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Surely mocking Jefferson doesn't count, it's not as if he's actually ever done any moderating or anything?What's up with a bunch of moral relativist/secular humanists mocking a TOL moderator with immunity?
Surely mocking Jefferson doesn't count, it's not as if he's actually ever done any moderating or anything?What's up with a bunch of moral relativist/secular humanists mocking a TOL moderator with immunity?
Surely mocking Jefferson doesn't count, it's not as if he's actually ever done any moderating or anything?lain:
I can see that you are still a bit miffed at being exposed to your nutty Islamic fundamentalist counterpart yesterday aCW so I'll try to make some allowances and be tolerant. :thumb:I'm curious Al: In this day of 'gay' pride, how come none of the boyz mocking Jefferson (even though you and Art Brain didn't mock him, I'm including you both in this question) will admit that they're practicing sodomites?
Gosh, it's not like being involved in an absolutely filthy disease ridden behavior that brings misery and early death is something to be ashamed of.
I can see that you are still a bit miffed at being exposed to your nutty Islamic fundamentalist counterpart yesterday aCW so I'll try to make some allowances and be tolerant. :thumb:
I'm curious Al: In this day of 'gay' pride, how come none of the boyz mocking Jefferson (even though you and Art Brain didn't mock him, I'm including you both in this question) will admit that they're practicing sodomites?
Gosh, it's not like being involved in an absolutely filthy disease ridden behavior that brings misery and early death is something to be ashamed of.
The saddest part isn't that this happened. No, the saddest thing is that it'll have no effect on him and he'll just do it all over again.
It's one thing to make a mistake and learn from it. It's something else entirely to make a mistake, scrub it from your memory, and repeat it.
Even if I were a practicing gay person ("sodomite") aCW then telling you all about it would probably be exactly what you want to hear all about, yuk, going by all the homoerotic salaciousness you eagerly trawl up from the internet.I'm curious Al: In this day of 'gay' pride, how come none of the boyz mocking Jefferson (even though you and Art Brain didn't mock him, I'm including you both in this question) will admit that they're practicing sodomites?