Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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patrick jane

pierac, as far as Colossians 2:10 it means just what it says. i'm trying to increase my knowledge of God. the first post i got from you started with personal insults. i'm not going to explain my interpretations and what each scripture means to me. i post scriptures i like. since the subject is Jesus is God or not, i'm showing a few scriptures that show there are things we're never going to know on earth. you act like you do and sum people up because you can't think for yourself maybe. i don't mind stereotyping you. tell me more about yourself and i'll tell you exactly how you think. if you want expanation of scripture buy a good study Bible. if you want my thoughts, read ALL my posts. i'm not real interested in yours yet:jazz:

Lazy afternoon

pierac, as far as Colossians 2:10 it means just what it says. i'm trying to increase my knowledge of God. the first post i got from you started with personal insults. i'm not going to explain my interpretations and what each scripture means to me. i post scriptures i like. since the subject is Jesus is God or not, i'm showing a few scriptures that show there are things we're never going to know on earth. you act like you do and sum people up because you can't think for yourself maybe. i don't mind stereotyping you. tell me more about yourself and i'll tell you exactly how you think. if you want expanation of scripture buy a good study Bible. if you want my thoughts, read ALL my posts. i'm not real interested in yours yet:jazz:

The more I seek God I find that Jesus is a Heavenly man rather than a manly God and scripture bears that out.



Well-known member
Joh 8:40 But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.

You can not be God and then have to hear from God, in order to know what to say!!! :doh:

Joh 12:49 "For I did not speak on My own initiative, but the Father Himself who sent Me has given Me a commandment as to what to say and what to speak.

Jesus is not GOD! Jesus is GOD's Servant!!!


Act 3:13 "The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified His servant Jesus,

Is God ever called a servant or needs to be given a commandment on what to Say??? I show you the verses yet you cling to your traditions of men !!!


Do you have a scripture that says Jesus is not God ?

patrick jane

The more I seek God I find that Jesus is a Heavenly man rather than a manly God and scripture bears that out.


if that's all you look for. but i know what you mean. i pray and meditate on it both ways. and you are correct, He is both a heavenly man and a manly Spirit of God. scripture does bear out that Jesus was a normal man until the Ressurection. The Spirit of God was in Him, hence Jesus is God. Colossians 1:14 - 20 and many more to come. thank you la. God Bless

patrick jane

i'm not teacher and i don't profess to know the depths of God. baby geniuses like you can't understand. you can't grasp scripture for an hour once a week. you spend more time rebuking than seeking spritual wisdom. yes, you can use my material in your sermons if you want:rapture:
and if you think you can explain in scriptual detail the wisdom and meaning of God you are mistaken, full of pride, self, ego. you think all of God's wisdom is contained in a book. i have no "system" for my beliefs. everyone's views come out with normal conversation, i'm not 2 different people, one in person and one online. do you speak like this to folks in your life ? i welcome your insight and insult, i need both:kiss:

Lazy afternoon

if that's all you look for. but i know what you mean. i pray and meditate on it both ways. and you are correct, He is both a heavenly man and a manly Spirit of God. scripture does bear out that Jesus was a normal man until the Ressurection. The Spirit of God was in Him, hence Jesus is God. Colossians 1:14 - 20 and many more to come. thank you la. God Bless

I find it easier to live right and pleasing to God when I get to understand Jesus the man than try to understand His Father who is so great that I can not fathom Him.

The love of God I can know but not the full extent of it.

We only need to know what this creation man is able to know.


patrick jane

I find it easier to live right and pleasing to God when I get to understand Jesus the man than try to understand His Father who is so great that I can not fathom Him.

The love of God I can know but not the full extent of it.

We only need to know what this creation man is able to know.


that makes sense. great sense. i'm going to try to do that more. that's the whole point really. thank you, i'm sarcastic but not now. i like you la. i see posts by you that mostly build others up. edification, correction and wisdom. sometimes i need to get back to the basics


Did you really post this! :chuckle:

Follow scripture not men!


Although green isn't in the bible in plain view but yellow and cyan is in the bible in plain view.

I MIXED yellow and cyan and I got the color of green.

Man can MIX pure scripture

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
that makes sense. great sense. i'm going to try to do that more. that's the whole point really. thank you, i'm sarcastic but not now. i like you la. i see posts by you that mostly build others up. edification, correction and wisdom. sometimes i need to get back to the basics
You might find it helpful to begin by creating a mental list. :plain:


New member
the worldly traditions of men perpetuate the idea that Jesus was just a guy like me & you. you may as well say He was only a prophet. for the purposes of living and dying and facing temptation and walking the earth He was human. God, His Spirit and His Word made flesh - Jesus. as much as we can LOOK for scripture that implies Jesus is not God we can see as many that imply HE IS. Colossians 1:14 - In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins 15 - Who Is the image of God, the firstborn of every creature: 16 - For by Him were all things created,that are in heaven, and that are in the earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, dominions, principalities or powers: all things were created by Him and for Him: 17 - and He is BEFORE ALL things, and by Him all things consist. 18 - And He is the head of the Body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in Alll things He may have the PREEMINENCE. it's kinda spelled out for us isn't it ?

