Jesus is God !


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Look up in your Aramaic Bible in Plain English translation that you have Keypurr please, 1st Corinthians 11:29

For whoever eats and drinks from it being unworthy, eats and drinks a guilty verdict into his soul for not distinguishing the body of THE LORD JEHOVAH.​

Does the LORD JEHOVAH have a body?
He has a spirit body just like he gave his son.


Well-known member
"Only" doesn't mean "three" Keypurr. I'm convinced you know very little of what a Trinitarian actually believes. There is only one God. We agree, or did you think not? Do you argue sometimes when we actually agree with you?

I JUST posted where you said "John 17:3" and NONE of it said anything about what you said about Colossians 1:15-20. None at all.
It surely isn't me twisting and turning. WITH ME, just read the scriptures and say EXACTLY what they say without variance. When you do that with me, you'll be as 'triune' as I am.

Is that what YOU are calling 'just scripture' these days? All you have to do is prove it WITHOUT paraphrasing. Just tell me what scripture says. I guarantee you will be close to me on the triune floor. Just read scriptures with me Keypurr. It is that easy, no appeal to authority, just reading what scripture says and leaving it alone.

As long as they are scholars committed to knowing God/Jesus Christ (that slash can be thought of as an "and"), then I'm fine with some correction. Happened yet? Nope. Germans, Mormons, etc. have all tried.

Who said it would? You are drawing a line that is God's alone to draw. You don't GET to draw it, Keypurr. He does.

Show me. It has to say literally and verbatim. Show me, else YOU are making it up. It is as simple as that. YOU don't get to be God. He does.

SHOW ME! Show me literally the scripture. I've been here 20+ years. You've NEVER shown me one scripture that says what you do. Not once. Conversely? I can show you a scripture that says what I say, VERBATIM. I don't paraphrase, I quote. I don't make up stuff, I listen.

Discernment. I don't have to gab. Scripture is scripture is scripture. I'll take it ALWAYS for the win! ALWAYS> it is the only thing that doesn't return void.

Repeating nothing but scripture? Show me otherwise. You never have. When it comes time, you simply say things like this. You've John 17:3 and Colossians 1:15-20. Start teaching. I'm listening. Simply answer me: What does it actually say? No special pleading. No 'God somehow taught me (but I can't explain it adequately or give you any scripture that actually says so). There you go. Do it. The floor is your's to stand or fall on, just like scripture says about the Lord Jesus Christ. A Cornerstone of stone of stumbling. Get cracking. I'm all ears.

S-C-R-I-P-T-U-R-E that says EXACTLY that or no deal Keypurr.

Let me help kickstart for you:

John 1:1 "In the beginning the Word was with God and was God."

See that? Nothing but scripture. NOTHING-BUT-SCRIPTURE. See?


John 20:28 Thomas Said to Jesus (given verse 26 as 'Him'): 'You are the Lord of me and God of me!"

John 20:28 και απεκριθη ο θωμας και ειπεν αυτω ο κυριος μου και ο θεος μου

It is just this clear. Simply show another what scripture says, like I do, and you'll be listened to. I've not appealed to 'God showed me' or any other ridiculous special pleading. Just what it says, Keypurr. When Jesus argued with the Sadducees, He simply quoted scripture verbatim. When Jesus addressed Satan, He used scripture verbatim again.

Point? Any argument is settled literally by the scriptures alone, not some prophetic special pleading.
John 17:3 is very clear Lon, the Father is he ONLY TRUE GOD you can notchage that. I assume you see the words "and" in that verse. The son was sent, he jumps when his Father speaks. You do not wish to accept what is written. I wish you well also.


Well-known member
John 17:3 is very clear Lon, the Father is he ONLY TRUE GOD you can notchage that.
Wait~John 17:3, "Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent."
Do you literally not see you added words? As challenged, ALL you had to do was post EXACTLY what scripture says and not go off on your own interpretations. Are you literally incapable? You literally cannot quote scripture but the paraphrases in your head? Literally? Seriously?
I assume you see the words "and" in that verse.
I do. "And" is conjoined. Somehow or other, we BOTH believe the Father and Son are "One." John 10:30 Do you still not realize I see at least 'half' of what you see, just understand the other half much better than you?
The son was sent, he jumps when his Father speaks.
And? You still only love the God of your Lord Jesus, not the Lord Jesus Christ. Remember the disciple the Lord loved? Not you? 🤔
You do not wish to accept what is written. I wish you well also.
Yes, you are correct, specifically because you paraphrase, adding and detracting from scriptures. WHEN you JUST post a scripture instead of 'what Keypurr thinks it says, that it actually doesn't say' we could probably communicate. Until then, you are showing you are incapable of even simply 'knowing' what scripture says in its own clarity. You are 'adding' like you just did above Keypurr.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
He has a spirit body just like he gave his son.

Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: 3And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

Scripture says you're antichrist Keypurr.

What now?


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Sorry that your so tied to tradition that you fail to see truth.

Grow up, Keypurr, and stop acting like a petulant child.

The words ONLY TRUE GOD can not be twisted of ignored.

