Calvinism, Catholicism, other religions, are a denial of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
"All things are of God, who has reconciled US, (you and me) to himself by Jesus Christ" 2 Corinthians 5:18.
If you have been reconciled to God by Jesus Christ, then why do you need Calvinism, Catholicism or any religion?
I don't get it. Why would you need to be predestinated if you have ALREADY been reconciled unto God by Jesus Christ? Why would you join the Catholic church or any religion if you have ALREADY been reconciled unto God by Jesus Christ?
Not only did Jesus reconcile us to God, he reconciled the whole world unto God.
"God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself" 2 Corinthians 5:19.
Farewell to religion and all of the other "isms". We have ALREADY been reconciled unto God by Jesus Christ.
Jesus, in our name and on our behalf has offered to God the Father a life of perfect obedience according to his Holy Law. It was his life that was lived for our justification, Romans 3:26.
Jesus, in our name and on our behalf has atoned for our sins and the sins of the whole world, 1 John 4:14.
If you believe those two statements, then you don't need any religion because you have been justified by faith and have peace with God, Romans 5:1.
If you don't believe those two statements, then you don't have the right to call yourself a Christian.
Calvinism, Catholicism, all religions are a denial of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To continue in them is to deny the saving work of Christ that was done in your name and on your behalf.
"Wherefore come out from among them and be separate unto me, saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you" 2 Corinthians 6:17.
"All things are of God, who has reconciled US, (you and me) to himself by Jesus Christ" 2 Corinthians 5:18.
If you have been reconciled to God by Jesus Christ, then why do you need Calvinism, Catholicism or any religion?
I don't get it. Why would you need to be predestinated if you have ALREADY been reconciled unto God by Jesus Christ? Why would you join the Catholic church or any religion if you have ALREADY been reconciled unto God by Jesus Christ?
Not only did Jesus reconcile us to God, he reconciled the whole world unto God.
"God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself" 2 Corinthians 5:19.
Farewell to religion and all of the other "isms". We have ALREADY been reconciled unto God by Jesus Christ.
Jesus, in our name and on our behalf has offered to God the Father a life of perfect obedience according to his Holy Law. It was his life that was lived for our justification, Romans 3:26.
Jesus, in our name and on our behalf has atoned for our sins and the sins of the whole world, 1 John 4:14.
If you believe those two statements, then you don't need any religion because you have been justified by faith and have peace with God, Romans 5:1.
If you don't believe those two statements, then you don't have the right to call yourself a Christian.
Calvinism, Catholicism, all religions are a denial of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To continue in them is to deny the saving work of Christ that was done in your name and on your behalf.
"Wherefore come out from among them and be separate unto me, saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you" 2 Corinthians 6:17.