Its A Sin To Try To Stop Someone From Preaching or Witnessing

The Horn

Christians don't find me "annoying ". I never go up to them on the street and tell them they should abandon Christianity because I don't believe in it and that they should become either atheists or agnostics . I don't even say this to my FRIENDS who are Christians !
I never condemn anyone merely for being a Christian . I don't want to be rude and disrespectful to people for any reason . I often criticize people on this forum, but not for being Christians . I criticize them for saying things which I consider to be stupid , irrational or nasty . And I don't mind of people here tell me off if they don't like what I say here . I believe in freedom of religion and freedom of speech .


Christians don't find me "annoying ". I never go up to them on the street and tell them they should abandon Christianity because I don't believe in it and that they should become either atheists or agnostics . I don't even say this to my FRIENDS who are Christians !
I never condemn anyone merely for being a Christian . I don't want to be rude and disrespectful to people for any reason . I often criticize people on this forum, but not for being Christians . I criticize them for saying things which I consider to be stupid , irrational or nasty . And I don't mind of people here tell me off if they don't like what I say here . I believe in freedom of religion and freedom of speech .

I said
How much different is it for Christians to annoy you on the street. To you annoying Christians on a Christian forum board.

The Horn

Have I ever told anyone here they shouldn't be a Christian and ridiculed their Christian faith ? NO. I only criticize them for WHAT they say . And believe me, I would criticize Muslims too, if I were on a Muslim forum. Not for b ing Muslim but for their stupid attitudes .


Have I ever told anyone here they shouldn't be a Christian and ridiculed their Christian faith ? NO. I only criticize them for WHAT they say . And believe me, I would criticize Muslims too, if I were on a Muslim forum. Not for b ing Muslim but for their stupid attitudes .

stupid attitudes .

I said
I'm sure they look at you the same way.


Get your armor ready!
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Heckling the hecklers is impolite.


that's what hecklers getting.

I said
Yes but I do feel sorry for them, they have such a large inferiority complex. Their usually people that cant make friends, sit around all day long by themselves. Hate themselves. But on the internet they can be noticed. And that's all they really want. Their usually very stupid. That why they cant discuss the bible with any true understanding.


Well-known member
I don't think Jesus ever tried to force anyone to listen to his preaching. But everything was so vastly different in his time. And in his native Palestine, everybody except the occupying Romans was Jewish .
Would you like a Muslim on the street to try to convert you to Islam ? Or a follower of other religions ? By just approaching you on the street or ringing your doorbell at home ?
America is the most religiously diverse nation which has ever existed on earth . There are followers of just about every religion in existence as well as millions of atheists and agnostics, as well as people who just don't follow any religion in particular .
We're all in it together and we should not try to impose our faith on others. If someone wants to convert to Christianity, fine. But at least try to show some discretion , please.
I don't go up to strangers , ask them if they're Christian and if they say yes, I don't tell them they should stop being Christians and become atheists or agnostics . And I don't make disparaging remarks to Christians about their religion . This is extremely rude and insensitive .
To be honest, it wouldn't bother me who was preaching on the streets, if it was good I'd listen, if I didn't agree I would talk to them after and discuss things with them. Whoever they are, and whatever they believe in. I've done this before.

And it wouldn't bother me who knocked on my door either, Jesus said that we must always be ready. I've had mormans, Jehovah's witnesses etc. knocking at my door. I bring them in and talk to them about God. It's great to talk about God and his word, I love it. I'll talk to anyone at anytime. And anyone is welcome in my home. Whoever knocks can come in, imagine if I didn't answer and that person was in need, not just of material things but of spiritual things and I never opened my door? Either way I would have failed God.

I couldn't turn people away, it's a blessing to get a chance to talk to anyone about God, and God has given me a mouth to do so, so it would be a sin for me not to share his word.


Well-known member
Squeaky, I'm not "judging " these Christians. I just find them very annoying .
Can I ask in what way are you a secular agnostic Jew? How can you be of the Jewish faith but be a secular agnostic? What do you believe in?



To be honest, it wouldn't bother me who was preaching on the streets, if it was good I'd listen, if I didn't agree I would talk to them after and discuss things with them. Whoever they are, and whatever they believe in. I've done this before.

And it wouldn't bother me who knocked on my door either, Jesus said that we must always be ready. I've had mormans, Jehovah's witnesses etc. knocking at my door. I bring them in and talk to them about God. It's great to talk about God and his word, I love it. I'll talk to anyone at anytime. And anyone is welcome in my home. Whoever knocks can come in, imagine if I didn't answer and that person was in need, not just of material things but of spiritual things and I never opened my door? Either way I would have failed God.

I couldn't turn people away, it's a blessing to get a chance to talk to anyone about God, and God has given me a mouth to do so, so it would be a sin for me not to share his word.

I said
Bless you