It not about a "gun culture," but a "death culture."


New member
An estimated 8,250,914 (95% confidence interval [CI] 7,149,074-9,352,755) knife-related injuries were treated in US EDs from 1990 to 2008, averaging 434,259 (95% CI 427,198-441,322) injuries annually, or 1190 per day. (Source)

An estimated 34 485 (95% confidence interval [CI], 25 225-43 745) persons (6.7 per 100 000 population; 95% CI, 4.9-8.5) were treated for unintentional, nonfatal firearm-related injuries in US emergency departments during the 2-year study period. (Source)​

What more evidence do I need to prove my claim?
I also want to point out that if you do prove your point that knives cause more non-criminal damage and injuries, it isn't related to the OP and doesn't apply. The statistics, in regards to criminal activity, are against you and you know it. Despite what ever strawmen you present. Knock yourself out.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
The 21 foot rule does not apply if you are drawing a weapon on an unaware target.

Okay...And keeping with your new discovery we have also established that action will always beat reaction.

Was that your point?...because if you attack someone with a knife when they are meandering about and not paying attention you will have a similar outcome.


New member
Hall of Fame
I don't understand why you're even bringing this up. The instances of accidental death occurring because a child picks up a knife is virtually zero. And 12% isn't particularly relevant when guns account for 70%. It's not like anyone is going to say, "Look! They're nearly equivalent!"

Thats a disingenuous statistic, because suicides are included in it, in fact most of that number is comprised of suicides.

Which kills more people: gun homicides or gun suicides?

Answer: Suicides, by a long shot.


I cited motherjones for you, since you most likely like that source.

PS here is a bonus where you can see where most of the problem lies

Which demographic has the highest gun homicide rate?

Answer: Young black males, by a long shot. The first chart shows the age breakdown for men in 2012; the second shows the same for women. Firearm homicide death rates peak among black men and women ages 20 to 24. But note the difference in scale: Among black males that age, the rate is nearly 90 deaths per 100,000 people, while for black females, the rate is about 7 deaths per 100,000.

Heres a nytimes article on it too: (that most US gun deaths are because of suicide, by a huge margin)

Gun Deaths Are Mostly Suicides


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
An estimated 8,250,914 (95% confidence interval [CI] 7,149,074-9,352,755) knife-related injuries were treated in US EDs from 1990 to 2008, averaging 434,259 (95% CI 427,198-441,322) injuries annually, or 1190 per day. (Source)

An estimated 34 485 (95% confidence interval [CI], 25 225-43 745) persons (6.7 per 100 000 population; 95% CI, 4.9-8.5) were treated for unintentional, nonfatal firearm-related injuries in US emergency departments during the 2-year study period. (Source)​

What more evidence do I need to prove my claim?

There is an apple and oranges comparison for you.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Thats a disingenuous statistic, because suicides are included in it, in fact most of that number is comprised of suicides.

I cited motherjones for you, since you most likely like that source.

PS here is a bonus where you can see where most of the problem lies

Heres a nytimes article on it too: (that most US gun deaths are because of suicide, by a huge margin)

Gun Deaths Are Mostly Suicides

i suspect this will be ignored, just as it always is


Well-known member
It's amazing how he continuously dodges that little detail. :chuckle:

I haven't dodged it. See the OP. It's just not relevant to the point you keep dodging, that more murders are committed with knives than with rifles and shotguns combined.


New member
Hall of Fame
It's amazing how he continuously dodges that little detail. :chuckle:

Its true, if you take suicides out of the number of gun deaths (unfortunately since suicide is deemed self murder and included as part of violent gun deaths - you get a false stat), the largest number of murders are committed using knives. Then after that, its called "personal weapon" which means using fists, hands, feet, etc. by assult to death.

*suicide isnt homicide*


Well-known member
More murders are committed with guns, specifically handguns. The percentage of murders committed with all types of guns in 2014 was 69%. Knives accounted for 12% of the murders. However, more murders were committed with knives than with rifles and shotguns combined. Handguns were used more than knives.


New member
More murders are committed with guns, specifically handguns. The percentage of murders committed with all types of guns in 2014 was 69%. Knives accounted for 12% of the murders. However, more murders were committed with knives than with rifles and shotguns combined. Handguns were used more than knives.
Thank you, it only took you 19 pages, countless fallacies, dozens of strawmen, and about 10 incorrect interpretations of statistics for you finally arrive at the only point that really matters.


New member
Hall of Fame
Thank you, it only took you 19 pages, countless fallacies, dozens of strawmen, and about 10 incorrect interpretations of statistics for you finally arrive at the only point that really matters.

What point, those handgun stats are overwhelmingly suicides, when you remove those, it changes everything up real fast.