You can't show from the book of Acts that the church was united in doctrine under Peter....
...In Christ they were united
I can show you a church in rome that has united over half of the christians
You can't show from the book of Acts that the church was united in doctrine under Peter....
...In Christ they were united
You mean the tridentines and the modernists, pre council post councilists, orthodox and charismatics
The homosexuals
The pro female anti female lobbyists....there are about 30,000 other splits in the RCC
They are united in lip only, there are as many [if not more] abortions carried out on RC women as anybody else, they use birth control.....they live like the devil
But there they are at mass .... united
.....somes follow Christ
where does that take you?
Where He is
....salvation is not an en masse affair but a personal, individual matter, God deals with us each one personally
Well Francis seems to think so....if they are nuns....I have a right to MY life too
we have a pope now
-we had one before him
-we have a list of popes going back to peter
If Peter was pope, surely there are scriptures that points to him being put in charge and showing him in charge.
No, you simply failed to heed the warning in Romans 11:25;
That verse has been twisted and a false doctrine built around it. For starters, if we look at the original Greek it was written in by the Holy Spirit "this rock" is feminine, Petra. Peter is always referred to as masculine as he should in any language, Petros. Therefore, "this rock" cannot be referring to Peter.
Let's assume for argument sake that "is" what the passage is saying. Where is the supporting proof?? Can you show me one single instance?
Jesus asked peter to feed His sheep
That's not putting him in charge. Again, this is a weak scripture to base a doctrine upon. This is before Pentecost, do we see Peter in charge after this?
Why do you think Jesus asked him three times if he loved him?
in the bible we have
-one flock
-one shepherd
-and Jesus is clearly the shepherd
-why would Jesus ask peter three times to feed His sheep?
-why would Jesus ask peter three times to feed His sheep?
AD 64 was 31 years after the Lord ascended and the Church began (at Pentecost in AD 33). According to tradition, Peter was older than the Lord was, so that would have him at older than 64 years old when he died. That's a good old age, don't you think?A careful reading of John 21 will show that Peter was not martyred as RCC mythology would have it but that he would die in a good old age...and we see in his letter that he did live to be very old
Isn't it also possible that the Lord's promise in Matthew 16:18 extended at least through the first century, if not much much later?The RCC has no history for this period only nose tells me that church history in the first hundred years has been "cleaned up"
....That is what usurpers do