to impress me by restating what I'd already stated ("GOD would be HIS OWN PRIEST, for the very same reason that when HE swore to Abraham," . . because HE could swear by no greater, HE swore by HIMSELF - Hebrews 6:13 KJ2000")?


JESUS CHRIST IS as much GOD as GOD IS GOD; here's how, as it is written:

"In the beginning was THE WORD (of GOD), and THE WORD (of GOD) was with GOD, and THE WORD (of GOD) was GOD.

THE SAME (WORD of GOD) was in the beginning with GOD.

All things were made by HIM (THE WORD of GOD); and without HIM (THE WORD of GOD) was not any thing made that was made.

(THE WORD of GOD) was LIFE; and THE LIFE was THE LIGHT of men.

And THE WORD (of GOD) was made flesh (JESUS CHRIST), and dwelt among us, (and we beheld HIS glory, the glory as of THE ONLY BEGOTTEN of THE FATHER,) full of grace and truth. (John 1:1-14 KJ2000)"


It is written, "For there are THREE (PERSONS) that bear witness in heaven, THE FATHER, THE WORD, and THE HOLY SPIRIT: and THESE THREE ARE ONE (GOD). (1 John 5:7 KJ2000)"


And no surprise you agree with the same Oneness Doctrine of the poster you applaud. We already had this discussion concerning the Right Arm of YHWH and you were there. And just as Totton Linnet proved to be true of herself you also deny the Right Arm of YHWH, and all the Scripture which foretells the same, so that you may create for yourself a new God with his own Head of authority, being equal to the Father YHWH. You cannot serve two equal Masters because you will invariably love the one the more and loveless the other. Therefore you choose the Son above the Father by default because you elevate him to the same status as the Father so that you may override the name of the Father at will, (and the name of the Father is Torah and Tanach) through your own idea of the Son God. Tisk, tisk. :crackup:


Here is ONE GOD, as 3 PERSONS (THE FATHER, THE WORD, and THE HOLY SPIRIT), in The Old Testament, Genesis, Chapter 1:

"And GOD said, Let there be light: and there was light. (Genesis 1:3 KJ2000)"

What we "choose" is THE TOTALITY of ONE GOD, WHO manifest HIMSELF to us in 3 DISTINCT PERSONS!

Those of you who don't understand this are either babies who has willingly chosen to bypass the command to, "As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: (1 Peter 2:2 KJV), and/or you are just a plain "natural man (1Co 2:14)".
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God's Truth

New member
And no surprise you agree with the same Oneness Doctrine of the poster you applaud. We already had this discussion concerning the Right Arm of YHWH and you were there. And just as Totton Linnet proved to be true of herself you also deny the Right Arm of YHWH, and all the Scripture which foretells the same, so that you may create for yourself a new God with his own Head of authority, being equal to the Father YHWH. You cannot serve two equal Masters because you will invariably love the one the more and loveless the other. Therefore you choose the Son above the Father by default because you elevate him to the same status as the Father so that you may override the name of the Father at will, (and the name of the Father is Torah and Tanach) through your own idea of the Son God. Tisk, tisk. :crackup:


John 5:23 that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father, who sent him.


Well-known member
And no surprise you agree with the same Oneness Doctrine of the poster you applaud. We already had this discussion concerning the Right Arm of YHWH and you were there. And just as Totton Linnet proved to be true of herself you also deny the Right Arm of YHWH, and all the Scripture which foretells the same, so that you may create for yourself a new God with his own Head of authority, being equal to the Father YHWH. You cannot serve two equal Masters because you will invariably love the one the more and loveless the other. Therefore you choose the Son above the Father by default because you elevate him to the same status as the Father so that you may override the name of the Father at will, (and the name of the Father is Torah and Tanach) through your own idea of the Son God. Tisk, tisk. :crackup:

John 5:23 I think you may need to read the book of John several times. You are incorrect here and shouldn't be trying to correct another where your own fault lies. Your "tsk tsk" certainly reads as arrogant, which I don't believe you have room for, being incorrect and all.

Don't know you. Do know you are wrong.


God's Truth

New member
Here is ONE GOD, as 3 PERSONS (THE FATHER, THE WORD, and THE HOLY SPIRIT, in The Old Testament, Genesis, Chapter 1:

"And GOD said, Let there be light: and there was light. (Genesis 1:3 KJ2000)"

What we "choose" is THE TOTALITY of ONE GOD, WHO manifest HIMSELF to us in 3 DISTINCT PERSONS!

Those of you who don't understand this are either babies who has willingly chosen to bypass the command to, "As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: (1 Peter 2:2 KJV), and/or you are just a plain "natural man (1Co 2:14)".

God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit are not different and separate from each other.

Tell me how they are different and separate?

God is the Redeemer, Jesus is the Redeemer.

God is the Holy One, Jesus is the Holy One.

God is the Shepherd, Jesus is the Shepherd.

God is our Savior, Jesus is our Savior.

