Jesus is God !


Eclectic Theosophist
What really matters goes deeper......

What really matters goes deeper......

Since the church "got hitched" to the Roman Empire Christians are bound to acknowledge Jesus as God. There was a huge conflict about how Jesus was to be regarded, and the Roman Emperor Constantine convened a huge meeting in Turkey and commanded all the Christian bishops in the land to attend and hammer out a solution.

One side saw Jesus as human and the other side saw him as God.

The conference ended up splitting the difference: Jesus was both, even though such a concept was logically and rationally impossible.

Hence the 'con-fusion'.

Which is why I take a more liberal approach in recognizing both 'human' and 'divine' aspects of the 'Christ-figure', relating such to the personality of Jesus, in his relationship to 'God' and us. All else are just details in how we relate these elements in our religious understanding, if they even affect our personal lives at all. - but that's where a logical and practical theology comes into view.

That Jesus represents or reveals 'God' is ENOUGH. - all else is the 'steam' keeping the apologetic ministries going. Nothing against discussion or debate on these points,...but you know where they go most of the time.



Well-known member
So, you do not believe God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), got it.

Right, I do not believe in the trinity because Jesus or the Apostles never preach it.

That faith does not come from scripture, it comes from the deceiver.

God is not composed of three persons, God is one spiritual person.
One being of super intelligence.


You also do not believe God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). Got it.

Of course I believe them. It is talked about in the Bible plenty.

I just don't believe beyond what is said like trin believers do. You guys making up your own doctrines.

You don't even realize it is grave sin to do that. Those man-made doctrines are used to divide Jesus' followers.

shame on you people.


New member
Right, I do not believe in the trinity because Jesus or the Apostles never preach it.

That faith does not come from scripture, it comes from the deceiver.

God is not composed of three persons, God is one spiritual person.
One being of super intelligence.

and yet ALL the apostles spoke of Jesus as God and Jesus himself spoke of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and Jesus spoke of Himself as God yet you are so sure that the scriptures do NOT speak of the Trinity? You pretty sure for someone who doesn't accept most of what the scriptures DO say?


New member
Of course I believe them. It is talked about in the Bible plenty.
I just don't believe beyond what is said like trin believers do. You guys making up your own doctrines.
You don't even realize it is grave sin to do that. Those man-made doctrines are used to divide Jesus' followers.
shame on you people.

So you believe what John 1:1 says? Do you also believe in what John 1:14 says? Or John 1:18?

God's Truth

New member
I previously demonstrated the obvious, and that most of the passages you quoted certainly DO show that Jesus spoke of his Father as a different/distinct 'person', and that by the rules of English language and its descriptive meaning. Jesus was speaking as a man, describing his relationship to the Infinite Invisible God (The Father), maintaining such a 'relationship' (2 personalities in communion).

That's where the confusion begins, in first 'assuming' Jesus is 'God', then having to by that prefigured logic 'assume' that then Jesus must be the Father. This is illogical and unnecessary, while we still hold of course that there is only One 'God' and 'Father' of all (including Jesus).

It doesn't necessarily follow however that because The Father is 'God', that Jesus MUST be too,...just because you insist he has to be 'God'. - Why insist on such a proposition? Prove that its 'necessary'. There is much support beyond rational/logic that Jesus is the 'Son' of 'God', a 'person' unique and distinct from God his Father.

Theologians, philosophers, laymen have for centuries been debating over what the scriptures say and chosen to guard and assume their own 'interpretations' of such. I'm not trying to correct you, but clarifying a rational/logical position of Jesus relationship with 'God', his Father. All the various Christologies, views of Jesus 'humanity' and 'divinity' (mix, match, splice and dice those elements as you wish) ALL used the 'Bible' for their 'proof-texts'. So,..just saying show me 'passages' doesn't do much, because I could just as well spit out many passages.

I don't see the term 'saved' as having much meaning to me at this point, as such a term can be variously defined, while the fact of the matter is that 'salvation' is a continual process in one's life, and not just looking at some point in the past when one suddenly got 'saved', for such is still just an intellectual assumption by 'faith' anyways,...when one's condition and state of being NOW is what is real and pertinent. So I don't buy sporting around any 'saved' card. "those who endure to the end,...are saved".