The only one ignoring and twisting them is you. Moving the "only" around changes the meaning of the verse, and is heresy.


"The Father is the only true God"
"Only the Father is the (only) true God"

You want scripture to say the latter, but it says the former.

The former does not exclude the Son, Jesus, from being God. The latter does, which is why you want it to say the latter.

I wish you well JR.

I don't want your meaningless platitudes.

I want you to repent of your heresy!

He has a spirit body just like he gave his son.


The Father does not, nor the Holy Spirit, have a body, spiritual or otherwise.


Well-known member
Was hoping you would respond with why they would be....
In a word: stigma. You are an intelligent man capable. Generally, truck drivers aren't the better academics in the world. Not dumb, but their vocabulary isn't as astute as yours. You are a smart man. It was meant more as a compliment, the truck-driver comment merely anecdotal and unimportant but you sometimes play on it against being well-educated. You ARE a well-educated man, brother. Even though we don't agree on everything, you are one who I very much appreciate in a conversation both when we agree, and maybe even more when we don't because your love for good thinking and our Lord Jesus Christ have you as a cherished brother (please don't make me say it again). In Our Precious Christ, your eternal brother, Lon


Well-known member
Wait~John 17:3, "Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent."
Do you literally not see you added words? As challenged, ALL you had to do was post EXACTLY what scripture says and not go off on your own interpretations. Are you literally incapable? You literally cannot quote scripture but the paraphrases in your head? Literally? Seriously?

I do. "And" is conjoined. Somehow or other, we BOTH believe the Father and Son are "One." John 10:30 Do you still not realize I see at least 'half' of what you see, just understand the other half much better than you?

And? You still only love the God of your Lord Jesus, not the Lord Jesus Christ. Remember the disciple the Lord loved? Not you? 🤔

Yes, you are correct, specifically because you paraphrase, adding and detracting from scriptures. WHEN you JUST post a scripture instead of 'what Keypurr thinks it says, that it actually doesn't say' we could probably communicate. Until then, you are showing you are incapable of even simply 'knowing' what scripture says in its own clarity. You are 'adding' like you just did above Keypurr.
Lon I thought you were most likely the smartest guy on this forum. But the word " only" means no other. You try to twist the meaning so you will not have to face the truth.
You have never seen my post that says that I do not love my Lord for it does not exist. Your way off base Lon. Father and son are not one person, they are two and only one is God. Your a good servant of Satan as you distort and cloud what is plainly written in scripture. You have lost my respect, I know you car not about that.


Well-known member
:doh: This is talking about COMMUNION Keypurr! Good grief! LISTEN more, speak less. You are showing yourself ignorant! Do you even see that? How prideful are you that you cannot even listen!?
went right over your head.
Why should I listen to you?


Well-known member

Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: 3And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

Scripture says you're antichrist Keypurr.

What now?
If you understood my posts you would know that I know the true son of God came to dwell in the body prepared for IT.


Well-known member
Grow up, Keypurr, and stop acting like a petulant child.

The only one ignoring and twisting them is you. Moving the "only" around changes the meaning of the verse, and is heresy.


"The Father is the only true God"
"Only the Father is the (only) true God"

You want scripture to say the latter, but it says the former.

The former does not exclude the Son, Jesus, from being God. The latter does, which is why you want it to say the latter.

I don't want your meaningless platitudes.

I want you to repent of your heresy!


The Father does not, nor the Holy Spirit, have a body, spiritual or otherwise.
You will never see the truth. Let your church save you JR. Good luck.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
If you understood my posts you would know that I know the true son of God came to dwell in the body prepared for IT.
Did you look up in your Aramaic Bible in Plain English translation that you have Keypurr, 1st Corinthians 11:29 yet? I remind you, here is what it says:

For whoever eats and drinks from it being unworthy, eats and drinks a guilty verdict into his soul for not distinguishing the body of THE LORD JEHOVAH.​

So how do you read this verse, what "body" does it mean? The "body prepared for IT" you mention, or something else?


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You will never see the truth.

And by that you mean, "You will never see what I think is truth."

Unfortunately, Keypurr, I understand, see, comprehend, whatever word you want to use, PERFECTLY, what you believe. But regardless of what I believe, you ARE WRONG because it contradicts what the BIBLE says, which IS truth.

Let your church save you JR.

Only Christ saves, because He is God.

Good luck.

I don't need your platitudes, Keypurr, nor do I believe in luck.

Grow up and stop with the childish comebacks.


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Yes it does.


But you won't, because it DOES NOT SAY, "That they may know only You, the true God," nor does it say, "That they may know only You, the only true God."

Here's what it ACTUALLY SAYS!:

And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. - John 17:3

Stop trying to hide the truth.

No one here is hiding truth, Keypurr, besides you.

It says "...the only true God And.....".


But as RD said, that you seem to not comprehend, it DOES NOT SAY

"That they may know only You, the true God,"

Nor does it say,

"That they may know only You, the only true God."

Sugar coat it if you want but it is very plain for me to see.

Says the one who cannot understand the difference between

"That they may know only you, the true God,"
"That they may know only you, the only true God."

And what it actually says, which is
And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. - John 17:3