It's All Buddha

Aussie Thinker


Aussie Thinker, I don't have children yet.

And I'm only 14. I'm still practicing my debating skills.

I did not realise I was dealing with a child… mind you I know plenty of 14 yo’s who do have adult opinions.. maybe you will get your own one day ?

I should pass my invective on to you parents or whoever it was who filled your head with inane hatred in the name of God.

You really need to wait until you have experienced life.. go and meet and talk to some homosexuals.. you will find (surprise surprise) that they are humans just like you with the same desires goals and needs.

Stop spouting your parents bigotry and learn for yourself.


You seemed to condone the bigotry others had posted but looking back you don’t outright condem.. so I guess an apology is order…

BTW you weren’t going to hell anyway.. pssst.. it doesn’t exist !


New member
Originally posted by Aussie Thinker


I did not realise I was dealing with a child… mind you I know plenty of 14 yo’s who do have adult opinions.. maybe you will get your own one day ?

I should pass my invective on to you parents or whoever it was who filled your head with inane hatred in the name of God.

You really need to wait until you have experienced life.. go and meet and talk to some homosexuals.. you will find (surprise surprise) that they are humans just like you with the same desires goals and needs.

Stop spouting your parents bigotry and learn for yourself.


You seemed to condone the bigotry others had posted but looking back you don’t outright condem.. so I guess an apology is order…

BTW you weren’t going to hell anyway.. pssst.. it doesn’t exist !

Aussie Thinker, I will do my best not to talk with a homo. :vomit:

Aussie Thinker


What is it that worries you so much about “homos” ?

I can only think of 1 thing.. they reduce the number of eligible men …lol..

I can remember when I was a bit homophobic in my youth a mate once said…

“Maaaate…Poofs (Aussie vernacular) are a good thing.. the more of them there are the more Chicks there are for us”…. that was good enough for me…lol

Seriously girl how can you judge homosexuals unless you talk to them.


King of the jungle
Super Moderator
Aussie Thinker said:
The brainless bigotry exhibited by her is truly frightening.

Fortunately for us the way she thinks is an anathema to NORMAL humans and we can laugh at her inanity. Unfortunately all humans no matter how stupid CAN breed. I hope for whatever God you believe in’s sake that she doesn’t.. mind you I have faith in human nature so I am sure her offspring would see through her inanities and bigotry and learn their own way through life.
What a hypocritical fool you are. You say she is bigoted but you, who call her and others here names, just because they believe differently than you, are not?

As for normal humans, you ought to do a little research before you spout off. The overwhelming majority of mankind does not accept the perversion of homosexuality, nor do they condone it.

And as for the ability for stupid to breed, you are living proof of that. I just hope you don’t so it won’t be passed on again.

And as for your faith in human nature, would that be the human nature of evolution? You know, survival of the fittest? Like Hitler and Stalin believed in? No thanks I’ll take the God nature that He has offered us.

Cut off in those days usually meant banished to starve or into slavery.. but regardless.. a punishment for sleeping with a Woman during her menstrual period is the most ridiculous, primitive load of rubbish I think I have EVER heard.
You really shouldn’t talk about things you obviously have no knowledge of. To be “cut off” meant to be put to death, in both the Old Testament and New. And if you can't even get that right you have zero chance of getting the symbolism of the prohibition against having relations during a woman’s cycle.

Gluttony is a FAR more evil thing to modern man than homosexuality.
Oh, so at least you do acknowledge that homosexuality is an evil thing.

Gluttons guzzle limited resources while 1/3 of the world starve, Gluttons overload the medical systems with their myriad of problems, Gluttons take up time and space with their gluttony…

Homosexuals have consensual sex with each other.. it affects NO ONE…

What about all the diseases heterosexuals get !

Jesus messages about life in general and love your fellow man, turn the other cheek and do unto others etc.. are completely LOST on you. If Jesus really was God (or son of) he would be sending YOU straight to HELL !

Here you prove yourself the human hater you really are. Gee what should we do with all the glutinous people in the world? Kill them, then the poor Earth won’t be overcrowded anymore.

What a fool!