Yes. 'God', the omnipresent One indwells the souls of all mortals as well as fills the entirety of the cosmos all at once. God is Spirit.

Again, you're attempting to qualify the parameters or content of our discussion instead of just taking it head on, considering all points in context.

I see your reflecting my comment back towards me. Tactic noted ;)
On that note, I meant that one can become 'stuck', and being stuck retards one's spiritual progress or intellectual growth. That was all. I try to remain as conscious as possible, ever open and adaptable to learn, expand, revise or correct my views....if better information or revelation appears. Such demands intellectual honesty. I share what views come to the fore, and am open to test them. I admit some things I don't absolutely know, and some things seem more probable, reasonable and sound than others. In this purview,....all points of view are subject to change.

I have GM on ignore for good reason,....and my style and approach is quite different than his, which is continual trolling, jest, making fun and ridiculing. If you think I'm acting like him, then you have more going for you than I suspected :):p

From a higher cosmic view, all these discussions mean little (being 'relative'), being but points of view across an endless and infinite sky of unlimited possibility and potential. 'God' is doing just fine without all the little ego's vying for his attention to represent him correctly (making 'images' thereby) each peek thru their little kaleidoscopes, to make their forecasts :sherlock:


You are wrong, for God cares what we think and believe.

Since you say you have the Spirit of God inside you, tell me, do you have the Spirit of Jesus in you?


Well-known member
and yet ALL the apostles spoke of Jesus as God and Jesus himself spoke of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and Jesus spoke of Himself as God yet you are so sure that the scriptures do NOT speak of the Trinity? You pretty sure for someone who doesn't accept most of what the scriptures DO say?

Show me where the Apostles see Jesus as God Stan.

The remark by Thomas is disputable.

Other than that, post your verse.

You shy away from showing this for you have been asked to produce the verses for a very long time.

God's Truth

New member
Show me where the Apostles see Jesus as God Stan.

The remark by Thomas is disputable.

Other than that, post your verse.

You shy away from showing this for you have been asked to produce the verses for a very long time.

John in Revelation said that Jesus told him he is the First and the Last. That is what God says He is.

Revelation 1:17 When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: "Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last.


You give far too much credence to the RCC influence and not very much to the Biblical influence.
Logic and rational are dependent on men. God is NOT dependent on mans rational or logic.
I wholeheartedly agree.

Unfortunately, most traditional believers take the sacred and metaphoric language of their faith as literal, factual truth.


Well-known member
John in Revelation said that Jesus told him he is the First and the Last. That is what God says He is.

Revelation 1:17 When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: "Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last.

Read Rev 1:1

God gave Christ revelations to give to John.

Jesus is the first and the last, but that does not make him God.



New member
Show me where the Apostles see Jesus as God Stan.
The remark by Thomas is disputable.
Other than that, post your verse.
You shy away from showing this for you have been asked to produce the verses for a very long time.

Why keypurr? You'll just treat them like the one from Thomas, with denial, like you do ALL the ones you are given.

Your lies about what goes on in this thread are very telling.


Well-known member
Matt 19:16-26

16 And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?

17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.

18 He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness,

19 Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

20 The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet?

21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.

22 But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.

23 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.

24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

25 When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved?

26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

This passage actually is teaching the Truth that Jesus is God ! Notice vs 17 As the young man had addressed Jesus as good, and Jesus responded accordingly, why callest thou me good, for none is good but ONE, that One Being God

Now , notice Jesus did not say, none is good but One and that is my Father, but He said that One, Being God !

Now if Jesus by this is not insinuating that He is God, then the alternative is that He was not good, seeing He just said only ONE, not Two, but ONLY ONE is good.

Now, if Jesus was not good, being that He was not the Only One Good God, then His commanding him, the young ruler, in order to be perfect, that he must go sell all his possessions, then give to the poor, and follow Him; Such an commandment exposed that the young man loved his possessions above God, which was a violation of the very first commandment, now if Jesus was not God, then the young mans refusal to obey and follow Jesus, could not be a proper standard to gauge his Love to God !

For there could not have been nothing amiss about not making such a great sacrifice as that Jesus told him, and then following Him if the One speaking was not the One God, who Only was good !

Mark: 10 KJV N.T.
18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.
1 John: 4 KJV N.T.
15 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.

