Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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New member
Somewhere along your "walk of life" you, lost your mind!

You should actually start reading the post that make you look like a clown before you attack a fellow seeker of the truth like keypurr... Not a follower of men like you... :rolleyes:


Did you really post this emotional tear jerker response in the glory of your traditions of men? And with such... total lack of scriptural support! :doh:

You throw around buzz words like "Spirit" as if it magically makes you immune from actually posting a response or reply!!! :rolleyes:

Please share about this Spirit, Explain the difference between the Spirit of God in you and the Spirit of Christ [Messiah] God's anointed one!

You are aware that the term "Christ" is not Jesus' last name? It's his title...meaning "one who has been anointed by God" Explain the spirit of God and how it relates to one who has been anointed by God?

IDIOT... You can not be God and then be anointed by GOD's Spirit!!! :readthis:

So who gives revelation Aimiel... Jesus Christ or his God?

Revelation 1:1: "The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to him, to show his servants what must happen soon."

Luke 2:52: "And Jesus advanced in wisdom and age and favor before God and man."

So Jesus is not God, he is a man anointed by God? AM I sure about this? ;) Yep... So how do you understand the following verses?

Acts 2:22 – "Jesus the Nazorean was a MAN commended to you by God with mighty deeds, wonders, and signs, which God worked through him in your midst."

Now you tell me which part of this verse is hard to understand. What is Jesus according to Peter?

a. A Godman
b. A God
c. A man

If you chose answer c, you are correct! If you chose any other answer, you need to read it again. Well, Peter probably meant something else. What? I don’t know. That must be the only verse in the New Testament that says that. Not quite.

Acts 10:40 – This MAN God raised on the third day."

It doesn’t get any simpler than this. There is no way to misunderstand this verse. Okay, let’s see if your catching on.

1. Who did God raise? That’s right, this MAN!

2. Who raised this MAN? Bingo, God!

Acts 17:31 – "God has overlooked the times of ignorance, but now He demands that all people everywhere repent because He has established a day on which He will judge the world with justice through a MAN He has appointed, and He has provided confirmation for all by raising him from the dead.

1. Whom Did God appoint? A MAN.

2. Who appointed this MAN? God.

Now you’re getting the hang of it.

1 Timothy 2:5 – "For there is one God and one mediator also between God and men, the MAN Christ Jesus."

1. Who is the mediator? The MAN Christ Jesus.

2. Who is he the mediator between? God and men.

He is not the mediator between himself and men, but between God and men. You can see that Jesus is not considered in the term "God."

1 Corinthians 15: 21 –"For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man"

So wait, I think I’ve got it now. He is a MAN anointed by God.

Yessirree Aimiel! Jesus is the Christ! God's servant!

Act 3:13 "The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified His servant Jesus, the one whom you delivered and disowned in the presence of Pilate, when he had decided to release Him. :readthis:


You do realize that others new to this site can see my replys... even if you put me on ignore... :chuckle:

You post... I make you look stupid for all to see... yet you have no idea! That makes you the ultimate Liberal!!! :think:

You post like a child... ! A Spiritual Sissy among men who post here!!! :peach:

Man Up!!!


Friend, How can you have had sound doctrine and not have been convinced, especially if it was truth? Isn't it worth the time to explore the other side of the coin? You have spent so much time trying to disprove the Trinity. Wouldn't it be worth the time to see if it were true rather than come up with a theory that is clearly polytheistic? How can you even utter that Jesus is a lesser God than the Father? That is blasphemy. Think about it friend. I hope nothing but the best for you.

If your friend think Jesus isn't God the he should worship on Saturdays like the SDA.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You should actually start reading the post that make you look like a clown before you attack a fellow seeker of the truth like keypurr... Not a follower of men like you... :rolleyes:

You do realize that others new to this site can see my replys... even if you put me on ignore... :chuckle:

You post... I make you look stupid for all to see... yet you have no idea! That makes you the ultimate Liberal!!! :think:

You post like a child... ! A Spiritual Sissy among men who post here!!! :peach:

Man Up!!!

Are you saying that you are polytheistic as Keypurr is. Has has had no problem saying this.


Well-known member
If your friend think Jesus isn't God the he should worship on Saturdays like the SDA.

If they would give up the Trinity, I would.

They are smarter than most. So are the JW's.

Can you prove to me that Jesus is God using only scriptures?

Are you aware that Jesus has a God? The one who sent him that he prays to.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You should actually start reading the post that make you look like a clown before you attack a fellow seeker of the truth like keypurr... Not a follower of men like you

Keypurr is nothing but a 'false theorist.! You, on the other hand
come off as, what they call, a "Jerk!" No offence, I'm trying to
help you face your limitations, insecurities, and lack of self
respect! By the way, what church or denomination are you
affiliated with? I'll bet you don't have what it takes to answer
that question?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

Did you really post this emotional tear jerker response in the glory of your traditions of men? And with such... total lack of scriptural support! :doh:

You throw around buzz words like "Spirit" as if it magically makes you immune from actually posting a response or reply!!! :rolleyes:

Please share about this Spirit, Explain the difference between the Spirit of God in you and the Spirit of Christ [Messiah] God's anointed one!

You are aware that the term "Christ" is not Jesus' last name? It's his title...meaning "one who has been anointed by God" Explain the spirit of God and how it relates to one who has been anointed by God?

You're not an easy individual to like, are ya? Didn't you used to
post as an Atheist a while back? I could be thinking of somebody
else, I could be wrong?


If they would give up the Trinity, I would.

They are smarter than most. So are the JW's.