No you can not!

Let's use your scripture... One by one... and I will show you the true Hebraic meaning of the Scripture you post... Then you can address any issues you disagree with... If you feel I'm incorrect... you can address it!

Do you want to start with Colossians 1:14 that you posted above? Share what you were taught to believe and I will show you the real truth! I'm offering you a dialog to test both of us!

A fair and honest request from an anti-Trinitarian... :)



New member
Do you have a scripture that says Jesus is not God ?

I did better... I showed you Jesus telling you he has a GOD!

Yes... I'm that freaking Good at making you look stupid when you post such a reply!! :rolleyes:

Man up next time... :peach:



New member
i'm not teacher and i don't profess to know the depths of God. baby geniuses like you can't understand. you can't grasp scripture for an hour once a week. you spend more time rebuking than seeking spritual wisdom. yes, you can use my material in your sermons if you want:rapture:

Dear child,

I rebuke the traditions of men by using spiritual wisdom!

Why do you think... NO ONE ever addressed the content of ANY of my post... You all just want to call me names as you follow the teachings of men.

Wake up patrick jane... your a sleep... :maxi:



Well-known member

I did better... I showed you Jesus telling you he has a GOD!

Yes... I'm that freaking Good at making you look stupid when you post such a reply!! :rolleyes:

Man up next time... :peach:


I did not ask you for a scripture where Jesus says He has a God, I asked you for a Scripture that says specifically:

Jesus is not God ?

Yes or No !


New member

Although green isn't in the bible in plain view but yellow and cyan is in the bible in plain view.

I MIXED yellow and cyan and I got the color of green.
Man can MIX pure scripture

Get off the milk... 1Co 3:2 ; Heb 5:12 ... silly child! :rolleyes:

Oh, please try and by pass the video/console/computer gaming of your childish culture too... :loser:



Get off the milk... 1Co 3:2 ; Heb 5:12 ... silly child! :rolleyes:

Oh, please try and by pass the video/console/computer gaming of your childish culture too... :loser:


I won't talk like you but man can use more than two scriptures at once.


New member
I did not ask you for a scripture where Jesus says He has a God, I asked you for a Scripture that says specifically:

Yes or No !

YES... And... I did it... in spades... YHWH has no God besides Him!

Isaiah 45:5 – "I am the LORD (YHWH) and there is no other, there is no God besides me."

This is pretty simple. YHWH is the ONLY God. So far, so good!

Exodus 3:15 – "Thus shall you say to the Israelites: The LORD (YHWH), the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, has sent me to you."

Okay, the God of your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the LORD (YHWH).

Let's make it clearer.... The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob = YHWH.

Acts 3:13 – "The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the God of our ancestors, has glorified his servant Jesus."

Does this verse imply that Jesus is the God of Abraham etc.? Of course not! Just read it. The God of Abraham glorified who? Himself? No! He glorified his servant Jesus. This is not difficult.

Jesus is obviously not the God of Abraham etc. He is the God of Abraham’s SERVANT.

Who is the God of Abraham? YHWH. And YHWH is who? The ONLY God. So Jesus is not God? Of course not. He is God’s anointed.

Your welcome... I'm so gald to clear up your traditions of men...



YES... And... I did it... in spades... YHWH has no God besides Him!

Isaiah 45:5 – "I am the LORD (YHWH) and there is no other, there is no God besides me."

This is pretty simple. YHWH is the ONLY God. So far, so good!

Exodus 3:15 – "Thus shall you say to the Israelites: The LORD (YHWH), the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, has sent me to you."

Okay, the God of your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the LORD (YHWH).

Let's make it clearer.... The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob = YHWH.

Acts 3:13 – "The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the God of our ancestors, has glorified his servant Jesus."

Does this verse imply that Jesus is the God of Abraham etc.? Of course not! Just read it. The God of Abraham glorified who? Himself? No! He glorified his servant Jesus. This is not difficult.

Jesus is obviously not the God of Abraham etc. He is the God of Abraham’s SERVANT.

Who is the God of Abraham? YHWH. And YHWH is who? The ONLY God. So Jesus is not God? Of course not. He is God’s anointed.

Your welcome... I'm so gald to clear up your traditions of men...


Sometimes mixing scripture produces some really ugly colors with an awful taste. Yuck!


New member
Sometimes mixing scripture produces some really ugly colors with an awful taste. Yuck!

So stop mixing... and try a non traditions of men study approach of using actual... Biblical CONTEXT!!! :think:

Your whining TulipBee... you have no meat!!!



Well-known member

YES... And... I did it... in spades... YHWH has no God besides Him!

Did you finish second grade ? I asked you for a scripture that specifically says:

Jesus Christ is not God !

And you show me:

Isa 45:5

5 I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:

You dont know how to read !