True.The Hebrews viewed the past as before them and the future as behind them,
They saw the future as something real, but unseen (thus behind them, because you cannot see what's behind you).
The future was a hope, unseen/unrealized as yet.
Unseen because it has not happened yet.
They viewed the past as in front of them because you can see/realize what has already happened.
It doesn't have anything to do with future tense or past tense.
What happened in the past is still past tense, and what happens in the future is still future tense.
The only thing that makes the future seem present is that you can be guaranteed of the future happening as if it already happened because it cannot be altered.
It's just as true now as it will be in the future.
Thus you can claim it is a done deal, even though the deal has not yet been ratified.
Abraham was promised the land he was walking upon.
Upon his death, he had not inherited all the land promised to him.
It's fulfillment is still pending, but guaranteed.