And homos affect everyone with their horrid perversion. They go out and have sex and them come back and give it to their unsuspecting wives or girlfriends. Otherwise there wouldn’t be aids in the heterosexual culture at all. And don’t try the stupid drug, or blood transfusion bit, because it still all comes back to what you disgustingly refer to as “poofers.” Oh, and what did your stupid statement about all the diseases heterosexuals get, mean? Is there a heterosexual disease that homo’s don’t get? I don’t think so. Moron!

And Jesus is the one that said if a man lay with a man as with a woman he shall be put to death. His blood is on his own head. Because like it or not, Jesus is God. But hey, don’t take my word for it, wait till you die and then you will know.

I did not realise I was dealing with a child… mind you I know plenty of 14 yo’s who do have adult opinions.. maybe you will get your own one day ?

I should pass my invective on to you parents or whoever it was who filled your head with inane hatred in the name of God.
Wow, big bad man. You knew she was 14 this time and you still treat her like dirt and try and pervert her. I will gladly stand in judgment of you on Judgment day and help condemn you to hell for that. Your only hope is to repent to God and accept the gift of His Son, but I don’t find that likely.

You really need to wait until you have experienced life.. go and meet and talk to some homosexuals.. you will find (surprise surprise) that they are humans just like you with the same desires goals and needs.

Stop spouting your parents bigotry and learn for yourself.
Right, instead spout your kind of bigotry against Christians? Again you play the hypocrite.

As for going out to meet homos, why not tell her to go and talk with a nice pedophile too? Of course they are often the same thing.

And by what right do you try and take authority over her parents? What kind of sick thinking led you to do that?

You make me sick.

Shadow Maid, it is not your job to take on filth like this, I strongly advise you to have no further correspondence with this trash. You are not physically, emotionally, or spiritually mature enough for these types of battles. Practice debating with fellow Christians until you are older and more prepared to take on the garbage of the world.
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Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by One Eyed Jack

This doesn't carry the death sentence in the Bible. Did you even read the proof texts you offered?

Of course i read! I read them from my Estonian Bible, where some wording can be bit different than in this English version, but it still has translated from original Hebrew. It clearly tells me that having sex during menstruation period is wrong and should be punished with death. "Cut off" - "destroyed" (in Estonian Bible), what means should be killed.

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: It's All Buddha

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: It's All Buddha

Originally posted by Christine

No, but I believe it too be true.


I believe that Christine is child-molester. I do not have any facts, i just believe it.

How do you like this false accusation?

Maybe gluttons do hurt others, but God did not perscribe the death penalty for gluttony like he did for sodomy.

Nor has He perscribed death penalty for homos since NT. You can find this rule no where in NT that we should put homos to death. What you do find is that EVERYONE of us is worthy of death, because of our sins. Your sin is not smaller than the sins of homos, Christine.

:kookoo: What about AIDS, herpes, hepititis, and other diseases sodomites get?

And you think that heterosexuals dont have the same diseases? I dont even bother to ask you any facts to prove your claims, because you just decided to BELIEVE it. Good luck!

P.S. Do you ever have read what was the actual sin of those people who lived in Sodom? Care to quess? :chuckle:

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by Dread Helm

Law, but I believe punishable under Grace.

The same way as you just BELIEVE that mocking God could be also punishable under grace, you decided to BELIEVE that homosexuality deserves to be punished under Grace too.

You just believe :crackup:

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by Lion

You really shouldn’t talk about things you obviously have no knowledge of. To be “cut off” meant to be put to death, in both the Old Testament and New.

I hope One Eyed Jack reads it :thumb:

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by Lion

Shadow Maid, it is not your job to take on filth like this, I strongly advise you to have no further correspondence with this trash. You are not physically, emotionally, or spiritually mature enough for these types of battles. Practice debating with fellow Christians until you are older and more prepared to take on the garbage of the world.

So you suggest ShadowMaid to get more involved in ideology that supports HATRED AND LIES about homos, and when she grows up she can come even with bolder convictions how unhuman, devilish, and deep in sin homos are?

So you just suggest we should take one category of people and just bash them? Maybe you would like all homos put into concentration camp too so they would sent to gas chamber our of our face?