Can you prove to me that Jesus is God using only scriptures?

Can you prove to me that Jesus is God using only scriptures?

Are you aware that Jesus has a God? The one who sent him that he prays to.

You speak of a lot of abilities of others, bathing in legalistic pools of corpses, over the totally deprived. Yes I can prove it to you but you insult Jesus with your prideful abilities. Would I waste that much time preaching to those with powerless superabilities ? They're so blind with pride and drown God's whispers with boastful noises.

I don't need to yell over your wicked noises.

Yes ! There are pure totally deprives that are 100% spiritually deads. Once they see that, they will say, my lord, my God!


Well-known member
You speak of a lot of abilities of others, bathing in legalistic pools of corpses, over the totally deprived. Yes I can prove it to you but you insult Jesus with your prideful abilities. Would I waste that much time preaching to those with powerless superabilities ? They're so blind with pride and drown God's whispers with boastful noises.

I don't need to yell over your wicked noises.

Yes ! There are pure totally deprives that are 100% spiritually deads. Once they see that, they will say, my lord, my God!

Quite the chatter and bring forth your scripture proof that Jesus is God.
Otherwise your just a clanging symbol.

I preach God the Father as the only true God and Jesus Christ as his son our Lord.

Do you have a problem with that?

Jesus is not God, Christ is a created form of God. God created everything through his first creation Christ. Jesus became the Christ at his anointing with Christ. Christ was given the fullness of his God.

I preach what is written, if you disagree dispute it with scripture.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Really ? it is written "Jesus became the Christ at His anointing with Christ" where is that? the book of Mormon? where do you read He "received" the fullness of God?

What is your son a rabbit? your son is a man, you begot him.

God's Son is God, He begot Him.


Well-known member
You're not an easy individual to like, are ya? Didn't you used to

post as an Atheist a while back? I could be thinking of somebody

else, I could be wrong?

I had no problem liking him. He is very informative in his posts. He gives reasons as to why he believes the way he does. You should listen to what he says GM, you need his help to understand scripture. It is quite obvious that you are a ding-a-ling when it comes to theology. But God loves you and so do I. Now go give me another neg rep, its been two days now since you have done that.


Quite the chatter and bring forth your scripture proof that Jesus is God.
Otherwise your just a clanging symbol.

I preach God the Father as the only true God and Jesus Christ as his son our Lord.

Do you have a problem with that?

Jesus is not God, Christ is a created form of God. God created everything through his first creation Christ. Jesus became the Christ at his anointing with Christ. Christ was given the fullness of his God.

I preach what is written, if you disagree dispute it with scripture.

I haven't seen your proof that my lord , my God isn't Jesus.

Atheists can preach what is written in plain view like you but it's the Holy Spirit that guides the elects with a promise

I love the Trinities making me believe they are one.

I love Jesus my God.

But He isn't your God cause the Holy spirit passed over you leaving you in your natural sin that can only see the surface of the Bible in plain view like fairy tales or fiction.

The Elects don't hear God's words being corrupted.

You strongly believe God's Words are corrupted . You don't believe God inspired men to write His Words with perfection .

So that means your messages are corrupted.

If you believe the scriptures are corrupted then why are you asking for scriptures to prove it.

If I prove it with scriptures, you'll still view them to be corrupt. Go figure !!!

Whoever you follow that gave you the correct versions are of a cult.

Whomever you think is correct is changing God's Words and you believed it for 70 years. Old habits die hard.

What's the point in me teach old dogs new tricks.

The new trick is to believe the scriptures has never been corrupted anyway. Atheist that believe anyway are still atheists due to never been drawn in the first place.

Why are you asking for proof scriptures if you believe scriptures are corrupted?????

Luck is all you got explaining that.
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Well-known member
Really ? it is written "Jesus became the Christ at His anointing with Christ" where is that? the book of Mormon? where do you read He "received" the fullness of God?

What is your son a rabbit? your son is a man, you begot him.

God's Son is God, He begot Him.

Acts 10:38 is where he received his POWER. The power that comes with Christ. That is when God told us that this was his son. Christ is a spirit friend, much more than just a man.

God's son is NOT God, he tells you that in John 17:3. You just do not want to see the false fables you have been following all these years. Christ is created in the express image of his creator. Both are spirits. Jesus, also a creation, was born to Mary.

You need to learn who Christ really is. All you know is Jesus, the flesh son.

Heb 1:3 and Col 1:15-19 is where he received the fullness of the Father. Phil 2 will tell you more on how the spirit Christ took the form of a man. And Heb 10:5 will tell you about the body God prepared for his spiritual son Christ.

There is only one true God friend, the God that Jesus Christ has.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Acts 10:38 is where he received his POWER. The power that comes with Christ. That is when God told us that this was his son. Christ is a spirit friend, much more than just a man.

God's son is NOT God, he tells you that in John 17:3. You just do not want to see the false fables you have been following all these years. Christ is created in the express image of his creator. Both are spirits. Jesus, also a creation, was born to Mary.

You need to learn who Christ really is. All you know is Jesus, the flesh son.

Heb 1:3 and Col 1:15-19 is where he received the fullness of the Father. Phil 2 will tell you more on how the spirit Christ took the form of a man. And Heb 10:5 will tell you about the body God prepared for his spiritual son Christ.

There is only one true God friend, the God that Jesus Christ has.

This is not scripture keeps it is the puny human intellect trying to understand what is written and not doing so well at that.

Give up trying to understand with your human need the Holy Spirit to show you.

Ah but you think He is but an emanation don't you.