ThePhy said:
Let me make sure I understand what you are saying. There are several testimonies of Joseph Smith translating by putting a small brown stone in the crown of a felt hat he was holding and then putting his face into it and somehow thereby having the translated words of the Book of Mormon made known to him, which he then recited to a nearby scribe. But you insist that the veracity of those accounts somehow hinges on some definition of “honesty” that we must all sign on to first? You really can't assume that our collective understanding of "honesty" is sufficient for you to answer?
I've no issue with a collective view of things in general conversation, but you are getting back to the points on which you tried to pin a label of dishonesty previously without ever giving what you termed to be a definition of honesty. You did such, it seemed, so that you could bypass the fact that the presentations and relations of history offered in my faith match up with those taken by prophet's and divine authority as described in the Bible. You wished to appeal to an ambiguous and non-definative view of what constituted honesty and dishonesty without making it apparent that
if any person of faith grasped on to it (the same methodolgies you use to apply the label of 'dishonesty' or 'honesty') they would inherently be condemning the foundations of their own faith because they would be placing their own relations of God and his dealings as being definatively dishonest and thus refuting their own faith.
THAT is why I take pause and demand a clarification on a word or two, yet in all of our discourse through our dozens upon dozens of posts you've utterly refused to give a precise and exacting working definition of what, in your view, constitutes 'honesty' or 'dishonesty'. Rather you simply say 'it's what the majority of people think it is'. Such a tactic would get you no where in Physics. Give me a precise definition. I want to see exactly what you term honest and dishonest. Otherwise you're playing symantical smoke and mirrors.
You'll likely come back with some statement on how 'silly' it is that I would hold up answering over the definition of just one 'silly' word. Or you'll use the snowball falacy and say I'll never stop asking for definitions. Well if it's so 'silly' then why are you being so 'silly' in refusing to give one 'silly' definition? That's what's really silly. If your scared of me asking for more definitions then provide a more precise attempt at a definition and let the people judge if I go on endlessly asking for definitions or if my request is ill founded.
Or do we have to wait for someone else to ask you like we had to wait for before you would tell us much of anything at all about your personal experience with the LDS faith. I asked for it for a long time in many posts, yet the moment godrulz asked it you magically discovered a way to disclose it without revealing something that you thought I'd use to hunt you down with and do something terrible to you. For all that time you, in all your intellectual capacity, couldn't come up with a 'safe' way to do it untill 'rulz asked you. Will it be the same with a 'silly' definition? For one so ready to give proofs and QED you seem rather alienated from the idea of having important terms in an equation defined.
And for anyone that thinks this conversation sounds convoluted I'd reference to our exchanges from a while back. I believe the first link provided in my last post is one of several venues in which we spared and I believe the "'honest' definition" issue was present there if my memory serves me correctly.
It's also interesting how you will mention any postponement of an answer I give as a dodge yet you will not even touch many items in my posts, many of which are either questions or refutations. Am I to day you are dodging them?
And you were so defiant on the 'Hint and Run' label yet so ready to stick to the very practices that merit it.