This is spreading hatred and looking away from other sins that are way more serious in the eyes of God IMO. :nono:


New member
originally posted by LionWow, big bad man. You knew she was 14 this time and you still treat her like dirt and try and pervert her. I will gladly stand in judgment of you on Judgment day and help condemn you to hell for that. Your only hope is to repent to God and accept the gift of His Son, but I don’t find that likely.
Actually Lion, I believe that one was directed at me. I'm 16, not 14, but thanks for jumping in. :)

Aussie Thinker


What a hypocritical fool you are. You say she is bigoted but you, who call her and others here names, just because they believe differently than you, are not?

People who advocate DEATH for others for consensual adult sexual preferences are bigoted.. I rail at THEIR view. There is no bigotry there.. Someone who complains about Nazis and the KKK are hardly bigoted toward them ?

As for normal humans, you ought to do a little research before you spout off. The overwhelming majority of mankind does not accept the perversion of homosexuality, nor do they condone it.

Homosexuality has been around since man first crawled out of the cave (before even.. animals do it too so it is obviously a natural urge for many).

And as for the ability for stupid to breed, you are living proof of that. I just hope you don’t so it won’t be passed on again.

Oh I have 3 fine children my son just got elected school captain. And you know what… he thinks homosexuals are just other humans. My others wont grow up bigoted about ANYONE !

And as for your faith in human nature, would that be the human nature of evolution? You know, survival of the fittest? Like Hitler and Stalin believed in? No thanks I’ll take the God nature that He has offered us.

I’ll take the natural empathy man has for his fellow man. The ONLY moral guide that exists that is not tainted with religious mumbo jumbo. Hitler mentioned God a LOT in his speeches.

You really shouldn’t talk about things you obviously have no knowledge of. To be “cut off” meant to be put to death, in both the Old Testament and New. And if you can't even get that right you have zero chance of getting the symbolism of the prohibition against having relations during a woman’s cycle.

You better talk to OEJ then he seems to think it didn’t mean Death either. So you do advocate death for the horrific crime of sleeping with a woman who is menstruating??? You belong in the dark ages.

Oh, so at least you do acknowledge that homosexuality is an evil thing.

No.. gluttony is MORE evil.. homosexuality is not at all and gluttony is a little bit evil !

Here you prove yourself the human hater you really are. Gee what should we do with all the glutinous people in the world? Kill them, then the poor Earth won’t be overcrowded anymore.

Sounds like you eat a bit too much. I NEVER advocated killing .. that is your type of agenda.. I merely said on a scale of thing gluttony is worse than homosexuality

What a fool!

[Bart Simpson Mode] You are .. but what about me..

And homos affect everyone with their horrid perversion. They go out and have sex and them come back and give it to their unsuspecting wives or girlfriends. Otherwise there wouldn’t be aids in the heterosexual culture at all. And don’t try the stupid drug, or blood transfusion bit, because it still all comes back to what you disgustingly refer to as “poofers.” Oh, and what did your stupid statement about all the diseases heterosexuals get, mean? Is there a heterosexual disease that homo’s don’t get? I don’t think so. Moron!

Oh you are going over the top with your stupidity here…

I would say it was BI-sexuals that go from male partners to female partners.
Aids was a heterosexual disease spread throughout Africa where it remains so.
Homosexuals are more susceptible to catching it because like Africans they have a culture of many sexual partners etc.

And Jesus is the one that said if a man lay with a man as with a woman he shall be put to death. His blood is on his own head. Because like it or not, Jesus is God. But hey, don’t take my word for it, wait till you die and then you will know.

Well I hunted the KJV for 30 minutes but could not find Jesus saying this.. please point me to it.. Sad I may have to change my opinion of the man !

Wow, big bad man. You knew she was 14 this time and you still treat her like dirt and try and pervert her.

I deliberately toned down when I found out her age.. however it is even MORE important at that age that she gets a balanced view on life .. I speak of tolerance you speak of DEATH for homosexuals and people who sleep with menstrual women.. who is PERVERTED !

I will gladly stand in judgment of you on Judgment day and help condemn you to hell for that. Your only hope is to repent to God and accept the gift of His Son, but I don’t find that likely.