One who claims that Jesus is God is not only denying the truth but God does not dwell in such a one. And such a one does not dwell in God.

Jesus is simply the way to God:

John: 14 KJV N.T.
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but [size=+1]by[/size] me.
John: 14 KJV N.T.
Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my [size=+1]Father is greater[/size] than I.

Although the Lord Jesus is unparalleled, He is not equal to God. Do not drag God down to the level of the Lord Jesus. You will experience the wrath of God.

To claim that Jesus is God is blasphemy of the Holy Ghost.

On the other hand, one is glorified by God for claiming and fully accepting that the Lord Jesus, clad only in His Spirit, Son of God body is the way to God, the Father/the Holy Ghost.

The Lord Jesus clad only in His Spirit, Son of God body is the Spirit of Truth/Spirit of Intercession. Jesus' Spirit came from God and heaven. His physical body was from Mother Mary and earth. When the Lord Jesus is clad only in His Spirit Son of God body, in spirit heaven, He is the pure 'not seen' and eternal Son of God. In this format the Lord Jesus is the Spirit of Truth/Spirit of Intercession. Blasphemy of the Lord in this Spirit format is not forgivable at any place or time.

When he was clad in a human physical body, on earth, the Lord Jesus was the 'seen' and temporal, son of man. Blasphemy of the Lord in this physical format is forgivable.

The Lord Jesus clad only in His Spirit, Son of God body intercedes, in real time, all the time, between the individual spirit of each person and the Holy Ghost and provides information and guidance in real time, all the time. One who searches his own heart and discerns the kingdom of God within, obtains this information and guidance. One who is led into all his works by this information and guidance, is actually and directly led by the Spirit (of the Lord Jesus) and becomes one of the chosen few who are children of God. When one is led by the Spirit of the lord Jesus as discerned in this manner one also does the will of (and is therefore led by) the living God/Holy Ghost.

People who claim that Jesus is God is actually denying themselves and others the path to God. God is not accessible directly by humans. The Lord Jesus in His Spirit, Son of God format is our gift and blessing from God. Jesus was given to humans, in this Son of God, separate from God, format so that humans can go through the Lord Jesus and come onto God.

If one promotes that Jesus is God, one has thrown away God's Gift and way to come onto Him (i.e. God, the Holy Ghost). Actually only a false prophet who came in Jesus' name will promote that the Lord Jesus is God. Such a one is denying and destroying the path through which humans can come onto God. Such a one is serving Satan. . . . This is the seriousness of that folly.
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New member
One who claims that Jesus is God is not only denying the truth but God does not dwell in such a one. And such a one does not dwell in God.
Jesus is simply the way to God:

Anyone who denies who Jesus is, will be denied by Him, in the end.
Matt 10:33 (NIV)


Well-known member
You admit that He is the first and the last yet not God. :doh:

Christ is the first to be created, first to be raised.

Christ is a FORM of God, he is a god, not the true God. His Father is the only true God.

You need to see BR that when God created Christ he was pleased that he had his fullness. In other words, he was given power to do God's will. He is a god to us for we do not possess the fullness of the Father. Yet he has a God who he has to answer to.


Well-known member
Why keypurr? You'll just treat them like the one from Thomas, with denial, like you do ALL the ones you are given.

Your lies about what goes on in this thread are very telling.

I have an opinion on Thomas words Stan. It's not in agreement with your way of thinking. What is the word used for God in that verse? Keep in mind that Paul says Christ is a form of God, a god.

In Hebrews 1, God call Christ god. But we both know that Christ has a God that he serves.


New member
I have an opinion on Thomas words Stan. It's not in agreement with your way of thinking. What is the word used for God in that verse? Keep in mind that Paul says Christ is a form of God, a god.

In Hebrews 1, God call Christ god. But we both know that Christ has a God that he serves.

We know all about your opining keypurr, which is exactly the point. You DON'T take proper instruction and against ALL evidence you kick against the goads. Sorry but you're deceived and not in possession of ANY truth regarding God.

JOHN 20:28 (NIV)

ἀπεκρίθη θωμᾶς καὶ εἶπεν αὐτῷ, ὁ κύριός μου. καὶ ὁ θεός μου
Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”

It is VERY clear, succinct, and straight forward. No need for mental gymnastics. God says what His Word says...PERIOD.