Israel (the modern country)

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

In perhaps the most surreal news since Hamas entered Israel on October 7th, slaughtering 1,400 people, it was revealed on Wednesday that multiple "photojournalists" accompanied the terrorists as they attacked.

As RedState reported, multiple "photojournalists" who were contracted by outlets like CNN and the Associated Press, posted pictures of themselves riding into Israel with Hamas. In some instances, actual Israeli hostages can be seen. Their presence alone raised a myriad of questions surrounding what these "photojournalists" knew about the timing of the attack. Obviously, they had prior knowledge, otherwise, they wouldn't have known to be there. Instead of reporting what was going to happen to those who could prevent it, they happily participated.

Perhaps more disturbing was the possibility that the U.S. news organizations they were working for knew what was going on. On that front, both the AP and CNN put out statements categorically denying they were told what was going to happen. They also severed ties with the "photojournalists" in question.

To be clear, when I say "participated," that's exactly what looks to have occurred. One picture, uploaded by one of the "photojournalists" to his own Facebook page, shows him actually holding a grenade.



Gary K

New member
"Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f(oul) things up"

Hussein Soetoro
This is only going to get worse. The more the US and Israel push Hezbollah, Hamas and Iran the more our troops there are going to be attacked and the more likely Hamas and Hezbollah are to come across the southern border and kill US citizens. And the more likely Israel is going to lose this war as the world is turning against us politically for we are morally in the wrong. More than 10,000 civilians have died already. We lost 4500 soldiers in WW2 in 4 years during all out war to put this in context.

No Arab leaders would even meet with the secretary of state and are not returning Biden's phone calls. Even Netanyahu snubbed the SOS. He had to come out of the meeting alone so the meeting did not go well,

Gary K

New member
I have no idea

8000 =/= "more than 10,000
Amazing. According to an Israeli newspaper the IDF has killed 8000 civilians and you shrug your shoulders and cast doubt on their reporting. That's 8000 old men. women and children in 22 days. That's 363+ per day. If you do the math that's well over 10,000 casualties by now. And you call yourself a Christian? It's no wonder Scott Ritter has the attitude he does and says Islam is a religion of peace compared to Christianity.

It's no wonder with those kinds of civilian casualties Brazil has accused Israel of war crimes and several other South American countries have, who are normally staunch supporters of Israel, condemned them and multiple nations around the world have broken off diplomatic ties with Israel some going so far as to tell Israeli ambassadors to go home or stay home. That's normally the last step before declaring war.
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