Haha.. if there is a God it is you and your Ilk he would condemn.. I can just see it now.. you sentenced them to Death for THAT ???.. Are you an idiot ?

Right, instead spout your kind of bigotry against Christians? Again you play the hypocrite.

Everyone I Know and love are Christians.. not your perverted fundamental death dealing type Christians.. ones who honestly love their fellow man regardless of preferences.

As for going out to meet homos, why not tell her to go and talk with a nice pedophile too? Of course they are often the same thing.

You are one sick puppy.. you KNOW there is NO link between Homosexuals and Pedophiles.. In fact almost ALL pedophiles are heterosexuals.. you HAVE to link them to some sick perversion to maintain your hatred of them.. you need help.

And by what right do you try and take authority over her parents? What kind of sick thinking led you to do that?

If her parents have promoted the bigotry she has then they need help too. A balanced view is always helpful. The poor girl will grow up and realize homosexuals are just people like me and you and then what.. hate herself for hating them .. hate her parents for promoting the bigotry.. better that she learns something about real life NOW

You make me sick.

The feeling is quite mutual.

Shadow Maid, it is not your job to take on filth like this, I strongly advise you to have no further correspondence with this trash. You are not physically, emotionally, or spiritually mature enough for these types of battles. Practice debating with fellow Christians until you are older and more prepared to take on the garbage of the world.

Yet she is physically, emotionally, or spiritually mature enough to HATE homosexuals enough without KNOWING any to want them to all be executed.. You have a demented way of thinking.

Cyrus of Persia

New member
Originally posted by Aussie Thinker

Well I hunted the KJV for 30 minutes but could not find Jesus saying this.. please point me to it.. Sad I may have to change my opinion of the man !

Actually there is NO written record that Jesus EVER said so (not in canonical Gospels, nor in non-canonical Gospels as far as i have read them). But fundies love to think that if something was written in Jewish Law, then it was spoken by Jesus himself, methinks. They take it as safe-line to keep their ill-willed doctrines and approve anything they want with twisting scriptures and ascribing to Jesus whatever words they like. :help:


New member
1 Kings 14:24
And there were also sodomites in the land: and they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the LORD cast out before the children of Israel.

1 Kings 15:12
And he banished the sodomites from the land, and removed all the idols that his fathers had made.

1 Kings 22:46
And the remnant of the sodomites, which remained in the days of his father Asa, he removed from the land.

1 Corinthians 6:9
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals,

1 Timothy 1:10
and immoral men and homosexuals and kidnappers and liars and perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound teaching,

1 Thessalonians 4:3
For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality;

Nothing AGAINST Homos in the Bible, huh?


New member
Originally posted by Aussie Thinker
People who advocate DEATH for others for consensual adult sexual preferences are bigoted.. I rail at THEIR view. There is no bigotry there.. Someone who complains about Nazis and the KKK are hardly bigoted toward them ?
Nah no bigotry there. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Aussie Thinker

Homosexuality has been around since man first crawled out of the cave (before even.. animals do it too so it is obviously a natural urge for many).
I'd Really Like to see some proof for that. :chuckle:
Originally posted by Aussie Thinker

Oh I have 3 fine children my son just got elected school captain. And you know what… he thinks homosexuals are just other humans. My others wont grow up bigoted about ANYONE !

Boy I'd be embarassed at my kids if that happened. Reminds me of the Bumper sticker "My Kid bead up your honor student". That's what happens when your kid gets effeminant. :nono:

Originally posted by Aussie Thinker

No.. gluttony is MORE evil.. homosexuality is not at all and gluttony is a little bit evil !

Originally posted by Aussie Thinker

Aids was a heterosexual disease spread throughout Africa where it remains so.
Homosexuals are more susceptible to catching it because like Africans they have a culture of many sexual partners etc.

It's called recriminalize Bestiality, Adultery, and Homosexuality, and reinstate, celebacy until marriage, beetween a man and a woman.