God is our Rock, Jesus is our Rock.

God gives life, Jesus gives life.

God lives in believers, Jesus lives in believers.

They are God's commands, they are Jesus' commands.

God sends the Holy Spirit, Jesus sends the Holy Spirit.

God pours out the Holy Spirit, Jesus pours out the Holy Spirit.

God circumcises our hearts, Jesus circumcises our hearts.

We bow to God, we bow to Jesus.

It is God's works, it is Jesus' works.

When we see Jesus, we see the Father.

If you want scripture to anything I said, just ask. Now please tell me how God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son are different.


New member
Did you come in on the butt end of the conversation, or are you just trying to impress me

That's why I'm here...

It is written, "For there are THREE (PERSONS) that bear witness in heaven, THE FATHER, THE WORD, and THE HOLY SPIRIT: and THESE THREE ARE ONE (GOD). (1 John 5:7 KJ2000)"

Yes, it was written by men like you... As 1John 5:7 This passage is absent from the manuscripts of all ancient versions (Coptic, Armenian, Ethiopic, Arabic, Slavonic)
This passage is quoted by none of the Greek Fathers, who had they had known it, would most certainly have employed it in the Trinity controversies (Sabellian and Arius).

It's first appearance in a Greek version of the (Latin) Acts of the Lateran Council in 1215. Info taken from A Textual Commentary on the Greek New testament by Bruce Metzger

So you want to use a verse that is well known to be added by men like you whom could not find the Trinity is Scripture... Let it be known... in the 12th century men made up this verse... and you falsely quote it as truth! Shame on you! I will testify against you at the throne to Jesus Himself for your false lies you lead the weak minded to!!! :readthis:

It is evil to deceive...


Well-known member
It's very funny, and at the same time, very ironic, that you'd accuse anybody here of utilizing an "assumption", when each and every one of your posts are the epitome of your, never well thought out, assumptions.

A prime example is how you assumed that GOD would not "swear by HIMSELF", and then I show you the Scripture, showing you yet again, just how wrong you are, but once more . . . your idiocy won't allow you to admit your erroneous "assumption", so you accuse me of doing the very thing that you constantly and consistently do. Go figure.

You keep claiming how your [convoluted] points of view have been revealed to you . . . and, on that claim, you may be BLINDLY correct, because, after all, it is written, "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. (2 Corinthians 11:14-15 KJ2000)"

You didn't get the point.

The question was: Why would God be a priest for himself?

Your answer did not address the question. You are assuming that which you post but that is not a reasonable answer.


That's why I'm here...

Yes, it was written by men like you... As 1John 5:7 This passage is absent from the manuscripts of all ancient versions (Coptic, Armenian, Ethiopic, Arabic, Slavonic)
This passage is quoted by none of the Greek Fathers, who had they had known it, would most certainly have employed it in the Trinity controversies (Sabellian and Arius).

It's first appearance in a Greek version of the (Latin) Acts of the Lateran Council in 1215. Info taken from A Textual Commentary on the Greek New testament by Bruce Metzger

So you want to use a verse that is well known to be added by men like you whom could not find the Trinity is Scripture... Let it be known... in the 12th century men made up this verse... and you falsely quote it as truth! Shame on you! I will testify against you at the throne to Jesus Himself for your false lies you lead the weak minded to!!! :readthis:

It is evil to deceive...

Guess JESUS HIMSELF got it wrong too huh??? MayBE HE should consult with you and Brucey, huh???

It is written, "Go you therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of THE FATHER, and of THE SON, and of THE HOLY SPIRIT: (Matthew 28:19 KJ2000)"

BTW, If you're here to rant, as you have, I'm certainly not impressed!


Well-known member
And no surprise you agree with the same Oneness Doctrine of the poster you applaud. We already had this discussion concerning the Right Arm of YHWH and you were there. And just as Totton Linnet proved to be true of herself you also deny the Right Arm of YHWH, and all the Scripture which foretells the same, so that you may create for yourself a new God with his own Head of authority, being equal to the Father YHWH. You cannot serve two equal Masters because you will invariably love the one the more and loveless the other. Therefore you choose the Son above the Father by default because you elevate him to the same status as the Father so that you may override the name of the Father at will, (and the name of the Father is Torah and Tanach) through your own idea of the Son God. Tisk, tisk. :crackup:


Yep, I was there and you were wrong there, too. :kookoo:


Well-known member
Which I thoroughly answered!

The ONLY reason, to you, that it "is not a reasonable answer", is because you're DEFINITELY NOT a "reasonable" person.

Disagree, you did not answer the question.

God would have no need to be his own priest.
Why would he lower himself to do that?

Your answer is stupid.


Well-known member
Which I thoroughly answered!

The ONLY reason, to you, that it "is not a reasonable answer", is because you're DEFINITELY NOT a "reasonable" person.

Answer me this if you will please:

Do you think Jesus Christ has a God?

How many Gods do you have?