It's a PLUS that Walker doesn't hve college degree!


New member
Hall of Fame
Ah yes, the merits of mediocrity...

Expecting and or hoping politicians are as stupid, ignorant, and uneducated as possible explains a lot. It's also pathetic commentary on the American people.

Walker's basically been freeloading off Wisconsin taxpayers since 1993. He's a politician because he literally doesn't know how to do anything else.


New member
Hall of Fame
And you know this because?

Because he's "served" the people of Wisconsin since '93. The guy's basically a parasite, like most career politicians. He's barely worked in the private sector since dropping out of college.


New member
It's a PLUS that Walker doesn't hve college degree!

Ignorance is a right! Education is eroding one of the few democratic freedoms remaining to us.
- Christopher Andreae

Conservatives demand their "democratic" right to remain "ignorant!"

I would prefer Walker had a college degree.

But I will add I'm not naive - the rich and/or influential and/or powerful can work hard to get those college degrees - Oh, I don't mean the kids -
I mean the families.

Teachers themselves can push students through.

C'mon, be honest, Liberals! College is not a moral high ground, is it?


New member
An education is unnecessary for puppets. You only have to mouth the words of the guy whose hand is up your back.

The Barbarian

There are guys who have the ability to get a good education on their own. Walker isn't one of them.

He's a con man, as you can see, touting the "great things" his plan has done for Wisconsin, even as the state lags behind in jobs, wages, and economic development.

What he's selling has always failed. It never works.


New member
I found college to be the most single boring thing I ever endured for a while in my entire life. After about 2-3 weeks I had read and understood all the curriculum and could have taken the final and any other tests the teacher wanted us to take.... but I was forced to sit through the same repetitive drek for another 2-3 months before I could get credit and move on.

In the end, I left full time college and continued taking courses at multiple colleges depending on the reputation of the teacher and its applicability to my career path... it saved me a ton of money and I truly believe I have succeeded far beyond what I would have achieved had I sat through the remaining years of being a full time student bored out of my skull.

My favorite teacher of all time was a Fortran-77 teacher that gave me an A+ on my first test after about 2 weeks in class, with a note to see him after class... he asked why I was there and I said just for the credit.... He said I got a 4.0 in the class and I didn't have to show up again unless I wanted to help with the rest of the students in the labs.

He eventually got me a temporary job where he works when I needed work.... best teacher ever.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
There are guys who have the ability to get a good education on their own. Walker isn't one of them.

He's a con man, as you can see, touting the "great things" his plan has done for Wisconsin, even as the state lags behind in jobs, wages, and economic development.

What he's selling has always failed. It never works.

what do you expect from a liberal?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Weird you would say that being that Republicans screamed about wanting to see Obama's transcripts.

Wrong. We want to see his college records and papers written, as well as financing paperwork. I want to know why he claimed he was Kenyan prior to 2007.


Because he's "served" the people of Wisconsin since '93. The guy's basically a parasite, like most career politicians. He's barely worked in the private sector since dropping out of college.

eisenhower never worked in the private sector after he started college

was ike a parasite?


New member
Yeah, stupid education. Having no degree is good. It's like "regular" people. Stupid arugula. Overrated.

It amazes me actually seeing the people here with anti-education sentiments.

it's amazing u think a person is uneducated just b/c he has no degree. I've probably read 3 times the nonfiction u have

i can tell by some of your posts that you are probably not all that... well read



New member
There are well-educated people without a college degree. Harry Truman was not a college graduate, but was a voracious reader and very well-informed. More importantly, he did not resent people with degrees. Unfortunately, this doesn't apply to Walker.

People often think of con men as being very intelligent, but most of them are of normal to lower intelligence. They are just proficient at misdirection and hiding their objectives. Hence, they often are tripped up on things a reasonably intelligent person would not be. An example is Walker being conned into thinking a telephone prankster was his patron David Koch, and admitting that he had considered planting trouble makers in protests against him.

A more disturbing example of his resentment against educated people, and his failure to think was his recent attempt to subvert the mission the University of Wisconsin.

The Wisconsin Idea is a philosophy embraced by the University of Wisconsin System (UW System), which holds that research conducted at the University of Wisconsin System should be applied to solve problems and improve health, quality of life, the environment, and agriculture for all citizens of the state.

The "Wisconsin Idea" had been part of the university system for over a hundred years. Walker wanted to remove the statement from the university mission, and replace it with a mission to train students for jobs in businesses.

The university protested, and was told the decision was "not up for debate." Then it went public, and Walker quickly backpedaled, first .

sorry but this doesn't make a lot of sense.

you libs... always making claims, never providing any solid proof of said c laims..

you just throw out any old words... and expect people to see your point...

well, i don't see you have made your point... not at all...

how does any of that prove Walker doesn't like education or is resentful of college degreed people?


outa here


Hall of Fame
it's amazing u think a person is uneducated just b/c he has no degree. I've probably read 3 times the nonfiction u have

i can tell by some of your posts that you are probably not all that... well read

Did you just accuse another poster of not being well educated? Seriously?

Perhaps in your grade school, punctuation, grammar and spelling were meaningless.


New member
sorry but this doesn't make a lot of sense.

you libs... always making claims, never providing any solid proof of said c laims..

you just throw out any old words... and expect people to see your point...

well, i don't see you have made your point... not at all...

how does any of that prove Walker doesn't like education or is resentful of college degreed people?


outa here
You honestly didn't see the link? He didn't write it; it was a copy and paste.

it's amazing u think a person is uneducated just b/c he has no degree. I've probably read 3 times the nonfiction u have

i can tell by some of your posts that you are probably not all that... well read

RCs favirite nonfiction authors:

Charles Krauthammer
Sean Hannity
Rick Santorum
Paul Ryan
Karl Rove
Sarah Palin
Ann Coulter
Dr. Seuss
Glenn Beck
Rush Limbaugh
Bill O'Reilly

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I knew someone who went to college and she became a different person, and it was NOT (imo) a good change. I'm sure most would agree with me. I can't put into words how she changed, but the words "lost her innocence" seem to work, although I am not talking about losing her virginity... She's been married to one man for years and years now. She met him in college and he seems to be a good guy, but my point is that college doesn't always change u for the better.. I think this person actually became a snob of sorts... and etc... (If that were all it were, i may not be complaining but again, words fail in describing the change..)
Maybe what changed was the way you saw her. Maybe both of you changed and the combination soured one or both of you. I had a great old Jesuit professor who told us, "If you leave this institution fundamentally unaltered you've wasted someone's money and your time." If the change makes you waste time on worrying about who is superior then you learned the wrong lesson (using the general you as opposed to "you"). :)

I am glad Walker didn't get a college degree. That means more Americans are going to be able to relate to him. A lot of regular folks didn't get a degree either, 4 one reason or another...
A lot of regular people have DUI convictions too...or, I think identification is a good thing, but it should be for a good reason, don't you think?