Originally posted by Aussie Thinker

I deliberately toned down when I found out her age.. however it is even MORE important at that age that she gets a balanced view on life .. I speak of tolerance you speak of DEATH for homosexuals and people who sleep with menstrual women.. who is PERVERTED !
I'm 12 so keep it down ;)

QUOTE]Originally posted by Aussie Thinker

Haha.. if there is a God it is you and your Ilk he would condemn.. I can just see it now.. you sentenced them to Death for THAT ???.. Are you an idiot ? [/Quote] No I think you are and if you don't repent you will burn in hellfire for eternity.

Originally posted by Aussie Thinker

Everyone I Know and love are Christians.. not your perverted fundamental death dealing type Christians.. ones who honestly love their fellow man regardless of preferences.
Then you wouldn't like Jesus cause he called people names, was mean, and FUFILLED the Law (which was mean). But I agree maybe we do emphasize this too much. He was also kind and loving, but was NOT the effeminate, love everyone no matter what, girly-Jesus. He was a true man.

Originally posted by Aussie Thinker

You are one sick puppy.. you KNOW there is NO link between Homosexuals and Pedophiles.. In fact almost ALL pedophiles are heterosexuals.. you HAVE to link them to some sick perversion to maintain your hatred of them.. you need help.
Again check your studies , facts, and resources. If you have any, :chuckle:

Originally posted by Aussie Thinker

If her parents have promoted the bigotry she has then they need help too. A balanced view is always helpful. The poor girl will grow up and realize homosexuals are just people like me and you and then what.. hate herself for hating them .. hate her parents for promoting the bigotry.. better that she learns something about real life NOW
College Student: "I've learned to think for myself..." Christian: "Who told you to do that?" College Student: "My Proffesor" :kookoo:
You need to learn something.
Originally posted by Aussie Thinker

Yet she is physically, emotionally, or spiritually mature enough to HATE homosexuals enough without KNOWING any to want them to all be executed.. You have a demented way of thinking.
And the boy that was raped by a Homo Priest and later commited suicide, you would say was not physically, emotionally, or spiritually mature enough to HATE homosexuals enough without KNOWING any to want them to all be executed. I think YOU have a demented way of thinking. :nono: :shocked: :freak:


New member
Lets borrow a parable…

"Two men went up into a little church chapel to pray, one a committed Christian and the other a practicing homosexual "The Committed Christian stood and was praying this to himself: 'God, I thank You that I am not like other people: secular humanists, pro choice advocates, adulterers, or even like this practicing homosexual. 'I have my morning quiet time; I pay tithes of all that I earn.'

"But the practicing homosexual, standing some distance away, was even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven, but was praying quietly, 'God, be merciful to me, the sinner!'

Who went away justified before God that day?

Grace and Peace


New member
Originally posted by BChristianK

Lets borrow a parable…

"Two men went up into a little church chapel to pray, one a committed Christian and the other a practicing homosexual "The Committed Christian stood and was praying this to himself: 'God, I thank You that I am not like other people: secular humanists, pro choice advocates, adulterers, or even like this practicing homosexual. 'I have my morning quiet time; I pay tithes of all that I earn.'

"But the practicing homosexual, standing some distance away, was even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven, but was praying quietly, 'God, be merciful to me, the sinner!'

Who went away justified before God that day?

Grace and Peace

The Sinner, but he should still pay the price for his actions, even if he repented and stopped his evil. The sinner, if he believes, will live in heaven, but should still be executed. Was that supposed to be a trick question? :chuckle:


New member
Originally posted by BChristianK

Lets borrow a parable…
"The Committed Christian stood and was praying this to himself: 'God, I thank You that I am not like other people: secular humanists, pro choice advocates, adulterers, or even like this practicing homosexual. 'I have my morning quiet time; I pay tithes of all that I earn.'
Sounds like the Christian was a legalist. :chuckle:


New member
Originally posted by Dread Helm

The Sinner, but he should still pay the price for his actions, even if he repented and stopped his evil. The sinner, if he believes, will live in heaven, but should still be executed. Was that supposed to be a trick question? :chuckle:

Ah, he should still pay the price for his actions.

Ok, lets use another bibical character, David.

What was David's sin with bathsheba?

What was the Levitical penalty for that Sin?

Did David suffer the penalty for that sin?
