You say man can can atone for his own sin.
How else? One is responsible for his own sins and salvation.
I think you need to reconsider the whole 'atonement' concept, and also see that while the OT had instituted animal sacrifices, it was still understood in some sense and later more clearly defined by the prophets that each individual is responsible for his own sins. Therefore no one person or even 'demi-god' or 'messiah' can
totally atone for the sins of an individual, much less a whole people.
The righteous sacrifice of one's soul in service to others of course does have an 'atoning' affect, as Jesus life did and DOES,....since he gave his life in the service of others inspired by love. This outpouring of love can absolve, relax, cover, alleviate negative karma to a degree, BUT....every soul is at last RESPONSIBLE for his own sin (not his ancestors)....and this goes for an individual's righteousness...since he cannot 'piggyback' on his father's righteousness and call it his own. This puts even more serious implications in the whole 'atonement' of Jesus, since one assumes by 'faith', that Jesus took the penalty for their sins, and in the same sweep takes on his 'righteousness' as well. This is an impressive 2-fold compensation plan,...but the actual law of compensation (karma) demands justly and mercifully that each soul make his own atonement via 'repentance' and all that a genuine repentance includes (restititution, amends, reparation, change of life, etc.)
But there is none righteous. There is none that understandeth. The is none that doeth good. No not one.
This is merely one prophet's look on the imperfection of the human condition. We recognize the human condition and all its imperfections,....AND that the Master also beckons us to strive towards 'perfection'.
"Be ye perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect". The path towards perfection from a less than perfect state includes 'learning', 'trial and error', 'development', 'refining', 'evolution', 'transformation', 'knowledge', 'understanding'.
You cannot work your own sins away.
I don't recall implying such, or 'wording' it in such a way. 'Sin' is a concept. All the elements involved in transformation have their part in absolving sin, purifying/perfecting oneself in grace.
Suppose you crack an egg in your skillet and its rotten. Do you just throw in a few fresh eggs to cover up the rotten one? No. The rotten one must be removed. And so bad deeds cannot be covered up with good deeds.
I don't think the 'cracked egg' model holds, but is interesting

Remember the old commercial that said, "this is what your brain looks like on drugs"...and there was a cracked egg cooking in a skillet. (something to that effect). I think it funny, that one could also say "this is what your brain looks like on theology"

- that would raise a few eyebrows.
In any case,...your missing the forest for the trees, and not getting some points involved in the whole concept of atonement, which doesn't necessarily have a lot to do with either good or bad deeds.
'Repentance' includes a transformation of heart/mind which then produces 'change', 'good works', 'doing God's will', etc.
Remember the principle of 'self-responsibility' here. If someone is just gonna come along and DO IT ALL for you,...what kind of service is that to you? This OSAS, free-ride, happy-ticket to heaven route, doesn't hold up since it bypasses the principle of 'self-responsibility'.